Bayangkan kios makanan yang beragam di dalam satu area
bangunan besar, semua kios ditata dengan cantik dan anda bebas mencicipi tester
makanan yang disediakan di setiap kios.
Imagine variety of food stalls inside large building, all the stalls laid out beautifully and you are free to try to taste any food, since the food stalls provide tester and encourage people to try.
Imagine variety of food stalls inside large building, all the stalls laid out beautifully and you are free to try to taste any food, since the food stalls provide tester and encourage people to try.
Satu hal yang paling menyenangkan dari Pasar Bella adalah
anda bisa berkeliling mencoba tester makanan sebelum akhirnya memilih makanan
yang disuka dan bebas duduk di kios manapun. Tidak perlu sungkan mencoba karena
itulah yang menjadi konsep Pasar Bella.
One fun thing about this market is you can stroll around Pasar Bella and try a lot of tester food before finally choosing what you like and also you are free to sit at any kiosk. No need to hesitate to try because that is the concept of Pasar Bella.
One fun thing about this market is you can stroll around Pasar Bella and try a lot of tester food before finally choosing what you like and also you are free to sit at any kiosk. No need to hesitate to try because that is the concept of Pasar Bella.
Terletak di Grandstand, Turf Club Road, kawasan ini dahulu
merupakan lokasi perlombaan pacu kuda. Grandstand dahulu bernama Turf Club dan
sejak tahun 1933 lokasi ini adalah area balap kuda yang terkenal di Singapura.
Kemudian perjalanan sejarah merubah fungsi tempat ini beberapa kali. Pendudukan
Jepang di tahun 1940 membuat semua balap kuda dihentikan dan bangunan di Turf
Club menjadi rumah sakit.
Located in the Grandstand, Turf Club Road, this area used to be a horse race location. Grandstand formerly named Turf Club and since 1933 this location is a famous horse race area in Singapore. History makes a lot of changing in this place, a lot of function from time to time. During Japanese occupation in the 1940s all horse racing and buildings were suspended and the Turf Club became a hospital.
Located in the Grandstand, Turf Club Road, this area used to be a horse race location. Grandstand formerly named Turf Club and since 1933 this location is a famous horse race area in Singapore. History makes a lot of changing in this place, a lot of function from time to time. During Japanese occupation in the 1940s all horse racing and buildings were suspended and the Turf Club became a hospital.
Di tahun 1981 Turf Club dihidupkan lagi dan kemudian pindah
ke area Ranji di tahun 1999. Lokasi ini kemudian menjadi Grandstand, pusat
perbelanjaan yang sebagian besar berupa area restoran.
In 1981 Turf Club activated again but then moved to Ranji in 1999. This place later became Grandstand which is a shopping center with the area mainly are restaurants.
In 1981 Turf Club activated again but then moved to Ranji in 1999. This place later became Grandstand which is a shopping center with the area mainly are restaurants.
Pasar Bella belum lama ada di Grandstand, bulan Mei 2013
Pasar Bella dibuka dengan 38 kios makanan di dalamnya, ditambah berbagai toko
perlengkapan sehari hari yang ditata unik.
Pasar Bella is actually new. Open in May 2013, 38 food stalls is what this place is mainly offers, plus variety of housewares store and uniquely shops beautifully decorated.
Pasar Bella is actually new. Open in May 2013, 38 food stalls is what this place is mainly offers, plus variety of housewares store and uniquely shops beautifully decorated.
Masuk ke Pasar Bella adalah sensasi mencicipi. Beragam
makanan mulai dari seafood, beragam bakery dan makanan khas berbagai negara ada
disini. Nama Pasar Bella berasal dari nama lokal pasar yaitu sama dengan artian
dalam bahasa Indonesia, sementara bella berarti cantik dalam bahasa Italia.
Semua tatanan kios disini mencerminkan nama tersebut, membuat lokasi ini
menyenangkan untuk menghabiskan waktu dan memanjakan perut.
Getting into Pasar Bella is a tasting sensation. Variety of foods ranging from seafood, bakery and different unique food from various countries. The Pasar Bella name means from two meaning, Pasar in local means market and Bella means beautiful in Italian. All the orderly kiosk and food stalls reflects the name, make this place a nice option to enjoy your time and spoil your stomach.
Getting into Pasar Bella is a tasting sensation. Variety of foods ranging from seafood, bakery and different unique food from various countries. The Pasar Bella name means from two meaning, Pasar in local means market and Bella means beautiful in Italian. All the orderly kiosk and food stalls reflects the name, make this place a nice option to enjoy your time and spoil your stomach.
Seafood area in the front |
You can pick and taste! |
Beberapa makanan unik yang patut dicoba adalah paella seafood yang berasal dari Spanyol di Le Patio, saya sangat tertarik sejak melihat wajan yang sangat besar berisi nasi dan seafood. Selain itu cobalah juga keju yang beragam di toko persis di sebelahnya, bermacam keju mulai dari young schloss yang dibuat dari susu sapi, hingga pecorino berumur 4 bulan dari susu domba. Bagi anda yang dapat memakan masakan non halal, cobalah suckling pig dan yaroa di Seasalt.
Some of the unique foods which I suggest to try are the paella seafood from Spain in Le Patio, the very large skillet containing rice and seafood catch my eyes since the beginning. Also, try a variety of cheese which located beside You can try variety of cheeses ranging from young schloss made from cow's milk, until 4 months age pecorino made from sheep's milk. For those of you who can eat the non-kosher cuisine, try the suckling pig and yaroa at Seasalt.
Beragam makanan di Pasar Bella memanjakan lidah, apapun selera anda. Just try and choose, and enjoy!
Variety of foods in Pasar Bella spoil our stomach, whatever your taste. Just try and choose, and enjoy!
@marischkaprue - loves
to eat eat eat!
- Pasar Bella terletak di Grandstand, 200 Turf Club Road, Singapura 287994, contact: +6568870077
- Pasar Bella located at Grandstand, 200 Turf Club Road, Singapore 287994, contact: +6568870077
- Jam operasi Pasar Bella: Toko dari pukul 9.30 - 19.00, Kios makanan dan restoran dari pukul 10.00 - 22.00.
- Pasar Bella operating hours: Kiosk from 9.30 am to 7 pm, Food stalls and restaurants from 10 am to 10 pm.
pas baca "food stalls in a large building and you are free to taste".....I'm sold immediately, hahaha.
BalasHapusNext time ke Singapore kudu, musti, harus mampir sini berarti. Thanks for the info, Kakkkk :D
ini ibarat kayak kumpulan pedagang kaki lima di Indonesia kak?
BalasHapusIh sumpah baru tau kalo di sing ada tempat beginian, catet ah ntar kalo ke Sg lagi wajib di kunjungi.
BalasHapusMakasih kakak atas info nya :-)
wow, paella segede gaban gitu gmn ngabisinnya ya????
BalasHapussuckling pignya tickled my taste buds already just by seing the photograph, hehehe
Merry christmas and happy holidays then my friend!
Singapore punya banyak sisi juga ya, harus disempetin kunjungi tempat ini kalau kesana.
BalasHapusHmmm very interesting , nice to try .
BalasHapus*catet* Next place to visit in Singapore! :)
BalasHapushmmm , enak sekali, apa lagi gambar yang pertama, penggorengan nya besar sekali
BalasHapusHaha, iya, that's the best part XD
Ngga kaki lima sih, tapi mixed macem2 makanan dan seru abis
Sama2 kakakkk
Haha Paela nya paling mengundang perhatian, tapi cepet abisnya lho, pas dateng masih penuh, pas mau pulang lewat situ udah mau abis :D banyak yg beli
Iya, menarik ya tempatnya :)
aduh jadi pengen cepet2 kesana.. *nelen ludah*