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7 Desember 2016


Lahir, besar dan menetap di negara tropis dengan hanya dua musim: musim panas dan musim hujan (serta musim pancaroba) membuat saya selalu tertarik menikmati suasana di musim-musim yang berbeda. Saya pertama kali merasakan musim gugur atau autumn di Korea (click this link to see), dan di tahun ini saya kembali dapat menikmati autumn, namun di Jepang bersama sahabat saya, Putri.

Born, grew and lived in a tropical country with only two seasons: summer and rainy season (as well as the transition season) makes me always interested in enjoying the atmosphere in different seasons. I first felt the fall or autumn in Korea (click this link to see), and this year I can again enjoy the autumn, but in Japan together with my best friend, Putri.

Kami berkeliling beberapa kota dan menikmati traveling dengan ritme yang santai karena Putri sedang hamil 6 bulan (I’ll make a blogpost about traveling with pregnant women later)

We travel around several cities and enjoyed traveling with a relaxed rhythm because Putri was pregnant 6 months (I'll make a blogpost about traveling with pregnant women later)

Here are some places that we found really nice to enjoy autumn atmosphere in Japan:


Taman di dekat stasiun Komagome ini dapat menjadi opsi untuk menikmati musim gugur di Tokyo. Rikugien lebih populer untuk warga Tokyo sendiri dibandingkan dengan turis asing sehingga lebih “sepi” dibandingkan taman lain seperti Ueno.

This park near Ikebukuro station may be an option to enjoy autumn in Tokyo. Rikugien is more popular to Tokyo residents alone than to the foreign tourists making it more "quiet" compared to other parks such as Ueno.
Nearest Station: Komagome Station (JR Yamanote Line in Tokyo)
Entrance Fee: 300 Yen


Using Uniqlo HEATTECH to stroll around gardens in Tokyo

Taman ini persis berada di depan National Museum of Nature and Science. Saya dan Putri yang awalnya hendak langsung masuk ke museum akhirnya tergoda untuk bersantai dahulu di taman yang dipenuhi atmosphere kuning dari pohon ginko yang menguning, dan daun ginko yang rontok dan menjadi karpet kuning yang sangat indah! <3

This park is located just in front of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Putri and I who were originally going directly to the museum were finally tempted to relax in a garden filled with ancient atmosphere of yellow ginko tree yellowing and ginko leaves that fell off and became very beautiful yellow carpet! <3

Nearest Station: Ueno Station
No entrance fee


My travelmate, Putri
Wearing HEATTECH Extra Warm Turtle Neck in grey color
Laughing around everyday :)
Jalanan menuju Osaka Castle di Osaka ini menguning di akhir bulan November, puncak autumn yang sangat menyenangkan. Kami menikmati berjalan kaki menghirup udara segar dan pemandangan yang menguning, serta pepohonan yang memerah di sekitar castle.

The road to Osaka Castle in Osaka is yellowing at the end of November, the peak of a very pleasant autumn. We enjoyed walking while breathing fresh air and the yellowing scenery and reddening trees around the castle.
Nearest Station: Osakajokoen Station
No entrance fee


It's colder and the wind is really strong, so I wear my Uniqlo HEATTECH as inner before wearing coat
Bambi asking for food

All reddish leaves and playful deer, what more can we ask? :)

Nara Park benar-benar menjadi salah satu spot favorit kami di kala autumn. Pepohonan yang memerah, sungai dan pemandangan yang sangat genic, serta rusa-rusa nakal yang tidak segan mendekati kami meminta crackers, Nara Park benar-benar a happy place in autumn

Nara Park really becomes one of our favorite spots in the autumn time. The trees were flushed, the river and the scenery are very genic, as well as deer rogue who did not hesitate to approach us asking for crackers, Nara Park is really a happy place in autumn

Freezy morning

Combining HEATTECH extra warm with different outfit for comfort during autumn weather :)
Old vibes of Japan, jalanan Gion memang selalu jadi primadona untuk menikmati suasana tradisional Jepang. Saat kami datang ada beberapa warga Jepang yang sedang prewed photoshoot dengan baju tradisional di jalanan Gion dan temple yang ada, it such a nice morning strolling around here 

Old vibes of Japan, the streets of Gion is always so excellent to enjoy traditional Japanese atmosphere. When we came there were several Japanese nationals who were doing prewed photoshoot with traditional costumes in the streets of Gion and temple there, it is such a nice morning strolling around here


Wearing Uniqlo HEATTECH Extra Warm turtle neck
Meski belum memasuki musim dingin, cuaca di saat autumn terasa dingin terutama bagi penduduk negara tropis seperti saya. Suhu di Tokyo, Osaka dan Kyoto berkisar antara 7° - 12°C, terkadang disertai angin yang lumayan membuat kita ingin masuk ke dalam selimut sehingga selalu siapkan outfit yang tepat agar kita dapat menikmati jalan-jalan di suhu dingin tanpa ribet:

Although it was not yet entered the winter, the weather in autumn is cold, especially for the tropical countries' residents like me. Temperatures in Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto ranges between 7° - 12° C, sometimes accompanied by a hefty winds makes us want to get into blankets so always prepare the right outfit so that we can enjoy a walk in cold temperatures without complicated:

Gunakan inner untuk celana (berupa semacam stocking namun dengan bahan yang memberi rasa hangat), kenakan pula sepatu dan kaus kaki hangat.

Use the inner to the pants (in the form of a kind of stockings but with a material that gives a sense of warmth), also wear warm shoes and socks.

Pakaian berlapis akan sangat membantu menghangatkan badan, gunakan outfit dengan bahan hangat yang nyaman dan tidak terlalu tebal seperti Uniqlo HEATTECH Extra Warm meski bahannya tipis, namun bagian dalam HEATTECH ini memiliki tekstur semacam bulu yang menghangatkan badan, ada tiga pilihan macam HEATTECH: Regular, Extra Warm dan Ultra Warm, kita dapat pilih sesuai dengan cuaca destinasi yang kita datangi, nah karena saat autumn sudah dingin (bagi kami warga tropis), saya memilih HEATTECH Extra Warm karena lebih hangat 1,5 kali dibanding HEATTECH Regular.

Layered clothing will be very helpful to keep warm, use outfit with warm yet cozy material and not too thick like Uniqlo HEATTECH Extra Warm although the material is thin, but in the inside HEATTECH has a textured sort of fur that warms the body, there is a choice of three kinds of HEATTECH: Regular, Extra warm and Ultra Warm, we can choose according to the weather destinations that we went to, and well because autumn is already cold (for us as tropical country's citizens), I chose HEATTECH Extra Warm because it is 1.5 warmer compared HEATTECH Regular.

dan yang paling menyenangkan adalah tidak terasa seperti pakaian “dalaman longjohn” yang sangat terlihat bahan dalamannya sehingga tidak dapat dipakai langsung tanpa luaran, Uniqlo HEATTECH ini bisa langsung digunakan tanpa luaran, dan sebagai dalaman saat kita ingin menggunakan coat tebal atau panjang yang stylish, mix and match saat autumn jadi jauh lebih mudah :)

and the most fun is not felt like clothes "innards longjohn" that has highly visible inner material and therefore cannot be used directly without any outer cloth, Uniqlo HEATTECH can be directly worn without outer, and can also be worn as the innards when we want to wear stylish thick or long coat, mix and match then during autumn is so much easier :)

Ear warmer penting sekali, terutama saat angin bertiup kencang. Meski tidak perlu digunakan sepanjang perjalanan, selalu siapkan penutup kuping di tas kita untuk kenyamanan.

Ear warmer is also important, especially when the wind is blowing hard. Although it does not need to be worn all the way, always prepare ear warmer in our bags for convenience.

Tangan adalah salah satu bagian tubuh yang sangat rentan dingin, jadi sarung tangan juga penting!

Hands are one part of the body most vulnerable cold, so gloves are also important!
So, ready to prep your clothes and enjoy cold autumn (or even winter)?

@marischkaprue – simply feeling warm and happy on autumn vibes

5 komentar:

  1. Duhhh pengen ngerasain musim diluar musim hujan dan panas juga pancaroba.. foto autumn nya keren keren bgd ..

  2. wihhhh musim gugur,,,
    keren banget bisa menikmatinya,,,.
    suasana daun pepohonan yg gugur membuat pengalaman berbeda,,,

  3. Liat daun2 menguning memerah dan berguguran jadi pengen kejepang lagi ihik ihik ihik #Nabung

  4. Keren banget, bisa menikmati pohon2 dengan daun yg berwarna warni, jadi pengen ngeliat langsung.. #smga nantinya bisa kejepang juga.

  5. saat musim gugur, taman itu terlihat indah apalagi di sekitarnya ada daun-daun yang menguning dan mulai berguguran..
