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I started my absurd journey when I get a job as a news reporter. That title bring me fantastic opportunities of having experience I've never imagine before.

Grown as a hard news journalist, I mostly dealt with politics and natural disaster. During my time on the field, a lot of natural disaster occurred in Indonesia, and I usually the one got the phone call when it happened.

I never regret being a hard news journalist, I enjoy it so much, it brought me everywhere, from interviewing vice president of Indonesia, seeing the bad situations in the slums area, run when the volcano erupted, see the rapid building constructions in Angola, and even met and saw sad stories during my coverage in Afghanistan.

I fell in love to a lot of things, the experience and the travel. Then I got my feet into the travel world without even notice, I remember start diving on 2010 then suddenly I got involved a lot on hosting travel program in my office. On mid 2011 I was fully hosting the travel program, a drastic change from hard news to travel documentary which is have to be fun, compared to my serious assignments before.

I got my feet right and just felt comfortable instantly traveling from one place to another. I started to share my experience, writes about it and share a lot.

On September 2012 I resigned. A big step from me to reach my silly dreams. A lot might wonder why I did that, for now I can say I simply did that because I want to travel as me, myself and share as much as I can, through blog, websites, magazines, anything possible. I love traveling so much and I can't explain it, too much reasons. I simply fell in love, to travel, to the journey and experiences. Since then, I started posting a lot of stories in this blog.

Now I consider myself fully blogging, it's been more than 4 years but I do still learning each day. Some also wonder how do I pay for my trip, well, I consider myself lucky to have sponsors, advertisers and endorsements. Some of my trip are still on my own expense, sometimes you just wanna go out, travel as free as you can.

I know what I did might not be forever, but I know for sure that when I have to stop this life and maybe still have trips not as often as nowadays, I won't regret since I've done all efforts to reach and do what I love.

I'll keep on posting, that's a promise to myself and you who read this. When you visit my blog, that's already a support for me, thanks for reading and hopefully you'll have the same excitements as I have, hopefully by reading this you will see there are places outside, waiting to be found and loved.

You don't have to be a hardcore traveler to enjoy the journey, just walk outside, take a trip and let all your senses brings fantastic experience for you to remember years and years and years after.

These shoes are made for walking. If you don't have shoes go barefoot. If you don't have feet, God will provide you tools or a helping companion.

Because the world is too big to stay at one place
Life is an Absurd Journey

Marischka Prudence is a news journo turned into traveling journo. Starts as a hard news reporter on Metro Tv, then hosting Metro Tv's travel programs: Archipelago and Travelista.

Now blogging on Life is An Absurd Journey and spreading the love of life and travel through her social media channels: Twitter, Instagram and Youtube

She also write travel stories or life insights for:
  • Divemag Indonesia
  • Bali and Beyond Magazine
  • Elle Indonesia Magazine
  • Cosmopolitan Magazine Indonesia
  • Cita Cinta Magazine
  • Media Wisata Magazine
  • Panorama Magazine
  • Jakarta Post Travel
  • Wego Indonesia 
  • Harpers Bazaar Indonesia
  • and many more

More of her resume on Linkedin here
Write everything across her mind in her absurd journey.

Why then I decide to travel? read more here



Life Is An Absurd Journey is OPEN for SPONSORS, as long as it relates with my goal of traveling

Since being active on October 2012, now Life Is An Absurd Journey grows as an influential travel recommendation. This year, this blog visit reach about 100.000 pageview every month, and still continuously growing.

You can help me share the love of traveling, esp in Indonesia :)

Feeling like advertising your products, company, anything travel related? Have a cultural, festival, events - travel related you want to promote and get coverage in this blog?

interviews, further cooperation, let's build the love of traveling together 

email me and let's discuss for more:

Any comments, suggestions are welcome

Simply email me at:


Social Media Channels:
Twitter @marischkaprue
Instagram @marischkaprue
Youtube: marischkapru
G+ Marischka Prudence


22 komentar:

  1. Haii ... Nice to know you ...

    Salam kenal yaa ...
    Blog nya keren ...
    Terus konsisten untuk update yaa ..

    Visit my blog:

  2. Selalu suka dengan cerita perjaananmu, Pru. Vietnamnya kapan ya?

  3. wowww.. amazing blog.. salam traveller dr saya Pengembara asal Jawa Tengah

  4. Halo Admin / Blogger :)

    Saya sangat suka dengan postingan foto-fotonya :)
    Perkenalkan, saya Dewi dari tim kumpulbagi. saya ingin tau, apakah kiranya anda berencana untuk mengoleksi foto-foto,video,menggunakan disk online yang lain untuk tujuan promosi ? :)
    Jika ya, silahkan kunjungi website ini untuk info selengkapnya.

    Anda bisa dengan bebas mmengupload foto-foto,video dalam jumlah dan waktu yang tidak terbatas, setelah registrasi terlebih dahulu. Gratis :)

    Terima kasih.


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  6. Cukup menarik.. blog anda.. silahkan kunjungi blog saya dan rekomendasikan ke relasi : terima kasih

  7. blog yang bagus dan menginspirasi.
    salam kenal!

  8. @eratus
    Salam kenal juga, terima kasih :)

  9. Mbak, itu di bagian youtube account ada kesalahan cetak tolong dong diperbaiki, harusnya ACCOUNT not accout.

    Thank you.

  10. Salam kenal mbak. Nama saya Hadi.

    Pagi ini saya lihat mbak di siaran TVRI tentang travel blogger. Sangat menarik ulasan dan sharing pengalaman travellingnya ..smoga nanti saya bisa mendapatkan info venue yang bagus melalui blog mbak Marischka ini...

    Terima kasih.

  11. selamat siang mba .. salam kenal dari .. #BlogWalking

  12. Blongnya keren! :) Happy travelling.. mampir ke Belanda ya :)
    Salam kenal

  13. Mbak Prue, blognya sangat inspiratif dan ijinkan saya ulas di Makasih

  14. salam kenal mbak, keren blognya. jadi inspirasi untuk buat blog semacam ini

  15. Hari ini saya belajar banyak dari blog mba Marischka. Kesuksesan sebuah blog adalah konsistensi.

    Semoga terus menginspirasi saya.
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