Saya paling suka bepergian ke
tempat-tempat indah di Indonesia yang jauh dari keramaian, pantai-pantai
tersembunyi yang cukup sulit untuk dijangkau, area dimana hanya kita yang ada
di lokasi tersebut, destinasi-destinasi yang terasa sangat private.
Mostly, I prefer
to travel to beautiful places in Indonesia that is away from the crowds, hiden
beaches that are quite difficult to reach, the area where we were the only one
at the site, the destinations which feels very private.
WHY? Kenapa? Karena
lokasi-lokasi yang jauh dari keramaian, jauh dari penduduk dan tidak dijangkau
kebanyakan orang adalah area indah yang tak terjamah, pantai-pantai berpasir
putih dan laut jernih tanpa ada sampah.
WHY? Due to locations that are far away from the crowds, away from the population and is not reached by most people is a beautiful area that is unspoiled, white sandy beaches and crystal clear sea with no rubbish.
WHY? Due to locations that are far away from the crowds, away from the population and is not reached by most people is a beautiful area that is unspoiled, white sandy beaches and crystal clear sea with no rubbish.
SAMPAH.. Such a big BIG big problem in our country. Datanglah ke
lokasi-lokasi wisata yang cukup umum, tidak sulit menemukan sampah bertebaran.
Kantong plastik, kemasan bekas makanan, everything
that seemingly people can throw away, they just did it, so sad..
TRASH .. Such a
big BIG big problem in our country. Come to the tourist sites are quite common,
it is not difficult to find litter strewn. Plastic bags, food wraps, everything
that people can seemingly throw away, they just did it, so sad ..
Saya ingat saat para penyelam
melakukan bersih laut di area Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu. Masing-masing
membawa kantong jaring untuk "berburu" sampah. Benar-benar tidak
perlu waktu lama bagi kami untuk mengisi kantong jaring untuk sampah ini. Kami
menemukan botol-botol bekas, kain, bekas kemasan, dan terutama, kantong
I remember when we did "sea cleaning" in the area of Pulau Pramuka, Seribu Islands. Each carrying a net bag to "hunt" garbage. Really does not take long for us to fill the net bag for this garbage. We found old bottles, cloth, used packaging, and especially, plastic bags.
I remember when we did "sea cleaning" in the area of Pulau Pramuka, Seribu Islands. Each carrying a net bag to "hunt" garbage. Really does not take long for us to fill the net bag for this garbage. We found old bottles, cloth, used packaging, and especially, plastic bags.
Indonesia punya reputasi dalam hal sampah, bukan hal yang dapat dibanggakan. Studi Jenna
Jambeck tahun 2015 mengungkap bahwa kita merupakan peringkat ke-2 sebagai
negara penyumbang sampah plastik terbesar ke laut.
Indonesia has a reputation in the garbage, not something to be proud of. Jenna Jambeck's study in 2015 revealed that we are ranked as the country's 2nd largest contributor to the plastic waste into the sea.
Indonesia has a reputation in the garbage, not something to be proud of. Jenna Jambeck's study in 2015 revealed that we are ranked as the country's 2nd largest contributor to the plastic waste into the sea.
Remember the popular sentence "Cewe matre ke laut aje," well, STOP IT, laut bukan
tempat buang sampah, laut itu indah, laut itu menenangkan, laut itu luar
Remember the
popular sentence "Cewe matre ke laut aje (in English: Materialistic women
should be thrown away to the sea)" well, STOP IT, sea is not a dustbin,
the ocean was beautiful, the sea is calming, the sea is incredible ..
Looks like a nice beach, but can you spot the trash? |
1000 tahun adalah waktu yang diperlukan untuk mengurai sampah
plastik. Cucu dari cucu dari cucu
dari cucu dari cucu kita akan tetap harus menanggung sampah plastik yang kita
hasilkan saat ini. That's definitely not a legacy we want to share to our
1000 years is the
time required to break the plastic waste. The grandchildren of the
grandchildren of the grandchildren of the grandchildren of our grandchildren
will still have to bear the plastic waste that we produce today. That's
definitely not a legacy we want to share to our descendants.
"I can't spot which one is jellyfish and which one is plastic bag dude, so don't throw trash in my home" |
Plastic garbage KILLS animals. Penyu seringkali mengira sampah plastik sebagai ubur-ubur yang
merupakan makanan penyu, sampah yang dimakan penyu tidak terurai di dalam
perutnya dan menyebabkan kematian pada penyu, populasi penyu yang berkurang
menyebabkan jumlah ubur-ubur meningkat tajam. Tidak suka saat banyak ubur-ubur
saat snorkeling? Maybe it's our own fault, think about it.. Tidak hanya penyu,
banyak binatang lain dan ekosistem yang terancam dengan intensitas sampah
plastik yang "menginvasi" laut.
Plastic garbage
KILLS animals. Sea turtles are often thought of plastic waste for jellyfish
which is their food, the trash that they eat does not break down in the stomach
and causing the death of the sea turtle, the sea turtle population is reduced
causing the number of jellyfish rose sharply. Not liking it when meeting lots
of jellyfish while snorkeling? Maybe it's our own fault, think about it .. Not
only sea turtles, many other animals and ecosystems threatened by the intensity
of plastic garbage that "invaded" the sea.
We overuse plastic bag.
Survey Greeneration Indonesia mengungkap bahwa satu orang rata-rata menggunakan
700 kantong plastik setiap tahunnya. Well, that's A LOT.
We overuse
plastic bag. Greeneration Indonesian Survey revealed that the average person
uses 700 plastic bags each year. Well, that's A LOT.
Saya selalu bilang, perubahan
itu tidak sulit namun perlu penyesuaian yang bertahap. Tidak perlu langsung
mengubah hidup menjadi totally green living, tanpa kantong plastik sama sekali,
tanpa AC dan sebagainya, most people will only last for.. DAYS..
I always say, the
change is not difficult but necessary adjustments are needed gradually. Do not
need to change life becomes totally green living, no plastic bags altogether,
no air conditioning and so on, most people will only last for DAYS .. ..
So it's better to make a step-by-step
way to change. Saat ini sudah ada kebijakan diet kantong plastik, di mana
toko-toko sudah tidak menggratiskan kantong plastik berdasarkan peraturan
pemerintah sejak Februari 2016. Harapannya? tentu saja mengurangi jumlah
pemakaian kantong plastik, hal ini terbukti efektif mengurangi konsumsi sampai
sampai 70% di negara-negara lain. Namun menurut saya harga kantong plastik
masih terlalu murah (Rp. 200,-) sehingga membuat pemakaian kantong plastik
masih cenderung mudah, should've been
around Rp. 5000,- so people will
think about using it In my opinion).
So it's better to
make a step-by-step way to change. There is now a policy of diet plastic bags,
where the shops have not eliminate plastic bags by government regulation since
February 2016. The hope? of course reduces the amount of usage of plastic bags,
it proved effective in reducing consumption up to 70% in other countries. However,
I think the price is too cheap plastic bag (Rp. 200, -) thus making the use of
plastic bags are still prone, should've been around Rp. 5000, - so people will
think about using it In my opinion).
"Repot ah bawa-bawa
tas," mungkin itu yang terbayang saat konsep bring your own shopping bag
muncul. But hey, use this kind of bag,
it's small (saat dilipat), ringan dan simple.
"Carrying a
bag is troublesome," maybe it's what comes to mind when the concept of
bring your own shopping bag appears. But hey, use this kind of bag, it's small
(when folded), light and simple.
Tas Tempo Scan Love Earth
(link ke ini bisa didapatkan gratis di supermarket atau
minimarket yang bekerja sama dengan Tempo Scan Pacific, setiap pembelanjaan
produk Tempo Scan sebesar Rp. 50.000,- hingga Juli 2016 ini.
Tempo Scan Love Earth's Bag (link to can be obtained free of charge at the supermarket or minimarket in collaboration with Tempo Scan Pacific, every purchase of products Tempo Scan Rp. 50.000, - until July 2016.
Tempo Scan Love Earth's Bag (link to can be obtained free of charge at the supermarket or minimarket in collaboration with Tempo Scan Pacific, every purchase of products Tempo Scan Rp. 50.000, - until July 2016.
Not only that, jika
kita menggunakan tas Tempo Scan Love Earth saat berbelanja, maka kita
mendapatkan diskon 5% untuk pembelian produk Tempo Scan (tunjukkan barcode yang
ada di dalam tas ini) di supermarket/ minimarket yang bekerja sama. This is
such a nice idea, memang terkadang perlu ada "insentif" atau
"motivasi diskon" terlebih dahulu, namun hopefully secara pelan-pelan ini akan merubah kebiasaan kita dalam
menggunakan kantong plastik.
Not only that, if
we use Tempo Scan's Love Earth bag when shopping, then we get a 5% discount on
the purchase of products Tempo Scan (show the barcode that is in this bag) in a
supermarket / minimarket that cooperate with them. This is such a nice idea, it
is sometimes necessary to have "incentive" or "motivation"
discount first, but hopefully gradually will change our habit of using plastic
@marischkaprue - she loves the earth and all the things on
it, especially those sea, yes, sea!
Kasihan penyu nya kalo sampai sampah plastik itu di makan, hanya karena di pikir ubur2
BalasHapusYa ampun ombak surfingnya aja penuh sampah ya ternyata :(
BalasHapusJadi pengen makin rajin bawa kantong sendiri.
ombak surfing jadi malah mengganggu.
BalasHapusArtikel tambahan, Prue.
BalasHapusaku juga kesel, kayak kemarin pas ke Bira
BalasHapussampahnya buanyak :((
Pantainya Keren Abisa tapi sayang Jika pantai yang masih alami sudah banyak sampah berserakan,,,
BalasHapuswisata bromo
Miris ya melihat kondisi sampah plastik di negeri ini, berserakan dimana-mana, hiks. Semoga dengan kampanye ini, jumlah sampah plastik akan berkurang. Mari kita mulai dari diri kita sendiri, dimulai dari hal terkecil
BalasHapusSampah plastik bikin pemandangan pantai nya jadi ga indah
BalasHapusGa ada otak yang buang sampah
BalasHapusSewa bus pariwisata Bandung