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28 Januari 2017


Kami tiba di area Koshu Yume Kouji persis sebelum langit mulai gelap. Jalanan dengan feel bangunan-bangunan klasik ini persis berada di antara Kofu City Historical Park dan Maizuru Castle Park, di area pusat kota Kofu, atau hanya sekitar 3 menit saja berjalan kaki dari Kofu Station.

We arrived in the area of Koshu Yume Kouji just before the sky grew dark. The streets with the classic feel of the buildings is tucked between Kofu City Historical Park and Maizuru Castle Park, in the downtown area of Kofu, or only about 3 minutes walk from Kofu Station.

Salah satu bangunan yang paling menarik perhatian di sini adalah menara coklat "Toki no Kane," yaitu menara lonceng yang merupakan replika dari menara lonceng sebelumnya yang berusia 200 tahun, namun hancur pada masa Meiji.

One of the buildings that is most interesting here is the chocolate tower "Toki no Kane," a bell tower which is a replica of the bell tower before the age of 200 years, but was destroyed in the Meiji era.

Di sisi kiri Toki no Kane, kita dapat memasuki area toko, cafe dan restaurant dengan suasana yang menyenangkan. Yang paling menarik bagi saya adalah Kurumu, toko yang menjual berbagai kerajinan kertas khas Ichikawadaimon, Yamanashi.

On the left side of Toki no Kane, we can enter the area of the store, cafe and restaurant with a nice atmosphere. The most interesting thing for me is Kurumu, a store that sells a variety of paper crafts typical of Ichikawadaimon, Yamanashi.

Di Koshu Yume Kouji kita juga dapat mencicipi jus anggur dengan kualitas anggur wine. Furuya San adalah salah satu pembuat pure grape juice di Kofu. Yang menarik, ia menggunakan jenis anggur dengan kualitas yang biasanya digunakan untuk membuat wine, namun tanpa fermentasi yang membuat anggur memiliki kadar alkohol, sehingga jus anggur murni buatan Furuya ini memiliki nama-nama yang umum pada wine seperti Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay hingga Merlot namun 100% non alkohol.

In Koshu Yume Kouji we also can taste the grape juice with wine grape quality. Furuya San is one of pure grape juice makers in Kofu. Interestingly, he uses different types of wine with a quality that is usually used to make wine, but without fermentation that makes wine alcohol content, so the pure grape juice made by Furuya have names that are common in wine such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Chardonnay to Merlot yet 100 % non alcohol.

Berjalan kaki menyusuri Koshu Yume Kouji sangat menyenangkan, hopefully I can visit this place again during the day to feel different atmosphere :)

Strolling around the Koshu Yume Kouji is very pleasant, hopefully I can visit this place again during the day to feel different atmosphere :)
@marischkaprue - her future will also filled with vintage vibes journey


Marunouchi 1-1-25, Kofu-Shi

From Kofu Station only 2-3 minutes walk


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