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6 Juni 2016

PREMIUM in ECONOMY? Why Not? Singapore Airlines Premium Economy Experience

Let's face it, untuk perjalanan panjang hanya ada dua opsi (yang pada akhirnya bagi sebagian orang hanya menjadi 1 opsi): Trying as best as you can to fit perfectly to the economy seat, or a comfort flight with business class (but surely it cost you way more money).

Let's face it, for a long journey there are only two options (which in the end for some people just be one option): Trying as best as you can to fit perfectly to the economy seat, or a comfort flight with business class (but surely it cost you way more money).

Bagi orang seperti saya yang sangat mudah tidur di perjalanan (teman-teman saya bahkan menyebut saya pelor: nempel molor), economy seat flight is not a problem, apalagi saya tidak tinggi sehingga kaki tidak pernah stuck "berasa terjepit di antara jarak yang terbatas." Namun, bagi sebagian orang, long flight dapat menjadi siksaan, bayangkan penerbangan di atas 6 jam di mana kita tidak dapat tidur dan kaki yang terus menekuk dalam posisi tidak nyaman.

For people like me who are very easy to sleep on the trip (my friends even call me a pelor: a slang word in Indonesian which refers to a person who sleep easily), and even my legs are not that long so that my legs are never stuck "felt sandwiched between a limited distance. " However, for some people, a long flight can be an ordeal, imagine flying above 6 hours where we cannot sleep and legs are kept bent in an uncomfortable position.

It's good to know that now there are more options: Premium Economy! Yes, a hybrid between economy and business, more comfort for sure, but not as costly as business class seats.

APA PERBEDAANNYA? Let's see SQ Premium Economy seats:

WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? Let's see SQ Premium Economy seats:


Saat pertama melihat konfigurasi kursi dan jarak, premium economy tampak seperti business class seats untuk short haul flight (biasanya untuk pesawat yang lebih ramping).

When you first look at the configuration of seats and the distance, premium economy looks like business class seats for short-haul flight (usually for a leaner airlines).

Konfigurasi kursi 2-4-2 memberikan ruang yang lebih luas untuk setiap premium economy seat, dengan lebar 49,5 cm dan jarak antar kursi 96,5 cm. Perbedaan jarak yang cukup signifikan dengan economy class membuat kursi premium economy dapat di recline (plus dengan leg rest yang tersedia), namun memang bukan fully recline seperti di business class, but hey it's way more comfortable than the economy seats. Terdapat banyak kompartemen juga untuk menyimpan barang-barang sehingga tidak perlu banyak membuka cabin baggage. One thing for sure, more space, more comfort.

2-4-2 seat configuration provides a wider space for each premium economy seat, with a width of 49.5 cm and 96.5 cm distance between seats. The significant enough distance difference compared to the economy class seats makes premium economy seats can be reclined (plus with available leg rest), although it cannot be fully reclined like in business class, but hey it's way more comfortable than the economy seats. There are also lots of compartments to store items so there is not need a lot of opening the cabin baggage. One thing for sure, more space, more comfort.


This is one of my favorite, the 13,3 inch LCD Monitor dengan brand new entertainment system di premium economy seats Singapore Airlines sangat menghibur di perjalanan panjang. LCD monitor terasa sangat besar dan desain sleek yang menyatu dengan seat really add more lux feeling in this premium economy seats.

This is one of my favorite, the 13.3-inch LCD Monitor with brand new entertainment system in premium economy seats of Singapore Airlines is very entertaining on a long trip. The LCD monitor feels very big with sleek design that blends with the seats really add more lux feeling in this premium economy seats.


Gotta admit that the meal is not business class style, dengan pilihan menu yang serupa dengan economy class (namun ada tambahan 1 pilihan extra menu untuk premium economy), namun jangan berharap makanan akan disajikan di piring dan gelas cantik, karena penyajian makanan untuk premium economy sama dengan economy class, bedanya kita bisa mendapatkan free welcoming champagne, serta free flow selama perjalanan.

Gotta admit that the meal is not business class style, with a choice of menu similar to economy class (but there is an additional 1 choice extra menu for premium economy), but do not expect the food to be served on a plate and fancy glasses, because the presentation of the food of premium economy is the same with economy class, the only difference is that we can get a free welcoming champagne, as well as the free flow during the trip.


In this digital world, hampir setiap orang memiliki lebih dari satu gadget. Di premium economy seats SQ terdapat dua usb slot (di bawah LCD monitor dan di sisi kursi), serta colokan listrik di sisi bawah kursi jika kita perlu charging laptop. Easy breezy and less electricity crisis worry :)

In this digital world, almost everyone has more than one gadget. In SQ premium economy seats, there are two usb ports (below the LCD monitor and on the side of the chair), and the power jack on the underside of the seat if we need charging laptops. Easy breezy and less electricity crisis worry :)


Premium economy passenger mendapatkan jatah bagasi 35 kg dan 7kg untuk cabin baggage, plus extra baggage treatment untuk penumpang premium economy.

Premium economy passenger get a baggage allowance of 35 kg and 7kg of cabin baggage, plus extra baggage treatment for premium economy passengers.


If you have more budget, but feels like it's too much to spend on business class, premium economy tentu menjadi pilihan. Bagi sebagian orang (termasuk saya), salah satu faktor penentu kenyamanan long flight tentunya jarak dan luas kursi. Same meal won't be a problem, but more space is big deal.

If you have more budget, but feels like it's too much to spend on business class, premium economy is certainly an option. For some people (including me), one of the determining factors of course the convenience of long distance flight and spacious seats. Same meal won't be a problem, but more space is big deal.

@marischkaprue - having a great time on her premium economy seat flight


Book your premium economy seats on Singapore Airlines website here

Went to New Zealand with Singapore Airlines for #JelajahNewZealand ,also with my fav travel blogger Trinity Traveler :)

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