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16 Juni 2016


Dengan konsep ilusi mata, Upside Down World memaksa kami untuk kreatif membuat pose-pose unik yang tampak nyata. Ferry jatuh ke meja makan? Well, it's actually upside down, he's jumping up, and then later, we flip the photo to make it look real :)

With the concept of optical illusions, Upside Down World forced us to be creative in making unique poses that look real. Ferry fell to the dinner table? Well, it's actually upside down, he's jumping up, and then later, we flip the photo to make it look real :)

Saya selalu senang mencari tempat-tempat semacam ini di mana kita dapat membuat berbagai foto menarik, dan bukan hanya foto, this is where you can have fun!

I am always happy to look for places like this where we can make a variety of interesting photos, and not just the photos, this is where you can have fun!

You can be a ghost :))
Or feeling a bit Spidey-sticking on the ceiling :)
This one is a bad example, we're not creative enough, towel still shows the real gravity X)
Upside Down World Bali, sesuai namanya adalah attraction dengan berbagai ruangan yang dibuat "terbalik." Meja, kursi dan ornamen-ornamen pelengkap dibuat menempel dengan di plafon dalam bangunan, hasilnya, kita seakan-akan berjalan terbalik. Namun keseruan adalah saat mencari pose-pose menarik agar terlihat unik saat hasil foto dibalik, ini cukup tricky karena sulit membayangkan hasil yang terbalik. Saya dan teman-teman awalnya cukup bingung apa yang harus dilakukan tapi di dalam setiap ruangan ada foto-foto sample yang menunjukkan seperti apa ruangan saat dibalik :)

Upside Down World Bali, as the name implies is the attraction with a variety of rooms that were made "upside down." Tables, chairs and complimentary ornaments are made attached to the ceiling in the building, the result, we seemed to walk upside down. But the excitement is currently looking for interesting poses unique moment to look behind the photos, this is quite tricky because it's hard to imagine the results were reversed. My friends and I were initially quite confused of what to do but in every room there are photographs that show what kind of sample room while behind :)

Beware of the wall-ghost ;)
Area di dalam Upside Down World Bali ini tidak terlalu luas, hanya ada sekitar 8 set ruang, termasuk satu ruangan trick eye dengan mural efek 3D di dinding. Namun saya sudah kelelahan bahkan sebelum set terakhir karena kami banyak bergerak dalam berbagai posisi dan termasuk loncat-loncat yang sangat menghabiskan energi haha!

Areas in Bali Upside Down World is not too extensive, there are only about 8 sets of rooms, including one room with a mural trick eye 3D effect on the wall. However I was exhausted even before the last set because of our many moves in different positions and included jumping highly which drained our energy haha!

If you're in Bali with family or friends, this is one of a place to have fun!

@marischkaprue - her life is a roller coaster (fun one!), but not actually upside down ;)


Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No. 762
Pemogan, Denpasar, Bali

9 AM - 9 PM every day

Tiket Dewasa/ Adults: Rp. 100.000,- per person
Tiket Anak-anak/ Children: Rp. 50.000,- per person


4 komentar:

  1. wahaha unik ya ruangan-ruangnanya. itu yang sampe kayang mirip adegan di film apa ya, pokoknya horor gitu.
    Tempat bagus, tiket murah.. catat dulu deh untuk destinasi habis lebaran nanti.
    post tempat-tempat seru terus ya, pru. Biar bisa jadi guide mau ke mana selanjutnya. hehehe

  2. Lucu lucu boleh di coba, tapi aku maish anak2 bayar 50 ribu aja hehehe

  3. Wahhh, boleh nih kesini kalau ke Bali. Instagramable bgt tempatnya wkwk

  4. ternyata BANDUNG punya tempat wisata seperti suasana di korea, pengen banget main kesana
