If you think you're having a busy life, try being underwater!
Wakatobi memang terkenal dengan
kekayaan gugusan terumbu karang. Penelitian dalam operasi Wallacea menyebut
Wakatobi memiliki 750 jenis terumbu karang, salah satu yang terbanyak di dunia!
Wakatobi is known for its wide array of coral reefs. A research in Wallacea operation states that Wakatobi has around 750 types of coral reefs, one of the most coral reefs in the world!
Wakatobi is known for its wide array of coral reefs. A research in Wallacea operation states that Wakatobi has around 750 types of coral reefs, one of the most coral reefs in the world!
Namun Wakatobi bukan hanya karang
indah berwarna-warni dan ikan-ikan kecil penghuni terumbu karang. Melihat
terumbu karang yang beraneka warna memang menyenangkan, namun terkadang
membosankan bagi sebagian orang, meski bagi saya, berada di bawah laut, dengan terumbu karang yang menyenangkan, tidak pernah membosankan.
But Wakatobi does not only have its beautiful and colorful corals populated by small fish. To look at the vivid corals is delightful, but sometimes it may be quite boring for some people. But for myself, being underwater with the pretty corals is never boring.
But Wakatobi does not only have its beautiful and colorful corals populated by small fish. To look at the vivid corals is delightful, but sometimes it may be quite boring for some people. But for myself, being underwater with the pretty corals is never boring.
Di Ali Reef, salah satu titik
penyelaman di Wakatobi, kata "bosan" sulit terucap. Terutama karena
rombongan yang seringkali menyapa di spot ini. Terletak di dekat Pulau Tomia,
Wakatobi, hanya perlu waktu kurang dari 30 menit naik boat untuk menuju Ali
In Ali Reef, one of the diving points in Wakatobi, the word “boring” hardly comes out. That’s mainly because other groups often greet us when they come to this spot. Located near Tomia Island, Wakatobi, it requires only less than 30 minutes by boat to go to Ali Reef.
In Ali Reef, one of the diving points in Wakatobi, the word “boring” hardly comes out. That’s mainly because other groups often greet us when they come to this spot. Located near Tomia Island, Wakatobi, it requires only less than 30 minutes by boat to go to Ali Reef.
Also met this sea turtle during dive in Ali Reef |
Seperti ciri khas Wakatobi lainnya, jarak pandang yang baik serta koral beraneka warna menyambut penyelaman kami sejak awal. Ali Reef memiliki area dengan topografi seperti gunung dengan bagian atas yang mendatar.
Just like Wakatobi’s other uniqueness, good visibility and colorful coral reefs has welcomed us from the beginning. Ali reef’s topography is like a mountain that is flat the top.
Saat menuju area atas, saya
melihat gumpalan hitam besar di laut yang ternyata merupakan kumpulan ikan jack
dengan jumlah ratusan, atau mungkin bahkan lebih dari seribu! Schooling jackfish (diver menyebut kumpulan ikan ini dengan istilah
"schooling") ini berputar mengelilingi sebagian area puncak yang
When going towards the top area, I saw a black cluster in the waters. That black cluster was actually a school of jackfish, numbered in the hundreds – or even in the thousands! The schooling jackfish circled the flat top area of the reef.
When going towards the top area, I saw a black cluster in the waters. That black cluster was actually a school of jackfish, numbered in the hundreds – or even in the thousands! The schooling jackfish circled the flat top area of the reef.
Arus di area ini cukup kencang
sehingga saya dan sebagian besar teman-teman Daihatsu Terios 7 Wonders bertahan
dengan mengaitkan hook ke karang mati
sambil menikmati pemandangan schooling
jackfish yang sedang sibuk ini. Kadang saya tidak tahan dan melepas hook untuk mendekat ke arah gerombolan
ikan ini.
The water current in this area is quite strong that myself and most of my friends from Daihatsu Terios 7 Wonders had to hook ourselves to a dead coral while enjoying the view of the occupied schooling jackfish. I couldn’t help myself but to let go of the hook and wander closer to the school of jackfish.
The water current in this area is quite strong that myself and most of my friends from Daihatsu Terios 7 Wonders had to hook ourselves to a dead coral while enjoying the view of the occupied schooling jackfish. I couldn’t help myself but to let go of the hook and wander closer to the school of jackfish.
They love to make a ball formation :D |
Sure, those fishes will be a nice background for your profile picture ;) |
Salah satu teman kami sangat
bersemangat mendekati ikan-ikan ini hingga tidak sadar udara di tabung
oksigennya sudah menipis lebih awal dan harus segera melakukan safety stop dan naik ke permukaan.
Kesibukan memang membuat kita lupa waktu, benar kan? :)
One of our friend was so eager approaching the school of fish that they didn’t notice that their oxygen tank level was running low. So an immediate safety stop was done and they started heading to the surface. Our activities really make us lose track of time, don’t they? :)
One of our friend was so eager approaching the school of fish that they didn’t notice that their oxygen tank level was running low. So an immediate safety stop was done and they started heading to the surface. Our activities really make us lose track of time, don’t they? :)
@marischkaprue - she's having a busy life, at the surface or
below the water
- Titik penyelaman Ali Reef terletak tidak jauh dari Pulau Tomia, hanya sekitar 20 menit dengan kapal dari dermaga Waha di Pulau Tomia, Wakatobi.
- Masih banyak titik penyelaman lain di area Pulau Tomia. Budget untuk 5x dive dengan penginapan dan makan sekitar Rp. 2,9 juta (belum termasuk tiket pesawat). Info & Booking hubungi Dokter Yudi (Tomia Dive Center) di +62821 87877751
What a beatiful sea reef!! Nice info sist ^^