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25 Februari 2015

Transformer Night: Dinner With The Robots in Shinjuku

Random mungkin kata yang tepat untuk mendeskripsikan satu malam yang aneh di Shinjuku, Jepang ini.

‘Random’ is perhaps the perfect word to describe one weird night in Shinjuku, Japan.

Bagi saya area Kabuki-cho sudah cukup hingar bingar. Lampu-lampu bangunan, banner dan plang besar serta warna-warni cahaya memenuhi jalanan di Shinjuku ini. Saya tiba di depan plang berwarna-warni dengan tulisan Jepang yang ramai. Hampir saja saya tidak melihat tulisan "Robot Restaurant" karena tulisan warna-warni yang begitu meriah.

For me, Kabuki-cho area is quite hectic. The building lights, banners and gigantic signs with colorful lights fill the streets in Shinjuku. I arrive in front of the colorful sign with a lot of Japanese characters written on it. I almost missed seeing the words “Robot Restaurant” because of the merry and colorful words.

Saya tidak terlalu lapar karena saat itu sudah pukul 9 malam. Kalimat "Dinner with the robots," "One of the best attraction in Tokyo" membuat saya bersemangat malam itu.

I wasn’t too hungry, as it was already 9 o’clock at night. The sentences “Dinner with the robots” and “One of the best attractions in Tokyo” made me excited that evening.

the glowing waiting lounge

Area pendaftaran dan area masuk ke lokasi atraksi berada di jalan yang berbeda, meski letaknya berdekatan. Sejak masuk dinding penuh ornamen bercahaya memenuhi semua sudut mata saya, mulai dari lift, tangga hingga ruang tunggu.

 The registration area and the entrance to the attraction area is on a different path, even though they are located close to each other. From when I entered, the walls are full of shiny ornaments everywhere I look, starting from the lift, the staircase, and all the way to the waiting room.

Saat waktu perform dimulai, saya masuk ke area dengan deretan kursi di sisi berseberangan dan area kosong di tengah. Dibandingkan restoran, area ini lebih mirip lokasi mini teater atau konser.

When performances started, I went to an area where there were rows of chairs across each other and an empty area in the middle. Instead of a restaurant, this place looks more like a mini theater or a concert hall.

Bento box disajikan, ada juga opsi membeli popcorn yang bagi saya lebih cocok untuk atraksi semacam ini. Tidak lama mulai terdengar suara musik dan tokoh-tokoh ala Jepang mulai muncul sambil memainkan musik. Sebagian dengan gitar listrik, drum dan sebagian penari dengan kimono beraksi di panggung dengan roda yang memutari area di antara deretan kursi.

Bento boxes were served, but there is also another option of buying popcorns (of which I feel is more appropriate for this kind of attraction). It wasn’t long until I start to hear the sound of music. Japanese characters soon appeared while playing music. Some had electric guitars, and some had drums. Some dancers donning kimonos went in action on stage using wheels, circling the area with the rows of chairs.

Saya terus menantikan si robot ini muncul. Pertama-tama hanya manusia berpakaian ala robot yang melakukan duel di tengah, sebelumnya petugas memagari area kursi dengan rantai untuk menjaga tamu. Kemudian robot asli ini akhirnya menyapa kami. Ada yang berbentuk seperti tokoh di film Transformer, robot dengan ornamen sayap dan layar LCD di bagian dadanya, serta robot ular yang sangat besar yang memutari area di depan deretan kursi pengunjung.

I eagerly waited for the robot to appear. First, it was just some people wearing a robot costume dueling in the middle. Before that happened, the staff restricted the chair area from the guests using a chain. Then the real robot finally came and greeted us. There is one that looks like that character in Transformers, there was one with wing-shaped ornaments with an LCD monitor on its chest, as well as a huge snake robot circling the area in front of the chairs where the audience were sitting.

Yang menarik robot-robot asli ini menari, diatur dengan remote control oleh petugas, yang dapat kita lihat saat mereka mengatur robot-robot ini "pulang" usai menari.

The interesting part, is that these robots dance by being controlled from a remote control by the staff. We can see this when they were marching the robots home as they finish their dance.

Kemudian hal-hal aneh terjadi. Mulai dari tiba-tiba laba-laba besar datang, "hiu" besar yang menabrak rantai yang melindungi penonton serta "memakan" lawannya dan semua keanehan lainnya. Sulit bagi saya mencerna semua bentuk, tokoh, figur dan apapun yang seakan-akan dicampur tanpa perlu ada benang merah di cerita "teater" ini. Robot Restoran seakan mencampur apapun yang terlintas di benak pengatur alur cerita tanpa melogika-kan fiksi sekalipun.

Then odd things started to happen. Starting from a gigantic spider suddenly appearing, a huge shark crashing into the chain that protected the audience from it and eating its opponents, as well as other oddities. It was hard for me to digest all the shapes, characters, and figures as if everything was mixed together without anything summing up the whole story in this theater. It’s as if Robot Restaurant combines anything that enters the story-teller’s mind without even once logicizing fiction.

Random and Mind F*ck, itu bahasa yang tepat mendeskripsikan 90 menit yang aneh di Shinjuku ini. Robot Restoran mungkin aneh, mungkin memberikan sensasi terbelalak sambil terus berpikir "what the f just happened?" tapi saya setuju ini adalah salah satu atraksi super seru yang akan membuat anda tersenyum dan tertawa meski pikiran berkata "where the hell am I?"

‘Random’ and ‘mindf*ck’. Those are the perfect words to describe my 90-minute experience in Shinjuku. Robot Restaurant may be weird - it may give a jaw-dropping sensation while thinking “what the f just happened?”. But I must say, this is one of the best attractions that will make you smile and laugh, even while thinking “where the hell am I?”
Ready for Japan randomness?

@marischkaprue - some things or some shows are just more absurd than her life

  • Robot Restaurant terletak di 1-7-1 Kabuki-cho, B2F, Shinjuku, 160-0021, Tokyo Prefecture.
  • Robot Restaurant is located in 1-7-1 Kabuki-cho, B2F, Shinjuku, 160-0021, Tokyo Prefecture. Open from 5 p.m. until 11 p.m. (last show starts at 9 p.m.)
  • Contact Robot Restaurant di +81 332005500
  • Contact Robot Restaurant at +81 332005500
  • Harga tiket untuk mengikuti satu sesi (90 menit) atraksi termasuk makan malam di Robot Restaurant adalah 7.000 Yen, saya sarankan booking melalui tour karena jauh lebih murah (mereka menawarkan diskon khusus jika booking melalui tour). Harga melalui tour (Sunrise Tour JTB) adalah 4.500 Yen. Cek lengkapnya di sini
  • The ticket price to attend a session (90 minutes) that includes dinner at Robot Restaurant is 7000 Yen. I suggest booking through a tour because it’s way cheaper (they offer a special discount if you book using a tour). The tour price (Sunrise Tour JTB) is 4500 Yen. Check out the full info here  


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6 komentar:

  1. kereeen kak,

    emang ya kalo jepang gag sa;ah jadi negara pembuat rob

  2. Ada saja yaa ide kreatif nya, tapi keren2 jadi sesuatu yg berbeda :-)

  3. seru banget kak kayaknya!!! suatu saat aku juga akan nikmatin disana, suka banget sama warna disco dan neon di restaurantnya.

  4. aku yang baca aja ngerasakan randomnya kok kak :))

  5. Kayaknya seru banget ya Mba, jadi kaya di Night at Museum nggak sih?:D

  6. kak, sepatunya kece! *lost focus*
