It even wasn't a good day. Langit mendung dan terkadang hujan rintik-rintik turun dan
membuat saya mesti menyiapkan payung.
It even wasn’t a good day. A
cloudy sky with drizzle made me have to bring my umbrella.
Kami baru saja tiba di Osaka dan
usai drop koper di hotel, saya dan Ferry langsung menuju Universal Studios
Japan (USJ). Nama USJ sudah cukup terkenal. Sebagian besar teman-teman saya
yang datang ke Osaka khusus untuk dapat menikmati theme park ini sehingga
banyak juga yang melakukan one day trip
dari Tokyo ke Osaka khusus untuk ke USJ.
After we arrived in Osaka and
dropped our luggage in the hotel, Ferry and I headed to Universal Studios Japan
(USJ). It’s quite familiar because most of my friends also come to Osaka for
the sake of visiting this theme park. That’s why, there are lots of one day
trip from Tokyo to Osaka only for going to USJ.
Universal Studios theme park
tersebar di seluruh dunia, namun setiap theme park memiliki beberapa ride atau
area yang berbeda. Itulah yang menyebabkan kenapa orang-orang akan tetap
mengincar Universal Studios di kota dan negara lain meski sudah mencoba,
misalnya yang terdekat dari Indonesia yaitu di Universal Studios Singapura.
Though Universal Studios theme
park spread all over the world, but every theme park has some different rides
or area. That makes many people are eager to try Universal Studios in other
city or even other country even though they already visited the nearest one
from Indonesia, which is Universal Studios Singapore.
Universal Studios Japan punya
satu keunggulan utama yang jadi incaran semua orang, The Wizarding World of
Harry Potter. Area ini pula yang sudah jadi tujuan utama saya saat datang ke
Universal Studios Japan has one
speciality that becomes the main point or target of any visitor, The Wizarding
World of Harry Potter, which was also my purpose in visiting USJ.
The Wizarding World of Harry
Potter berada di area tenggara USJ dan merupakan area paling luas di theme park
ini. Berjalan masuk ke area ini bagaikan menyusuri hutan dengan pohon cemara di
kiri dan kanan, serta bunyi-bunyi binatang dari speaker di sepanjang jalan
The Wizarding World of Harry
Potter is in the shout-east of USJ and also the largest part in this theme
park. Walking into this area was like tracking the forest with pine trees on
the both sides and the animal sounds from the speaker along the path.
Di ujung jalan kita akan
menemukan pintu masuk besar dengan tulisan "Hogsmeade," dan
rumah-rumah dengan atap berselimut salju sudah terlihat. Melewati gerbang kita
akan langsung melihat kereta Hogwarts Express seperti di film Harry Potter di sebelah
kanan dan deretan bangunan-bangunan dengan tampilan persis seperti di Desa
Hogsmeade pada cerita Harry Potter membuat kami tercengang.
At the end of the road, we would
find a big entrance gate reads “Hogsmeade” and houses with snowy roof. Entering
the gate, there was a Hogwart Express train as in the movie on the right side.
The rows of the buildings that really imitated the real ones in Hogsmeade
Village in Harry Potter story got us really impressed.
Hogsmeade di USJ ini bagaikan di
cerita asli, penuh dengan toko-toko yang menjual peralatan sihir (mereka bahkan
menjual tongkat sihir), jubah di Dervish and Banges, barang-barang unik seperti
"expendable ears" di
Zonko's Joke Shop, hingga Owl Post dimana kita dapat mengirimkan surat dan
kartupos dengan stamp Hogsmeade.
Semua pecinta Harry Potter akan dipuaskan dengan deretan toko dan bangunan yang
Hogsmeade in USJ was really alive,
as if in the real story. It was full with magic shops (even they also sold
magic wands), robes in Dervish and Banges, unique stuff like “expendable ears”
in Zonko’s Joke Shop, until Owl Post where we could send mail or postcard with
Hogsmeade stamp. All of those things and the circumstances would satisfy the
Harry Potter lovers so much.
Namun keseruan tidak berhenti
sampai di situ. Usai deretan toko di Hogsmeade kita dapat melihat kastil besar
di sisi danau yang dikelilingi pepohonan. Di kastil inilah kita dapat merasakan
atraksi utama di The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
But the joy didn’t stop there.
After the rows of the shops in Hogsmeade, we are led to see the big castle in
the lake side surrounded by the trees. In this castle, we could feel sensation
of the main ride from The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Harry Potter and The Forbidden
Journey adalah ride utama yang menjadi andalan area ini. Karena banyaknya
peminat ride ini, terkadang
panjangnya antrean bisa mencapai 3-4 jam waktu antre (lihat bagian notes untuk tips menghindari antrean
panjang). Kami menggunakan jalur cepat dan dapat menghemat banyak waktu. Selama
antre untuk merasakan ride, kami memasuki kastil dan terhibur dengan menariknya
interior dalam kastil ini. Ada satu area di tangga dengan frame-frame lukisan
yang bergerak dan berbicara layaknya di film Harry Potter, my favourite spot during queing!
Harry Potter and The Forbidden
Journey is the main ride that becomes most attractive spot in this area.
Because of the high enthusiasm from the visitors, sometimes the queue could
take about 3-4 hours (see Notes for tips
about avoiding long queue). We took express route and saved more time. While
queuing, we entered the castle and got entertained with the interior. There was
a part at the stairs consists of painting frames that were able to move and
talk like in the Harry Potter movie, my favorite spot during queuing!
Akhirnya kami tiba di depan dan
langsung mencoba ride ini. Di Harry Potter and The Forbidden Journey kita akan
duduk di perangkat layaknya untuk roller coaster, lengkap dengan penahan bagian
atas tubuh. Saat semua siap, mesin mulai bergerak dan kami memasuki dunia Harry
Finally it was our turn to take
this ride. In Harry Potter and The Forbidden Journey, our seat was like in
roller coaster, completed with the safety belt to hold our body.
Kami menggunakan kacamata 3D
selama ride untuk mendapatkan sensasi visual yang luar biasa. Di ride ini kita
seakan-akan dibawa melewati galaksi dan kemudian bertemu Harry Potter yang
mengajak kita ikut dalam petualangannya. Mesin bergerak cepat membawa kami
"bermanuver" mengikuti Harry, menghindari musuh hingga melewati
sela-sela kastil dengan gesit.
We used 3D glasses during the ride
to feel the spectacular visual sensation. It felt like we were taken through
the galaxy and met Harry Potter who asked us to join his adventure. The high
speed machine got us “make a maneuver” like Harry, avoided the enemy and also
passed any corner of the castle nimbly.
Yang menarik ada banyak area di
dalam ride ini yang diliputi dengan layar 3D berukuran besar dan mengelilingi
sehingga saat saya melirik ke atas hingga bawah, sensasinya adalah terbang
bersama Harry Potter. Beberapa kali saya berusaha mencari batas layar
(kebiasaan saya jika mencoba atraksi dengan sensasi 4D), namun keseruan yang
ada membuat saya tidak menemukannya.
It’s interesting to see many areas in this ride surrounded by 3D big screens so that when I glanced up and down, the thrill of flying with Harry Potter was so real. I tried looking for the screen border (thing I always do anytime I am in 4D show) but seemed like I was too excited to find it.
It’s interesting to see many areas in this ride surrounded by 3D big screens so that when I glanced up and down, the thrill of flying with Harry Potter was so real. I tried looking for the screen border (thing I always do anytime I am in 4D show) but seemed like I was too excited to find it.
It's funny how they called it "Forbidden Journey" but
after the ride people will say it's a must do in Universal Studios Japan.
It’s funny how they called it
“Forbidden Journey” but after the ride people will say it’s a must do in
Universal Studios Japan.
@marischkaprudence - a happy go lucky muggle
The Wizarding World of Harry
Universal Studios Japan
2-1-33 Sakurajima, Konohana-Ku
Osaka 554-0031
9:00 - 19:00 atau 9:00 -
21:00 (Jadwal jam operasi berbeda dalam periode tanggal yang berbeda, cek
jadwal jam operasi terlebih dahulu di
9:00 - 19:00 or 9:00 – 21:00
(operational hours depends on the date, check schedule on
How To Get There
Dari Osaka Station (Departure
Track No.1) naik JR Osaka Loop Line ke Nishikujo Station (¥160, waktu tempuh
sekitar 6-8 menit)
Dari Nishikujo Station naik JR
Yumesaki Line menuju Universal City Station (¥160, waktu tempuh sekitar 6
Admission Fee
From Osaka Station (Departure
Track No. 1) take JR Osaka Loop Line to Nishikujo Station (¥160,
about 6-8 mins)
From Nishikujo Station take JR
Yumesaki Line to Universal City Statin (¥160, about 6
Admission Fee
One day pass: ¥7200 (Adult), ¥4980 (Children 4-11
Universal Studios Japan
sangat penuh terutama pada weekend
dan musim liburan. Waktu mengantre setiap ride dapat menghabiskan waktu 1
hingga 4 jam (terutama untuk ride
Harry Potter). Disarankan untuk datang bukan di saat weekend untuk menghindari
antre terlalu lama.
Universal Studios Japan is so
crowded on weekend and holidays. It takes about 1 – 4 hours for queuing in one
ride especially Harry Potter ride so I recommend you not to come on weekend in
order to avoid the long queue.
Jika memiliki budget lebih
bisa membeli Express Pass sehingga untuk ride
yang ada kita dapat menggunakan jalur khusus (express). Khusus untuk Harry
Potter ride express pass yang berlaku
adalah Express Pass 7 dan 5 (untuk 7 ride atau 5 ride). Namun Express Pass 5
sudah cukup (Express Pass 3 tidak
berlaku untuk Harry Potter ride, jangan sampai salah membeli).
If you have extra budget, you can
buy Express Pass to have an express line for any ride. Special for Harry Potter
ride, the valid express pass was Express Pass 7 and 5 (for 7 or 5 rides). But
actually, Express Pass 5 is enough (Express Pass 3 is not valid for Harry
Potter ride, check first before you buy!).
Harga Express Pass 5: ¥5.200
Baca ketentuan penggunaan
Express Pass USJ di sini
Express Pass price 5: ¥5.200
Read the terms and condition of
Express Pass USJ here
PS: tiket masuk USJ dan Express Pass
dapat dibeli di Indonesia untuk menghindari antre membeli tiket, selain itu
untuk Express Pass memang sebaiknya beli jauh-jauh hari karena tidak tersedia
banyak kuota.
Di Jakarta dapat dibeli
2, Tower F Kiosk F2. Jl. Tanjung Duren No.5
11470 Indonesia
tiket akan ditambah handling charge Rp. 50.000,- per tiket)
Jadi pengen balik lagi ke USJ.. Cobain butterbeer ga mba? Itu enak aja plus nagih :)
BalasHapusduhh 2 blogger kesenengan saya termasuk mba prue lg ngebahas harry potter smua :( jadi makin pengen kesana.
BalasHapusakhirnya ditulis jg ttg harpot USJ ^o^..ini udh msk dlm itin ku pas ke jepang ntr mba.. btw, kamu di sana nyobain rollercoaster extreme nya kyk dodonpa di fuji q ama steel dragon di nagashima spa land ga mba? aku masukin ittu juga pas ke jepang ntr.. penasaran pgn nyobain smua roller coasternya yg extreme ^o^
BalasHapusAbis baca ini pengen minum butterbeer lagi, nyesel ga nyobain yg hot :)) iseng nulis juga di sini :P
BalasHapusSemoga nanti ada waktunya gue ke sana. Ini permanen ada di USJ kan, ya? Bukan musiman?