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30 Maret 2014

Auckland Where To Go: Face Pie

Tidak ada hal yang spesial dengan kue pie ini. Hanya saja sebagian pie tersenyum, sebagian mengerenyit, serta beragam ekspresi lainnya seperti emoticon.

Nothing special from this pie. Some are "smiling", some showing different expressions, just like emoticons.

Pie Face adalah franchise yang berawal dari Manhattan, US. Kini, di Auckland sudah terdapat tiga toko kue pie yang membuat anda tersenyum saat melihatnya.

Pie Face is a pie franchise started from its first shop in Manhattan, US. Now Face Pie is already have three chains in Auckland.

Tidak ada yang spesial dengan toko pie ini. Hanya saja saya senang duduk di dalamnya, menikmati kue pie yang tersenyum pada saya, sambil melihat lalu lalang manusia yang melintas di pusat kota Auckland, New Zealand ini.

Nothing special with this pie shop. I just having myself sitting there, enjoying the pie which is smiling to me, while seeing people passing by in downtown Auckland, New Zealand.

Strolling Auckland
The smiling pie
Terkadang, tidak perlu hal spesial untuk menyukai sesuatu, termasuk face pie di central Auckland ini. See the smiling pie? There's nothing special about it ;)

Sometimes, it doesn't have to be something special that caught your eyes or to like something. Just like this face pie in central Auckland. See the smiling pie? There's nothing special about it ;)

@marischkaprue - wake up with the smile on her face

  • Pie Face terletak di: 18 Shortland St, Auckland, New Zealand atau di 350 Queen St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand. Phone +64 09 377 6963.
  • Pie Face located at 18 Shortland St, Auckland, New Zealand or at 350 Queen St, Auckland CBD, New Zealand. Phone +64 09 377 6963.
  • Opening hours: 6.30 am hingga 9 pm (Minggu hingga Selasa), 24 jam pada hari Rabu hingga Sabtu.
  • Opening hours: 6.30 am to 9 pm (Sunday to Tuesday), 24 hours on Wednesday to Saturday.
  • Harga pie mulai dari 3,5 NZD (New Zealand Dollar) 
  • Price started from 3,5 NZD (New Zealand Dollar)

26 Maret 2014

On Wheel: Singapore Flyer

Anda pergi ke Singapura untuk berbelanja saja? Sebagian orang mungkin menikmati Singapura sebagai surga belanja dan hanya berbelanja. Namun, anda tidak perlu mengabiskan waktu seharian berbelanja. Sesekali cobalah melihat pemandangan langit dan kota Singapura dari ketinggian.

You go to Singapore for what? Shopping? shopping? and shopping? Well, some are but you don't have to spend all your day to spend money and bring shopping bags. Why don't you enjoy time seeing skyline and the city itself from the top?

Singapore Flyer adalah roda observasi terbesar di dunia, dengan "kapsul" dimana kita dapat masuk dan melihat sekeliling Singapura. Dengan tinggi 165 meter, Singapore Flyer bahkan mengalahkan London Eye yang "hanya" setinggi 135 meter. Singapore Flyer dengan mudah terlihat setiap kali anda datang ke Singapura. Terletak di Marina Bay, melihat dari ketinggian di titik ini adalah menikmati bangunan pencakar langit Singapura yang dinamis.

Singapore Flyer is the world's largest giant observation wheel. Towering 165 metres above the sky, it even taller than London Eye which "only" 135 metres. Located in the area you will see everytime you came to Singapore, which is Marina Bay, Singapore flyer give the wide view from the centre of the dinamic Singapore buildings area.

Sebelum tulisan di sini tampak seperti brosur, lebih baik anda mengetahui apa yang dapat dilakukan di sini. Cara paling murah untuk menikmati Singapore Flyer adalah dengan masuk dan menikmati pemandangan. Anda memerlukan biaya sekitar Rp.300 ribu untuk dewasa, atau Rp.195 ribu untuk anak anak.

Before I might sound like a brochure, better tell you about what you can do on this wheel. The cheapest way to enjoy Singapore Flyer is by hopping in and just enjoy the view, it became an observatory area where you can see lots of view of Singapore. This will cost you SGD 33 (Singapore dollar) or SGD 21 for children.
Patrick enjoying the view, and the drinks! :)

Jika anda punya budget lebih, anda dapat masuk ke kapsul yang khusus dimana tersedia champagne selama anda melihat sekeliling. Di kapsul ini juga terdapat kursi yang lebih nyaman dan lebih private. Namun anda perlu menyiapkan sekitar Rp. 641 ribu per orang. Anda pun bahkan dapat menikmati makan malam di sini dengan harga Rp. 2,5 juta. Apakah sebanding atau tidak, anda yang menentukannya.

If you have more money to spend you can get a special "capsule" which will provide you champagne on board while you see the view. It also have more comfortable chairs and more private. It'll cost SGD 69 per person. Also, if you want to have dinner here it'll cost SGD 269 for two person. Worth or not, it would depend on you.

Saya sendiri menikmati waktu 30 menit ikut berputar di dalam Singapore Flyer dan melihat langit Singapura yang cerah dan bagaimana awan menutupi sebagian cahaya matahari sehingga panorama yang ada semakin indah. Singapore Flyer adalah salah satu atraksi yang wajib anda coba, setidaknya sekali dalam hidup anda. Melihat dari ketinggian, serta melupakan belanja untuk sementara.

I myself enjoying the 30 minutes ride seeing the sunny Singapore sky, how the clouds covering a bit of sunlight and the view is just awesome. I think Singapore Flyer is one of the attractions you must try at least once in your life. Seeing from top, and forget the shopping deals for a while.

Hanya berlaku di rute BPN - SIN - BPN, serta UPG - BPN - SIN - BPN - UPG dengan pembelian sebelum 31 Maret 2014. Program berlaku untuk pembelian melalui website Garuda Indonesia, dan ada kesempatan memenangkan tiket ke London.

Bayangkan anda naik Singapore Flyer, menang tiket ke London dan naik London Eye. It's gonna be fun to ride both wheels! :)

@marischkaprue - from the sea, mountain and then to the ferris wheel

  • Singapore Flyer is located at 30 Raffles Avenue, Singapore. Opens daily from 8.30am to 10.30pm
  • If you use MRT, choose to Promenade Station then it's only 5 minutes walk to Singapore Flyer
  • Prices: Basic Flight SGD 33 (adult) and SGD 21 (children), Champagne Flight SGD 69, High Tea Flight: SGD 99, Dinner for two SGD 269.
  • Booking to +65 6333 3311 or email 

23 Maret 2014

Milford Sound Scenic Cruise: Scenic Experience

Di sini lah gunung tertinggi yang muncul tepat dari lautan berada. Di lokasi ini pula terdapat dua air terjun dengan ketinggian lebih dari 150 meter. Bayangkan melewati bukit dan gunung dengan pemandangan bak di alam lain, keindahan yang tampak seperti dunia dalam film Lord Of The Rings. Milford Sound adalah destinasi yang memanjakan mata dan salah satu cara menikmatinya adalah dengan kapal pesiar.

Here lies the highest mountain that appears right from the ocean. At this location there are also two waterfalls with a height of over 150 meters. Imagine passing through these hills and mountains with great natural scenery in different world, the beauty of the world looks like in the movie Lord of The Rings. Milford Sound is the destination feast for the eyes and one way to enjoy it is by cruising

Mountain peak with the snow
Terletak di area selatan New Zealand, Milford Sound memberikan pemandangan Taman Nasional Fiordland yang mempesona. Tebing berbatu, bukit hijau, gunung dengan puncak bersalju, laut dengan tebing dan bukit yang "tersusun" indah.

Located on the southern area of New Zealand, Milford Sound provides view of the enchanting Fiordland National Park. Rocky cliffs, green hills, mountains with snowy peaks, the sea cliffs and hills that seems "beautifully arranged"
View from the cruise deck
Area dari Milford Wharf Visitor Centre hingga mendekati Laut Tasman sangat menarik untuk dinikmati dengan kapal dalam waktu sekitar 1 jam 45 menit. Dimulai dari area Freshwater Basin, ada sejumlah highlight yang membuat cruising Milford Sound layak dilakukan.

The area of Milford Wharf Visitor Centre until near the Tasman Sea are very attractive to be witness by cruising in about 1 hour 45 minutes. Starting from Freshwater Basin area, there are numbers of highlights that make cruising Milford Sound is so worth to do.

·      Bowen Falls

Air terjun setinggi 161 meter terlihat jelas sejak awal cruise. Dahulu air terjun ini disebut Lady Bowen Falls, berasal dari nama istri pimpinan New Zealand di masa lalu.

161 meter high waterfall seen clearly since the beginning of the cruise. Back then, this waterfall was called Lady Bowen Falls, the name comes from the past New Zealand leader’s wife 

·      Sinbad Gully

Bagaikan lembah di film dengan perompak yang melewati perairan dengan bukit di sekelilingnya, Sinbad Gully merupakan pemandangan yang lengkap. Mount Phillips setinggi 1.445 meter berada di sebelah kiri, sementara puncak Mitre (Mitre Peak) terlihat jelas di area kanan. Voila!

Just like the valley in the movie where pirates passing through the ocean with hills surround it, Sinbad Gully is a complete scenery. Mount Phillips as high as 1,445 meters are on the left, while the peak Mitre (Mitre Peak) visible in the right area. Voila! 

·      Mitre Peak

Dengan tinggi 1.682, Mitre Peak adalah salah satu gunung tertinggi di dunia yang muncul dari permukaan laut. Nama mitre muncul karena kemiripan bentuk dengan "topi" uskup yang disebut mitre. Salju juga menutupi Mitre Peak dan terlihat jelas saat cruising.

Standing tall on a height of 1682 meters above sea level, Mitre Peak is one of the highest mountains in the world that emerged from the sea surface. "Mitre" name comes up because a similar shape to "cap" the bishop called a mitre. Snow also covered Mitre Peak and we can see it clearly during  cruising 

·      Seal Rock

Seal rock
It's sleeping :)
Sleep tight dear seal!

Saat cruising kapal akan mendekati bebatuan setelah Dale Point. Di area ini anda dapat melihat kawanan anjing laut tidur nyenyak di siang hari sambil berjemur. So cute!

During cruising, the ship will approach an area of rocks after Dale Point. In this area you can see lot of seals sleeping during the day while sunbathing. So cute! 

·      Stirling Falls

approaching the falls
Wohooo! With Sachie Nomura
Meski lebih pendek dibanding Bowen Falls, air terjun ini menjadi sangat menarik karena kapal akan mendekat ke air terjun sehingga anda dapat merasakan deru percikan air dan suara keras Stirling Falls ini. Dengan tinggi 155 meter, air terjun ini dinamakan sesuai dengan nama penjelajah awal di area Milford Sound yaitu kapten Stirling.

Even though this fall is shorter than the Bowen Falls, Stirling falls is very interesting because the ship would come closer to the waterfall so you can feel the water splashing to you while you hear loud noises of the Stirling Falls. With a height of 155 meters, the waterfall is named after early explorers in the area Milford Sound is captain Stirling 

Masih banyak titik titik menarik selama scenic cruise di Milford Sound, mulai dari Lion Mountain, Copper Point, Dale Point hingga Sandfly point dan lain lain. Scenic cruise di Milford Sound membawa saya menikmati selat yang menuju ke Laut Tasman, dengan pemandangan spektakuler yang tiada habisnya.

There area many other interesting points for scenic cruise on Milford Sound, ranging from the Lion Mountain, Copper Point, Dale Point until Sandfly Point and others. This scenic tour gave me such spectacular view, from the straight leading to Tasman sea and endless beautiful scenery during the cruise.
@marischkaprue - her book of life will be full of scenic journey

Photo by Ferry Rusli

  • Rata-rata waktu scenic cruise adalah 1 jam 45 menit.
  • Average time for this scenic cruise is 1 hour 45 minutes 
  • Cara menuju ke Milford Sound: Perjalanan darat dari Queenstown menuju Milford Sound selama 4 jam. Start cruise dari Milford Wharf Visitor Centre.
  • How to go to Milford Sound: driving by car or bus from Queenstown to Milford Sound for about 4 hours. Start cruise from Milford Wharf Visitor Centre 
  • Tarif Scenic Cruise berbeda tergantung jam dan musim. Lihat di sini:
  • Scenic Cruise fares vary depending on the hour and the season. See here 

  • Scenic Cruise dengan Southern Discoveries, Booking melalui +64 3 441 1137
  • For scenic Cruise with Southern Discoveries, Booking via +64 3 441 1137
  • Sejumlah cruise lebih murah dibanding Southern Discoveries, cek penyedia lain seperti Real Journeys (Adult 70 NZD, child 22 NZD)
  • Some cruise are cheaper than Southern Discoveries, check other providers such as Real Journeys (Adult 70 NZD, child 22 NZD 

21 Maret 2014

Steal Recipe: How to Make Maki Sushi 巻き寿司

So during my last visit to New Zealand, I got a chance to learn a bit how to cook in Sachie's Kitchen. Sachie Nomura is a Japanese who's been living in NZ since the mid 90's. She accompanies us during our visit, making our trip remarkable and yummy.

feels like Masterchef! :D

Last but not least, when you're in Auckland with Sachie, one thing you should steal is her recipe! She has a cooking school that makes us feels like we're in the Masterchef! Few things about Sachie, she's talks a lot, laugh a lot, a bit crazy ha! But one thing for sure we can't stop enjoying her presence on our trip.

very serious listening to our 'sensei' haha
I'm not a chef, nor a cooking expert. I can only cook rice, instant noodle and water (yes, that's also why I'm a travel blogger, not a food blogger). Despite my very low skill in making food, I joined Sachie's Kitchen as a "one day student."

Sachie showing her Maki Sushi 巻き寿司 wohoo!
One most interesting menu is the Maki Sushi. I always think making sushi is extravagantly hard (for me). But I managed to make a bucket full of nice looking and yummy sushi. So we steal Sachie's recipe (she gave us actually, but 'stealing' sound more appealing for this blog, psst!).

And here are her words and details of making Maki Sushi, taken from Sachie Nomura:

"Making a sushi roll is just like riding a bicycle. Once you know how to do it, then the skill is yours forever. If the first one doesn’t come out right, don’t worry! Try again, practice makes perfect!" - Sachie
Makes: Preparation Time: Cooking Time:
16 pieces (2 rolls) 10 minutes
10 minutes
400-420g of white cooked rice (short / medium) 3 Tbsp sushi vinegar
2 Nori sheets (seaweed)
Salmon & Avocado roll:
150g Salmon, raw sashimi-grade, cut into strips 1/4 Avocado, sliced
Tuna roll:
1 small tin of tuna
2 Tbsp Japanese mayonnaise 1/8 Cucumber, cut into strips 1/8 Capsicums, cut into strips
Garnish: Sushi ginger Wasabi
Soy Sauce
1.Put warm / hot cooked rice in a large non-stainless steel bowl. Pour the sushi vinegar over and mix well (Tip: when mixing, use a cutting rather than a stirring motion, otherwise the rice becomes very mushy. Try to coat each rice grain with the sushi vinegar).
2.Cover with wet cloth and set aside
Step 1, put two handfuls of sushi rice on the seaweed
To roll sushi:

1. Place a Nori sheet on top of sushi rolling mat. Wet your hands (this is to avoid having rice
sticking to your fingures!) put two handfuls(160g) of sushi rice on the seaweed.

2. Spread the rice evenly but leave a 1cm gap at the top of the seaweed

Step 2: put vegetables, salmon and avocado on top of the rice
3.Place Salmon and avocado on top of the rice, near the bottom end of the seaweed.
and cut!
4.Lift the bottom edge of the mat upwards and over the filling, using your fingers to keep the
ingredients in the centre of the roll. As the rice meets the nori, squeeze the roll to make it firm and lift the top edge of the mat out to stop it getting caught in the roll. Continue until the roll is complete.
5.Wet your knife with water and cut each roll into 8 pieces and serve with soy sauce and wasabi.
Tadaa! My sushi! I managed to make these! :)

How it looks? Mine looks good though. I have a right to brag a bit about it :)

@marischkaprue - consider cooking is still not her thing, but eating is.

Photo by Ferry Rusli

  • Sachie's Kitchen Located at Suite 1.4, Axis Building, 91 St Georges Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Contact Sachie's Kitchen via phone number: +64 (0) 9 302 7680, or email