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28 Juli 2016

HOW TO: SWIM WITH THE WHALE SHARKS (and get good photos!)

Semenjak foto-foto turis berenang dengan gentle giant, the whale sharks, beredar di internet, Desa Botubarani di Gorontalo hampir tidak pernah sepi. Sore hari di saat weekdays atau puncaknya di weekend, perairan desa yang berjarak hanya 40 menit saja berkendara dari pusat kota Gorontalo selalu dipenuhi orang-orang yang ingin menikmati sensasi berenang dengan makhluk yang berukuran hingga lebih dari meter panjangnya.

Since the photos of tourists swimming with the gentle giant, the whale sharks, spreaded on the Internet, Botubarani village in Gorontalo has almost never been empty. During the weekdays' afternoons or at the peak of weekend, the waters of the village which is just 40 minutes' drive from the center of Gorontalo city is always full of people who want to enjoy the thrill of swimming with the creatures which are up to more than a meter in length.

Namun sayang, antusiasme ini tidak diikuti dengan pengetahuan dasar aturan berinteraksi dengan hiu paus ini, alhasil banyak yang menggunggah foto memegang gentle giants ini, menarik fin hiu paus, hingga menginjak dan menduduki hiu jenis terbesar di dunia ini.

Unfortunately, this enthusiasm is not followed by a basic knowledge of the rules of interacting with the whale sharks, as a result many people uploaded photos in which they touch these gentle giants, pulling their fins, and also stepping even sitting on this biggest shark in the world.

Selain dapat melukai diri sendiri dan melukai whale sharks, cara berinteraksi yang salah juga malah berujung dibully di sosial media, niatan keren malah jadi stress terkena berbagai cacian dan komen penuh amarah dari netizen.

Not only it could make people to hurt themselves and hurt the whale sharks, the wrong way to interact could also make people getting bullied in social media, the intention to look cool could only make them stressed because of getting various insults and angry comments from netizens.


It's simple, keep your hands off, keep you feet off them. Jangan dipegang, jangan ditarik-tarik finnya (yes, saya melihat ada yang posting dengan bangga saat menarik dorsal fin whale shark). IT IS NOT GOOD, meski kulit whale shark tebal, tetap saja kita dapat melukai mereka, dan sebaliknya. Saat mereka merasa tidak nyaman juga berisiko kita terluka karena gerakan mendadak dari whale shark yang berukuran besar.

It's simple, keep your hands off, keep your feet off them. Do not touch, do not pull their fins (yes, I see some people post photos in which they look proud pulling the whale shark's dorsal fin). IT IS NOT GOOD, although the whale shark's skin is actually thick, we still can hurt them, and vice versa. When they feel uncomfortable it is too risky since we could get hurt because of the sudden movement of the large whale shark.

It's pretty easy to get stunning photos with a creature so big (all whale shark photos always interesting), siapkan kamera dengan lensa super wide (action cam mostly kameranya fish eye alias super wide), gantian minta teman saling memfoto, jangan terlalu dekat juga nanti keseluruhan figur whale shark ini tidak muncul di frame.

It's pretty easy to get stunning photos with a creature that is so big (all whale shark photos are always interesting), set up the camera with super wide lens super (action cam mostly camera since their lens are fish eye aka super wide), take turns with friends to take photos of each other, do not get too close too or the overall figure of whale shark will not appear in the frame.

Take a lot of pictures, jangan takut ambil gambar, toh sekarang udah jaman digital, file-file yang blur, tidak bagus dll bisa dihapus belakangan.

Take a lot of pictures, do not be afraid to take a picture, since now is already the digital era, if you find blur files, you could always delete them later.


Use lifejacket, atau gunakan snorkel, sambil terus berenang dengan posisi horizontal saja. Selain nyaman, foto dengan posisi berenang biasa pun oke kok.

Use lifejacket, or use a snorkel, while continuing to swim in a horizontal position only. Not only it is comfortable, taking photos with ordinary swimming position is pretty good.

Another shot: ngambang biasa aja, kalau ada whale shark di sekeliling kita, otomatis it's gonna be good good photos, ga usah mikir kita mesti keliatan keren, mau sekeren apapun gaya kita, whale sharknya tetap jadi fokus utama di foto kok hehe.

Another shot: just floats normally, if there are whale sharks around us, it's automatically gonna be a good good photos, don't think that we must look cool, whatever our style is in the photos, whale shark will still become the major focus in the picture anyway haha!


Then, it's good, so you can swim with them below. Ingat untuk sadar kedalaman saat mengejar whale shark, tau-tau tidak sadar sudah cukup dalam dan napas sudah habis hehe.

Then, it's good, so you can swim with them below. Remember to be aware of the depth while pursuing whale shark, if you swim too deep and not realizing it, you could run out of your breath hehe.

Ingat untuk tetap tenang, jangan rusuh sehingga kita bisa berenang dengan tenang di sisi mereka, sisi atas lebih baik karena terkadang whale shark berbelok sehingga kemungkinan tertabrak oleh gentle giants ini lebih sedikit.

Remember to stay calm, not too chaotic so we could swim calmly on their side, the upper side is better because sometimes the whale sharks turned to the right and left, so that the possibility of getting hit by the gentle giants is less.

Jika menggunakan selfie stick, ingat untuk tidak mengenai whale shark ya, they're big so it's hard to get full selfie shot with them kalau terlalu dekat, lebih baik atur jarak, crop foto bisa belakangan kan :)

If using selfie stick, remember to not let it touch whale shark, they're big so it's hard to get a full shot selfie with them if it's too close, it is better to set the distance, you can always crop the photos later :)


It's a magical feeling for sure!
The sensasion of swimming with sharks so big, yet so gentle is UH-MAZING, jangan terlalu terbuai heboh foto-foto terus dan yang kita lihat dari awal sampai akhir hanyalah LCD kamera, you're missing the point.. nikmati sensasi saat whale shark mendekat seakan tidak perduli kita ada di dekatnya, jika bisa freedive, go swimming with them, perhatikan pola bintik-bintik di badannya yang sangat menarik, lihat dorsal fin besarnya, perhatikan beberapa bekas luka yang berbeda di setiap whale shark, then we starting to recoqnize one by one, it's totally amazing!

The sensasion of swimming with sharks which are so big, yet so gentle is UH-MAZING, do not be lulled into a taking photographs all the time that the only thing you see from start to finish is just camera's LCD, you're missing the point .. enjoy the sensation when the whale shark is approaching as if it doesn't care that we are nearby, if you can freedive, go swimming with them, take a closer look at the pattern of spots on its body that is very interesting, look how big the dorsal fin is, pay attention at the distinctive scar on each whale shark, then we start to recoqnize them one by one, it's totally amazing! 

Nature is always bigger than you, stronger than you. Jangan merasa besar (kepala), they might be gentle but they're not pets. Put respect on them, and nature will be kind to you

Nature is always bigger than you, stronger than you. Do not feel big (head), they might be gentle but they're not pets. Put them on respect, and nature will be kind to you.
@marischkaprue - gently swimming with Destiny

Photos by Ferry Rusli

Went with my #sisterhoodofthetravelingfins :)
Desa Botubarani
Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Provinsi Gorontalo
Sulawesi - Indonesia
No touching
Never put anything into whale shark's mouth (kecuali makanan yang disediakan petugas)
Siapkan masker + snorkel + fin atau life jacket pelampung bagi yang belum nyaman berenang di laut
Jangan panik, they're very gentle :)

No touching
Never put anything into the whale shark's mouth (except meals provided officers)
Prepare mask + snorkel + fins or life jacket to those who aren't comfortable to swim in the sea
Do not panic, they're very gentle :)
Rp. 15.000,- per person (entry fee), belum termasuk sewa kapal dll, tambahkan juga tip untuk guide
Estimate fee per person for all in: Rp. 100.000,- up to Rp. 150.000,- per person

Rp. 15.000, - per person (entry fee), not including rental boats etc, also add the tip to guide
Estimate fee per person for all in: Rp. 100.000, - up to Rp. 150.000, - per person
Contact: Tukang Jalan for arrangement
CP : Mentari 085810697553
Simpati 081315890191
XL 087808116852
WA / LINE : 081806898303 ; 087808116852 / 085810697553
PIN BB : 2BA4E9C1 / 52BDD3B1
Email :

Pulo Cinta, resort on top of the sea in breath-taking location

24 Juli 2016


Sometimes we want a romantic villa like Berry Amour, but sometimes, we're looking for cozy and homey feeling during our Bali trip.

Tropical garden vibes
Special treats for us when we checked in

Memasuki villa di daerah Seminyak ini serasa memasuki area lain yang jauh lebih tenang. Setiap unit villa di Le Jardin terasa sangat private, baik di unit villa 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, ataupun 3 bedrooms.

Entering the villa in Seminyak area is like entering another area which is much quieter. Each unit of villa in Le Jardin feels very private, both at the unit villa with 1 bedroom, 2 bedrooms, or three bedrooms.

The kitchen

Dikelilingi pepohonan dan taman, unit-unit villa memberikan rasa Bali namun modern. Semua kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti kitchen, dining area, private pool persis di depan kamar utama, livingroom dan outdoor shower dan bathtub yang terasa sangat private.

Surrounded by trees and gardens, these villa units provides a Balinese sense yet modern. All daily necessities such as kitchen, dining area, private pool is located right in front of the main room, livingroom and outdoor shower and a bathtub that feels very private.

Twin bed at the second floor
private bathtub and gazebo at the second floor
Di lantai dua terdapat kamar (untuk 2 bedroom villa), dengan outdoor shower room dan bathtub, plus gazebo untuk bersantai.

On the second floor there is a room (for 2 bedroom villa), with outdoor shower room and bath, plus a gazebo for relaxing.

Also did underwater fun photoshoot with Stephanie Baier, wait for the result at WTRLMNT :)
With all the cozy feeling and private mood during our stay, breakfast in the villa juga menambah rasa nyaman, seakan-akan tinggal di rumah sendiri, but with additional of private pool and a walk-distance from Seminyak fun cafes and shops :)

With all the cozy feeling and private mood during our stay, breakfast in the villa also adds a sense of comfort, as if staying in your own home, but with the additional of a private pool and a walk-distance from Seminyak's fun cafes and shops :)

@marischkaprue - always love to return to Bali


Jalan Sarinande #7
Seminyak, Bali
T: +62 361 730165

Start from:
One bedroom villa Rp. 3 juta per night
Two bedrooms villa Rp. 3,5 juta per night
(see special deal on their website here)


22 Juli 2016


Dive spot yang satu ini selalu jadi favorit semua orang. Satu kali dive lebih dari 50 menit rasanya tidak cukup untuk menikmati titik penyelaman di Taman Nasional Komodo, Flores ini. WHY? Oh well, here are some of the reasons:

This one dive spot is always a favorite of everyone. One dive more than 50 minutes is never enough to enjoy this dive spot which is located in the Komodo National Park, Flores. WHY? Oh well, here are some of the reasons:


Sejak pertama turun di Batu Bolong, kita sudah dapat menikmati wall dengan batu karang yang memukau. Bebatuan, hard coral, soft coral, sponge menghiasi kontur dive spot yang satu ini. Menyelami Batu Bolong, mata kita selalu dimanjakan warna-warni karang yang indah.

When first getting down at Batu Bolong, we can enjoy a wall with dazzling coral reefs. Rocks, hard coral, soft coral, sponges decorate the contour of this dive spot. Dipping into Batu Bolong, our eyes are always pampered with colorful beautiful coral.


Ikan kecil jenis anthias berwarna merah adalah penghuni mayoritas di Batu Bolong. Warna merah menyala membuat Batu Bolong semakin "menyala." Namun bukan hanya anthias, kita juga dapat dengan mudah bertemu dengan sekumpulan moorish idol yang sedang mencari makan, vlaming's unicornfish wandering around between the anthias, parrotfish dan boxfish yang menggemaskan!

Small red anthias fish are the major occupants in Batu Bolong. Its bright red color makes Batu Bolong more "flaming." But not only anthias, we can easily meet with a bunch of moorish idol who was looking for food, Vlaming's unicornfish wandering around between the anthias, parrotfish and boxfish are also adorable!


It's a neighborhood and mama sharks got babies on board! Sebelum safety stop (berhenti sejenak di kedalaman tertentu untuk menetralisir nitrogen dalam darah), kita akan menemukan karang di mana dua baby sharks tidur dengan nyaman (walaupun bertumpuk) dan tampak tidak perduli saat kami mendekat. Remember to only take photos, jangan iseng menarik buntut mereka, menyodok dan mengganggu untuk membuat mereka keluar dari sarang ya! :)

It's a neighborhood and mama sharks got babies on board! Before the safety stop (pause at a certain depth to neutralize the nitrogen in the blood), we will find the reef where two baby sharks sleep soundly (although overlapping with each other) and seemed undistracted as we approached. Remember to only take photos, do not idly pull their tails, poking and annoy them to get them out of the nest, please! :)


We got golden moment saat menuju pergantian arus dan sejenak area yang biasanya diliputi down current yang berbahaya menjadi sangat tenang. Spot ini biasanya tidak dapat diakses karena berbahaya, namun saat tenang kita dapat memperhatikan "gang" di antara dua "tebing" bebatuan yang diliputi gugusan karang yang indah, plus ikan-ikan yang tinggal di area ini, totally stunning!!

We got the golden moment when the current changes and for a while this area that is usually filled with dangerous down current is very quiet. This spot is usually inaccessible because it is dangerous, yet quiet when we can pay attention to the "alley" between the two "cliffs" rocks covered with clusters of beautiful corals, plus the fish that live in this area, totally stunning!!


Waktu satu jam serasa berlalu sangat cepat di spot ini, kami memperlama waktu safety spot karena masih ingin menikmati Batu Bolong. I know next time I dive in Komodo, this spot is a must dive spot

An hour seemed to pass very quickly in this spot, we increase the time to safety spot because we still want to enjoy Batu Bolong. I know next time I dive in Komodo, this spot is a must dive spot
@marischkaprue - happy go lucky diver


Dive spot in Komodo National Park, Flores

Penyelaman di Komodo sebagian besar berarus kencang sehingga diperlukan kemampuan tertentu, jika log anda masih sedikit, sebaiknya menunda menyelam di Komodo, sambil menambah log. Sertifikasi yang dibutuhkan: Advance Scuba Diver. Sediakan hook (gunakan hanya jika diperlukan) dan  peluit (untuk emergency jika kita terpisah dan mesti naik ke atas sendiri). Selalu perhatikan instruksi dive master/ guide/ instructor, safety is number one, guys!

Diving in Komodo is mostly with strong currents so it requires a certain ability, if you still have only a few logs, you should postpone diving in Komodo, while adding logs. Certification required: Advance Scuba Diver. Provide hook (use only if necessary) and whistle (for emergency if we are separate and must ascending alone). Always pay attention to instructions dive master / guide / instructor, safety is number one, guys!
Spot-spot terbaik Komodo dapat diakses dengan menginap di kapal, LOB (Living On Board), ikuti jadwal penyelaman grup yang disediakan masing-masing operator dive dan liveaboard.

Komodo best spots can be accessed by staying on board, LOB (Living On Board), follow the schedule provided by the dive groups that are available on each dive and liveaboard operators.

Favorite sun deck during our trip with ID Dive Safaris
Budget bervariasi tergantung tipe kapal, cek ID Dive Safaris yang menyediakan berbagai trip LOB ke Komodo (ada beberapa jadwal untuk Komodo LOB), cek di Instagram ID Dive Safari di sini. Budget sekitar Rp. 7,7 juta untuk 4D/3N (exclude tiket pesawat). Tiket pesawat Denpasar - Labuan Bajo sekitar Rp. 3 juta PP (Garuda) atau Rp. 1,6 juta PP (WingsAir, note: bagasi hanya disediakan 10kg saja, biaya kelebihan bagasi WingsAir Denpasar - Labuan Bajo Rp. 13.200,- per kg)

Budget varies depending on the type of boat, check ID Dive Safaris which provide various LOB trip to Komodo (there are several schedules for Komodo LOB), checks on Instagram ID Dive Safari here. Budget around Rp. 7.7 million for 4D / 3N (exclude air tickets). Flight tickets Denpasar - Labuan Bajo approximately Rp. 3 million PP (Garuda) or Rp. 1.6 million PP (WingsAir, note: only supplied 10kg baggage only, excess baggage charges WingsAir Denpasar - Labuan Bajo Rp. 13.200, - per kg)
