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1 September 2015

White Dip: Underwater Photos

It's been a while since the last time I post underwater photos in this blog, so here are some photos me and Ferry made during our stay at Sheraton Hotel & Towers, Bandung.

We did this in the morning, the water was so cold (it's morning in Bandung anyway), but we have to do it in the morning while people were still having breakfast and we have empty swimming pool, just for us - yeay!

I usually hate cold water in a swimming pool but actually dipping in cold water in the morning really "wakes" you up and boost our spirit. So once in a while, it's okay to dip in cold water ;)

@marischkaprue - no, she cannot breathe underwater


Where to go in Bandung:

2 komentar:

  1. Kalau kamera dari bawah gitu ada refleksi di permukaan airnya ya? Atau efek dari pantulan cahaya dari atas?

  2. penasaran, pake Lensa apa biar dapet potongan yang 'sempurna' antara objek diatas permukaan dengan dibawah permukaan air.
    foto #3.
