Whether you're having good or bad day, cocktail with skyline city lights is a calming doze.
Hanya perlu kurang dari semenit untuk mencapai lantai 70 di
Swissotel The Stamford di Singapura dengan lift khusus. Lift ini mengantarkan
saya ke tempat yang tidak hingar bingar, namun dengan pemandangan yang
Only took less than a minute to get 70th floor at Swissotel The Stamford in Singapore with a particular elevator. It took me to place far away from frenetic, noises, but also give me a spectacular view.
Only took less than a minute to get 70th floor at Swissotel The Stamford in Singapore with a particular elevator. It took me to place far away from frenetic, noises, but also give me a spectacular view.
Dengan kapasitas hanya sekitar 55 orang, anda tidak perlu
khawatir merasakan bar yang padat dan bising. Sofa velvet berwarna merah
tersebar di ruangan City Space Cocktail Bar, dan lokasi terbaik tentunya dimana
anda duduk memandang cahaya lampu Singapura dari ketinggian dimana kemudian
waktu seakan melambat dan membuai anda.
With the capacity of only about 55 people, you don't have to worry about crowded and noisy bar. Red velvet sofas fill City Space Cocktail Bar, and of course the best place to sit is where you can stare the Singapore city lights from a height which make time feels slow.
With the capacity of only about 55 people, you don't have to worry about crowded and noisy bar. Red velvet sofas fill City Space Cocktail Bar, and of course the best place to sit is where you can stare the Singapore city lights from a height which make time feels slow.
City Space memang terkenal dengan view skyline yang
dihadirkan melalui kaca besar di sepanjang dinding bar di lantai 70 Swissotel
The Stamford, namun ada cerita di balik proses pembuatan cocktail setiap
harinya di City Space.
Space City is famous with its skyline view through a large glass wall along the bar at the 70th floor of Swissotel The Stamford, but there is a story behind the making of cocktails each day at City Space.
Space City is famous with its skyline view through a large glass wall along the bar at the 70th floor of Swissotel The Stamford, but there is a story behind the making of cocktails each day at City Space.
Terinspirasi dari Jerry Thomas, bartender terkenal di tahun
1800 an, City Space masih mengadopsi "titah" Jerry Thomas yang
dibukukan dalam "Bartender's Guide, How To Mix Drinks in 1862."
Beberapa cara lama yang digunakan antara lain jeruk citrus yang masih diperas
dengan tangan, atau sirup yang diracik sendiri.
Inspired by Jerry Thomas, a famous bartender in 1800's, City Space is still adopting the "edict" from Jerry Thomas in the "Bartender's Guide, How To Mix Drinks in 1862" book. Some of the old ways are still use, such as squeezing citrus by hand, or make their own original syrup.
Inspired by Jerry Thomas, a famous bartender in 1800's, City Space is still adopting the "edict" from Jerry Thomas in the "Bartender's Guide, How To Mix Drinks in 1862" book. Some of the old ways are still use, such as squeezing citrus by hand, or make their own original syrup.
Namun memandang butiran cahaya kota dari ketinggian membuat
saya tidak perduli akan titah Jerry Thomas. Saya menyeruput teapolitan yang
diracik dari The Wellness Group (TWG) tea dengan
larutan vodka, cointreau dan jus cranberry serta sebersit rasa jeruk limau.
Kesegaran yang cocok menemani alunan cahaya lampu disini.
However, looking at the city from a height, staring granules of lights made Jerry Thomas's command seems unimportant. I sipped the teapolitan, a blend of The Wellness Group (TWG) tea, vodka, cointreau and cranberry juice and a dash of lime. The freshness which perfectly suits rhythm of lights here.
However, looking at the city from a height, staring granules of lights made Jerry Thomas's command seems unimportant. I sipped the teapolitan, a blend of The Wellness Group (TWG) tea, vodka, cointreau and cranberry juice and a dash of lime. The freshness which perfectly suits rhythm of lights here.
@marischkaprue - having some glowing nights in her life
- City Space terletak di 2 Stamford Road, Singapura
- City Space located at 2 Stamford Road, Singapore
- Untuk reservasi hubungi +65 68373322 atau email reservations@equinoxcomplex.com
- For reservations, call +65 68373322 or email reservations@equinoxcomplex.com
- Jam operasi City Space Senin - Kamis: Pukul 3 pm - 1 am, Jumat - Sabtu: 3 pm - 2 am.
- City Space operate hours Sunday - Thursday: 3 pm - 1 am, Friday - Saturday: 3 pm - 2 am.
- Temukan tempat hangout lainnya di Singapura di yoursingapore
- Find out more places to hangout in Singapore at yoursingapore
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