Seni mempermainkan persepsi visual. Mungkin
itu kata-kata yang pas untuk mendeskripsikan trick art versi saya. Gambar dua dimensi yang dilihat mata dari
sudut tertentu membuat pikiran kita mempersepsikan sebagai bentuk tiga dimensi.
Itulah Trick Art yang akhirnya membuat kita dapat membuat foto-foto unik
seakan berada di dunia kartun, dunia lukisan maestro atau apapun sesuai
kreatifitas pembuatnya.
The art of playing with your visual perception. Maybe that's the right words to describe trick art. Two-dimensional image when seen from a certain angle ten your eyes see and then your mind perceives as a three-dimensional form. That is Trick Art which in a fun way allows us to create unique photographs, it might seen like you're in the cartoon world, or famous paintings or anything according to the creativity of those who paint it.
The art of playing with your visual perception. Maybe that's the right words to describe trick art. Two-dimensional image when seen from a certain angle ten your eyes see and then your mind perceives as a three-dimensional form. That is Trick Art which in a fun way allows us to create unique photographs, it might seen like you're in the cartoon world, or famous paintings or anything according to the creativity of those who paint it.
Trick Art Museum, i-City, Shah Alam, Malaysia
hanya berupa bangunan kecil, tidak tampak seperti museum besar pada umumnya,
namun disini anda akan menemukan kesenangan berfoto dan menikmati persepsi otak
yang dipermainkan ilusi optik dan sudut pandang.
Trick Art Museum at i-City, Shah Alam, Malaysia is a small building, doesn't seem like a big museum in general, but here you will find the pleasure of taking pictures and enjoying the brain's perception and optical illusions.
Trick Art Museum at i-City, Shah Alam, Malaysia is a small building, doesn't seem like a big museum in general, but here you will find the pleasure of taking pictures and enjoying the brain's perception and optical illusions.
only helping! |
gotta keep steady! |
Ada berbagai jenis "lukisan" trick art di museum ini, mulai dari ala masterpiece, egyptian, marine life, animal
kingdom hingga modern classic. Trick art mempermainkan persepsi kita
dengan permainan sudut pandang dan bayangan yang dilukis namun terlihat seakan
asli sehingga tampak sebagai sosok atau benda tiga dimensi.
There are different types of "paintings" in this trick art museum, ranging from masterpiece style, Egyptian, marine life, animal kingdom to modern classic. Trick art playing with our perceptions and viewpoints with the right lighting and shadow painted but it looks as if the original so that it appears as a figure or three-dimensional objects.
There are different types of "paintings" in this trick art museum, ranging from masterpiece style, Egyptian, marine life, animal kingdom to modern classic. Trick art playing with our perceptions and viewpoints with the right lighting and shadow painted but it looks as if the original so that it appears as a figure or three-dimensional objects.
feeding :) |
el matadore! |
Cara menikmati trick art? cukup gunakan kreatifitas seluas-luasnya, jangan
berpatokan pada contoh yang ada atau posisi yang disarankan, gaya dan
kreatifitas yang berbeda akan membuat anda tertawa saat melihat hasilnya.
How to enjoy trick art? just use your widest creativity, don't barrier yourself based on the examples of existing or recommended position. Different style and creativity will make you laugh when you see the results.
How to enjoy trick art? just use your widest creativity, don't barrier yourself based on the examples of existing or recommended position. Different style and creativity will make you laugh when you see the results.
need milk? |
Satu hal yang harus dilakukan di sini adalah
berfoto, jangan hanya melihat, and you'll get the fun. Enjoy!
One thing to do here is taking photos. Do not, I repeat, don't just see, and you'll get the fun. Enjoy!
One thing to do here is taking photos. Do not, I repeat, don't just see, and you'll get the fun. Enjoy!
@marischkaprue - life is tricky but she manages it with art of enjoying life
All photos by Ferry Rusli
- Trick Art Museum Malaysia terletak di i-City Malaysia, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Trick Art Museum located at i-City Malaysia, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
- Jam operasional: 11 pagi hingga 12 malam.
- Open from 11 am to 12 pm.
- Harga tiket masuk Trick Art Museum: 10 RM (Ringgit Malaysia)
- Trick Art museum entry ticket: 10 RM (Malaysian Ringgit)
BalasHapusSuka banget pose-pose lu di sini. Totalitas! Seru abis.
Ohya paling suka yang pose ama jerapah. Menghayati pisan.
Nice post... disini tempatnya karya seni dinikmati bukan hanya dipandang...bisa berfoto ria dengan imajinasi yg jalan nih...
BalasHapusBagus,amat zerasi!
BalasHapussuka banget yang di foto gurita, Prue! ekspresif banget :))
BalasHapushahaha kak, aku paling suka sama foto kamu yang didepan gurita raksasa itu, mukanya dapet banget :)) ada cerita lampu-lampunya i-city gaa?
BalasHapusanjritt omre hair nya kereennn hehehehe
BalasHapuslucu banget kak, someday i'll go there xD
BalasHapusDi jakarta kayanya ada.
BalasHapusDi denpasar juga ada