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15 Maret 2015

Hard Rockin' Days at Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya

Display kostum-kostum legenda musik dunia sudah jadi ciri khas chain Hard Rock, baik Hard Rock Hotel ataupun Hard Rock Cafe. Kali ini saya kembali disambut kostum Elvis serta gitar dengan tanda tangan musisi kenamaan di lobby.

Displaying the world music legends costumes has become the trademark of Hard Rock chain, both Hard Rock Hotel and Hard Rock Café. Elvis costumes with guitar include his signature was the first thing caught my eye at the lobby, as always.

King's Club Lounge
Kami menuju Kings Club Lounge dengan view pantai Pattaya sebelum masuk ke kamar dan kembali mendapat view pantai, kali ini jelas dengan teluk Thailand dan tulisan "Pattaya" di salah satu sisi bukit di pinggir pantai.

Before entering the room, we’re heading to Kings Club Lounge with the view of Pattaya beach. Again, there was a beach-view. Even Thailand-bay and the word “Pattaya” in the hillside of the seashore was visible.

Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya sangat menyenangkan. Kamar dengan desain simple, warna-warna cerah sebagai aksen dan kamar mandi dengan nuansa hitam, very much hard rockin' way. Tidak centil namun tidak suram, pop tapi tidak murah.

Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya was so fun. A simple yet colorful room with an all-black bathroom is truly very much hard rockin’ way. Not too playful but not that gloomy, pop but not cheap.
Loving this spot!
Area favorit saya di Hard Rock Pattaya tentu saja area kolam renang. Ada cabana, pondok-pondok kayu dan bambu di area dengan pasir pantai, dan kolam renang dengan dasar pasir dan bebatuan sehingga terasa seperti di pantai dan laut, namun dengan air tawar.

My favorite spot in Hard Rock Pattaya was definitely the swimming pool area. Cabana, huts made by woods and bamboos in sandy area, beach-sand pool with rocks, all got me feel like I was on the beach or ocean, but the freshwater one.
The signature pool

Sisi sebelahnya ada kolam renang normal (tanpa pasir di dasarnya), dengan nuansa biru, hijau dan gagang gitar raksasa khas Hard Rock Hotel :)

On the other side, a normal swimming pool (with no sand at the bottom) colored in blue and green with a giant guitar handle, the trademark of Hard Rock Hotel :)
Sunset in Pattaya
Bagian pool di belakang ini langsung berhadapan dengan pantai Pattaya, ada akses khusus untuk tamu hotel sehingga kami tidak perlu memutar jika ingin ke pantai. Di malam hari area pantai Pattaya dipenuhi pasar dadakan yang menjual jajanan khas Thailand, baju dan bahkan jika ingin mencoba kuliner ekstrim ada juga di sini, hanya 5 menit berjalan kaki dari Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya.

The pool in the backside had a direct view of Pattaya beach, with a special access for the hotel guest who wanna go to the beach. At night, Pattaya beach such a sudden market selling kinds of Thailand local snack, clothes, or even the extreme culinary was available. You can join the crowd by only taking 5 minutes walk from Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya.
Starz Diner
Moondeck Jacuzzi!
This night view
Jika harus me-listing hal-hal favorit saya di Hard Rock Pattaya maka itu adalah: kamar dengan view pantai (dan view lampu-lampu bangunan di sisi pantai di malam hari), Cabana dan kolam dengan pasir pantai, private breakfast di Kings Club Lounge (kami tidak perlu turun ke lantai bawah untuk sarapan), dinner at the Starz Diner (will tell you later about this) and many more!

If I have to list my favorite things in Hard Rock Pattaya, it would be the beach-view room (with the night view of the building lights alongside the beach), cabana, beach-sand pool, private breakfast at Kings Club Lounge (we didn’t need to go downstairs for breakfast), dinner at the Starz Diner (will tell you later about this) and many more!

Pattaya terkadang terasa seperti Bali, terutama di Kuta, namun versi lebih sepi. Kuta saat ini sangat padat. Menikmati Pattaya, Thailand street food dan Hard Rock Hotel adalah kombinasi sempurna liburan yang menyenangkan di Pattaya :)

Sometimes Pattaya feels like the tranquil version of Bali since Kuta nowadays is too crowded. Enjoy both Thailand street food and Hard Rock Hotel, is such a perfect combo for your pleasant holiday in Pattaya :)
@marischkaprue - having such a hard rockin' life as a blogger

Photo by Ferry Rusli & Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya


  • Hard Rock Pattaya terletak di 429 Moo 9, Pattaya Beach Road, Chonburi 20150, Thailand. Telp: +66 38428755-9
  • Hard Rock pattaya is located on 429 Moo 9, Pattaya Beach Road, Chonburi 20150, Thailang. Phone: +66 38428755-9  
  • Ada berbagai tipe kamar di Hard Rock Pattaya, mulai dari Deluxe Room (dengan pilihan city view atau sea view), Kings Club Room (Saya merekomendasikan kamar ini karena terdapat banyak keuntungan dari kamar ini antara lain dapat menikmati Kings Club Lounge sepanjang hari, free laundy dengan jumlah tertentu, private breakfast di Kings Club Lounge, serta late check out hingga pukul 3 sore), ada juga kamar suites mulai dari Kids Suites, Composer Suites, Producer Suites hingga Kings Suite (president suite dari Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya).
  • Hard Rock Pattaya has various room types, starts from Deluxe Room (with two options: city view or sea view), Kings Club Room (I recommend this one for it has lots of benefits like enjoy Kings Club Lounge all day, free laundry with certain quantity, private breakfast at Kings Club Lounge, and late check out until 3 pm), also suites room with the variant types: Kids Suites, Composer Suites, Producer Suites, and Kings Suite (president suite of Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya).  
  • Rate menginap di Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya mulai dari 2.970 THB (Thailand Baht) atau sekitar Rp. 1,2 juta per malam.
  • Room rate at Hard Rock Hotel Pattaya start from 2.970 THB (Thailand Baht) or about USD 93 per night  
  • Untuk reservasi dapat melalui email ke 
  • For reservation by email to     

2 komentar:

  1. Kolam renang ama cabana nya kece yaaa, aku cuman numpang foto di depan nya doang waktu itu ihik ihik ihik

  2. @cumi:

    padahal kece tuh kolamnya buat photo sessionnya cumi :P
