Mungkin saat itu Tuhan sedang marah. Ia
menghentakkan kaki sehingga ujung surga retak, patah dan jatuh ke bumi, tepat
di selatan Raja Ampat dimana Misool kini berada.
Maybe on a very certain moment, God was angry. He was stomping one time thus the tip of heaven cracked and fell to the earth, landed on the southern of Raja Ampat, where Misool is located.
Semua kata-kata takjub tidak henti kami
teriakkan dari atas kapal saat melewati area Yapap di Misool, Raja Ampat, Papua
Barat. Perjalanan yang entah berapa lama, saya tidak bisa menghitung waktu di
tengah gelora keseruan, kekaguman dan semua rasa senang yang bercampur menjadi
Everybody was yelling from the top of the boat as it passes through Yapap area in Misool, Raja Ampat, West Papua. All the expressions of amazed, excitements and happiness at one moment. I can't even remember how long we're on this "heaven," I was blinded by magical things right in front of me.
Everybody was yelling from the top of the boat as it passes through Yapap area in Misool, Raja Ampat, West Papua. All the expressions of amazed, excitements and happiness at one moment. I can't even remember how long we're on this "heaven," I was blinded by magical things right in front of me.
in para-paradise! |
Berada di Yapap bagaikan berada di set film
Hollywood, terlalu surreal namun
nyata. Pulau-pulau karang seakan tidak ada habisnya menyapa dan memicu
kekaguman kami, laut yang bening dengan pasir putih di dasarnya dan di beberapa
lokasi sangatlah tenang karena diapit pulau-pulau karang tersebut bagaikan
kolam renang.
Being in Yapap is like being in a Hollywood movie set, too surreal but it is indeed real. A never ending sight of Karst islands, a very long excitements to digest, a clear sea water with white sands at the seabed, then few very calm water just like a swimming pool since it was surrounded by karst islands as barriers.
Happiness is here |
"Ini kolam renang terbaik di dunia,"
ujar kami. Siapapun yang berada di Yapap dan melihat pemandangan seperti ini
sungguh tidak rela berdiam di kapal tanpa menceburkan diri di beningnya air
laut yang beralaskan pasir putih. Beberapa lokasi bahkan hanya dengan kedalaman hingga
3 meter, this is by far the best of the
best sea scape, the best nature's pool in the world that I've seen so far!
"This is the best swimming pool in the world," we said over and over again. Anyone who was in Yapap and see sights like this really are not willing to remain at the ship without plunging in the clear sea water with white sands at the bottom. Some are even only 3 meters depth. This is by far the best of the best sea scape, the best nature's pool in the world that I've seen so far!
I'm in heaven, yes! |
Anda tidak mungkin tidak kagum. Ini adalah
lokasi pecahan surga yang dibiarkan oleh yang Kuasa tertinggal di Misool.
Mungkin Ia ingin kita dapat merasakan sedikit surga, mungkin Ia ingin kita
betah dengan paspor hijau Indonesia kita. Misool terlalu sulit untuk dilupakan,
and I will never forget, ever.
No way you're not mesmerized by Misool. It's a piece of heaven left by the greatness power for us to feel a bit of heaven, or maybe He wants us to love our green Indonesian passport. Misool is too hard to forget, and I will never forget, ever.
@marischkaprue - will never move on from her memories of heavenly Misool
- Misool terletak di area Selatan Raja Ampat. Misool adalah salah satu pulau dari 4 pulau utama di Raja Ampat, area di Pulau Misool dan sekitarnya ini juga disebut Misool.
- Misool located in the southern area of Raja Ampat. Misool is one of the 4 main islands in Raja Ampat. The area around Misool Island is also called Misool.
- Untuk menuju ke Misool ambil penerbangan menuju Sorong. (Penerbangan Jakarta - Sorong biasanya via transit di Makassar, budget Rp. 4 juta PP). Dari Sorong dilanjutkan dengan speed boat selama 4-5 jam perjalanan.
- To reach Misool, take a flight to Sorong (Flight from Jakarta to Sorong usually via Makassar. The usual ticket price for return ticket Jakarta - Sorong - Jakarta is around 350 USD). From Sorong you can continue with speed boat, around 4 to 5 hours boat trip.
- Terdapat homestay Harfat Jaya di Pulau Harapan Jaya, Misool dengan budget sekitar Rp. 400.000,- hingga Rp. 500.000,- per orang per hari.
- There is a homestay in Harapan Jaya Island, Misool. Harfat Jaya homestay cost about 34 USD to 43 USD per person per day.
- Sewa kapal ke Misool sangat mahal sehingga untuk mendapatkan budget trip sekitar 6 juta selama 5 hari, anda harus share hingga 20 orang dalam satu kali trip. Lebih baik ikut penyedia trip seperti Wisata Raja Ampat yang menyediakan Misool Trip dengan budget di bawah Rp. 6 juta (exclude tiket pesawat). Contact Wisata Raja Ampat di +62852 960 43961 atau PIN BB di 2A495979. Trip biasanya diadakan 2-3 kali dalam setahun, antara di bulan Mei, Oktober dan Desember.
- Renting a speedboat to Misool is highly expensive, to get a 509 USD budget for 5 days exploring Misool, you will need to share speedboat cost with around 20 person on one trip. I suggest you to join open trip such as Wisata Raja Ampat who provide Misool Trip with budget under 509 USD (exclude plane ticket). You can contact Wisata Raja Ampat through +62852 960 43961 or Blackberry PIN 2A495979. The trip usually takes time in May, October and December.
- Penginapan yang tersedia hanya homestay, pilihan lain adalah Misool Eco Resort dengan rate Rp. 5,8 juta per orang per hari.
- The only accomodation available is homestay, for more comfortable choices you can stay at Misool Eco Resort with rate around 492 USD per person per day.
it is indeed a piece of heaven! bags banget foto-fotonya kak, aslinya pasti bikin betah ga pengen pulang :))
BalasHapusetapi harga kesononya :''')) *nabung*
Omaga omaga cakep kali nich, ngak tahan liat bening air nya jadi pingin nyemplung.
BalasHapusBiaya kesono nya juga mahal keleus tapi wajar dengan pesona yg didapat :-)
total budget berapa kakak ? jadi ngiler :(
BalasHapusracuuun banget kak, sangat menginspirasi
BalasHapusIt's paradise. Enchanting. Thanks for sharing the story.
BalasHapussurga yang indah bangettttt ya ;)
BalasHapusbeautifulll, I just want to go there someday soon
Budgetnya. OMG.
BalasHapusKomentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
BalasHapusWOW, emejing sangat yaaa....
BalasHapusJadi pingin segera kesanaaa *mulai nabung*
Apa diantara "4 Raja" di Raja Ampat
BalasHapusMisool ini yang paling bagus?
Atau "3 raja" lainnya juga gak kalah bagusnya
Ini salah satu destinasi wisata yang paling ingin saya kunjungi nanti