Saat bepergian kita selalu ingin mendapatkan
foto-foto terbaik, namun kadang kita tidak dapat selalu membawa kamera yang
bulky, atau hanya ingin sekadar mengambil gambar secara cepat saat waktu tidak
When we travel, we always wanna get the best shots but we cannot take bulky
camera every time or maybe we have no time to capture a good one.
been months I travel with Xperia M4 Aqua, a simple beautiful smartphone that
gives good photos and great selfies :)
Here are
our stories:
Took this pic while I was on the other boat. Saya ingin mendapatkan gambar yang wide agar perahu dan suasana terlihat dengan jelas meski posisi kami berada dekat dengan perahu ini. Xperia M4 Aqua dengan 13MP Superior Auto yang wide membantu saya mendapatkan foto ini.
this pic while I was on the other boat. I wanted to get a wide picture so the
boat and surroundings looked bright although we were next to the boat. Thanks
to Xperia M4 Aqua with 13MP Superior Auto camera that help me take this pic.
Spot: Tokyo DisneySea, Jepang
Saat hendak ikut dalam ride Indiana Jones di Tokyo DisneySea, kami mengantre melalui lorong dengan cahaya minim. Saya iseng mengambil gambar dengan kamera Xperia M4 Aqua dan ternyata hasilnya bagus sekali :D
we’re going to join Indiana Jones ride in Tokyo DisneySea, we queued through
the alley with a less light. I took a pic randomly with the camera of Xperia M4
Aqua and surprisingly it’s such a great one. :D
Spot: Tokyo DisneySea, Jepang
remember when I forgot to charge this smartphone for two days and it still
working well, no need to panic looking for some charge, thanks to 2 Day Battery
this pic after I realized how my Xperia M4 Aqua matched the surroundings. All
white and beautiful.
Setelah bersantai di villa di Bali, kami menunggu mobil datang setelah check out. Semua tools saya sudah disimpan rapi di dalam tas. Matahari pagi itu sangat terang dan "semestinya" foto ini backlight sehingga saya dan sekitar area yang tertutup bangunan "semestinya" lagi akan terlihat gelap. Namun saya mencoba menu Manual dengan setting Backlight correction HDR dan ternyata HDR dari smarphone pun bisa menghasilkan gambar yang baik di kondisi backlight.
After chilling out in villa at Bali, we were waiting for the car after check out while all my tools already set in my bag. The morning sun was so bright that this pic “should” be backlight and made me and the area covered with building became darker. Then I selected Manual with Backlight Correction HDR setting and surprisingly, HDR of Smartphone can produce a nice picture at backlight.
Spot: The Santai, Bali
Playing with water is more than fun. I know I have underwater camera but it need housing. Saat hanya ingin bersenang-senang di kolam, untuk apa saya mesti menghabiskan waktu memasang housing kamera saat dapat langsung menceburkan XperiaM4Aqua langsung ke dalam kolam renang. Spec waterproof IP65/68 membuat smartphone ini tahan 1,5 meter di bawah air selama 30 menit!
with water is more than fun. I know I have underwater camera but it needs
housing. When I just want to have fun at the pool, why so bother to waste the
time using housing while I could go into the water with Xperia M4 Aqua. The
waterproof IP65/68 specs makes this smartphone become usable up to 1.5 meter
under water for about 30 minutes.
Saya termasuk orang yang malas memindahkan file di kamera hp sehingga foto-foto saya dari trip di bulan Juni hingga sekarang masih tersimpan manis di folder images smartphone saya. Untungnya Xperia M4Aqua memiliki memori internal 8GB, plus slot untuk micro SD. No worries about "low memory" anymore.
I am kind of lazy person when it comes to move all files from my phone camera. That’s why, all photos from my trip on June until now are still stay in the folder images of my smartphone. Fortunately, Xperia M4 Aqua has 8GB internal memory and a slot for micro SD. No worries about “low memory” anymore.
I am kind of lazy person when it comes to move all files from my phone camera. That’s why, all photos from my trip on June until now are still stay in the folder images of my smartphone. Fortunately, Xperia M4 Aqua has 8GB internal memory and a slot for micro SD. No worries about “low memory” anymore.
Spot: Lembata, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Saya biasanya jarang mengambil foto-foto selfie. Alasannya karena seringkali foto dengan kamera depan hasilnya tidak memuaskan. Namun front camera 5MP di #XperiaM4Aqua benar-benar menghasilkan selfie yang sangat jernih dengan kualitas foto yang baik. Satu lagi, kamera depan yang wide juga membuat selfie lebih mudah!
I don’t take selfies that often since I always think that taking picture with
the front camera mostly not that good. However, 5MP front camera of
#XperiaM4Aqua will give you a very clear picture with a high quality. Last
important thing, a wide front camera also helps us to take selfie easily!
are still more to explore from this smartphone, for sure I’m gonna bring this
#M4Aqua to travel more, because #ICan take more photos easily :)
@marischkaprue - snap everywhere!
interesting, kira-kira ada giveaway M4 Aqua gak nih?
BalasHapusWaah mau dong kk :)
BalasHapusYang penting sekarang kamera depan juga mesri keci yaaa buat selfie hahaha
BalasHapusKalau memang sudah tempat bagus seperti ini, rasa-rasanya HP apapun pasti hasilnya pasti keren. Tapi yang paling penting sih siapa didalam obyek foto tersebut, *kalau kak prue didalamnya pasti cantiklah*
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