Bayangkan tokoh tokoh kartun ukuran besar di satu area tertata dan menyala indah. Bayangkan istana dalam bentuk lampion besar yang terang. Bayangkan danau dengan teratai, ikan dan angsa yang menyala. Tempat ini adalah lokasi yang sangat menyenangkan, Lampion Garden.
Imagine large size cartoon characters in one area, glow beautifully. Imagine a palace in the form of huge lanterns. Imagine a lake with glowing lotus, fish and swans. This place is a a very nice place, Lantern Garden.
Glass house |
He's waiting for you to come in |
Terletak di Batu Night Spectacular, Kota Batu, sekitar 15
kilometer dari Kota Malang, Jawa Timur, lokasi wisata yang umum disebut BNS ini sangat
padat terutama di akhir pekan. Saya harus cukup berdesakan untuk masuk ke rumah
kaca yang berbentuk piramid seperti museum Louvre di Paris, Perancis, atau
mengantre untuk "ditakut takuti" di rumah hantu.
Located in Batu Night Spectacular, Batu Town , about 15 kilometers from the Malang City. Commonly called "BNS," this playground is very dense, especially on the weekend. I gotta jostling to get into the glass house shaped like Louvre pyramid in Paris, France. Also, I you gotta queuing to be "intimidated" in the haunted house.
Meski wahana lain kurang lebih sama dengan taman bermain dan
atraksi, saya kepincut dengan satu area di BNS, yaitu Lampion Garden.
Although other attractions are similar with the other playgrounds, one area catch my eyes, the Lantern Garden.
Shark and stones and it isn't cave diving |
As the name implies, the park on the left side of the BNS is filled with lanterns, but in a lot of different forms. Starting from the dwarfs, mushroom, Donald Duck and other Disney cartoon characters, to a large palace, shark and the dragon.
Menikmati berjalan menyusuri Lampion Garden anda akan
menikmati berbagai bentuk lampion yang ada. Di tengah area ada danau kecil
dengan teratai, bebek, ikan dan angsa dari lampion, menghasilkan refleksi
cahaya yang indah.
Walking along the Lantern Garden, you'll enjoy various forms of lanterns. In
the middle of the area there is a small pond with lotus, duck, fish
and swan made from lanterns, making beautiful light reflections.
Selain itu ada beberapa miniatur bangunan khas dunia,
seperti Eiffel Tower yang bercahaya, hingga tembok besar Cina dalam ukuran
mini. Yang menyenangkan juga di Lampion Garden semua tidak dibatasi dengan
pagar pemisah yang biasanya mengganggu visual, anda bisa masuk ke sebelah
lampion dan berfoto.
Besides that, there are some miniature of famous buildings in the world such as the Eiffel Tower made of lights and the Great Wall of China. The fun part is also because there isn't any fence that separate us from the lantern so you can stand next to those lanterns and take good photos of yourself.
This is a nice place
to enjoy the night, just try to forget the crowd :)
@marischkaprue - knows
there are always light after the dark
- Batu Night Spectacular terletak di Desa Oro Oro Ombo, Kota Batu, Jawa Timur.
- Batu Night Spectacular located in Oro Oro Ombo Village, Batu Town, East Java.
- Harga Tiket masuk ke Lampion Garden: Rp. 12.500,- per orang
- Admission ticket to enter Lantern Garden: Rp. 12.500,- (Indonesian Rupiahs) per person
keren, mbak.
BalasHapuspake kamera apa hasilnya bisa jelas begini?
mudah2an bisa ke malang, bromo. daerah impian akuuuhh
Menurutku BNS adalah tempat yang paling romantis dengan banyaknya aneka lampion.
BalasHapusPake Samsung NX300 Nisa :)
BalasHapusIya, banyak yang pacaran disini hehe
Kalau mau di bikinin,,kami bisa kok,,