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18 Oktober 2015

Postcard from Tamansari Water Castle

"Where's the water?" tanya Chacha, salah satu blogger yang trip bersama kami berkeliling beberapa kota dan destinasi di Indonesia.

“Where’s the water?” asked Chacha, one of the bloggers that joined our trip around some destinations in Indonesia.
"It usually filled with water," jawab saya menunjuk kolam kering di tengah bangunan. Rupanya kolam-kolam di Tamansari Ngayogyakarta ini sedang dikeringkan dahulu untuk diganti airnya. "Not a good timing, but hey' it's still beautiful," tambah saya sambil menunjuk sekeliling.

“It usually filled with water,” I replied, referring a dry pond in the middle of the building. Apparently, all ponds in Tamansari Ngayogyakarta was being dried in order to replace the water. “Not a good timing, but hey it’s still beautiful,” I added, pointing around.

Kompleks Tamansari Ngayogyakarta dahulu merupakan kompleks besar dengan danau buatan dan berbagai bangunan di area ini sehingga disebut juga sebagai water castle. Namun kini hanya beberapa bangunan yang tersisa dan dilestarikan dalam bentuk aslinya.

Tamansari Ngayogyakarta complex used to be a large complex with an artificial lake and various building that made it called as a water castle. But now, there are only a few buildings remained and being preserved in the original form.

Kami berkeliling area ini, dari Istana Air dan tempat pemandian, hingga ke Sumur Gumuling dengan bentuk bangunan yang unik dan dahulu merupakan masjid. So here's some postcard from Tamansari Ngayogyakarta.

We walked around from the Water Castle and baths to the Gumuling Well, which has a unique shape and used to be a mosque. So here’s some postcard from Tamansari Ngayogyakarta

@marischkaprue - she needs (sea) water
Jl. Taman, Keraton, Yogyakarta
9:00 - 14:00

Rp. 5.000,- (turis lokal - local tourist)
Rp. 8.000,- (turis asing - foreign tourist)

PS: Trip ke kompleks Candi Prambanan ini merupakan salah satu agenda Kementrian Pariwisata Indonesia yaitu International Bloggers Trip to Indonesia untuk mempromosikan pariwisata Indonesia pada dunia. Lihat lebih banyak destinasi Indonesia di website Indonesia Travel.

PS: Trip to Prambanan Temple complex is part of the Ministry of Tourism of Indonesia agenda, which is the International Bloggers Trip to Indonesia in order to promote Indonesia tourism to the world. See more destinations in website Indonesia Travel.

Get a free trip to Komodo Island, by joining Wonderful Indonesia Bucket List Contest!

This contest is open for anyone from around the world (exclude Indonesia, sorry guys, there will be another contest for Indonesian), round trip ticket to Indonesia and Labuan Bajo (the gate to Komodo) is also provided by Indonesia Travel. All you gotta do is just submit the video, explaining why you deserve to go to Komodo. 

See more details here, GOOD LUCK!  


1 komentar:

  1. nah gitu dong, tiket masuk antara lokal dan asing msh masuk akal.. ga jomplang bgt kyk di bbrp tempat wisata -__-...tempat2 yg bgitu mah aku rasa emg ga pgn didatangin turis asing tempatnya
