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24 September 2015

Spotted: Matsumoto City Museum of Art

Bagi seniman, karya seni adalah representasi jiwa mereka, pecahan dari manifestasi pikiran mereka yang liar dan seringkali sulit dimengerti kebanyakan orang.

For artists, an artwork is the representative of their soul and manifestation of their wild imagination that somehow would be hard for many people to understand.

Nama Yayoi Kusama mungkin terdengar asing bagi kita yang tidak bergerak di bidang seni, namun karyanya telah mendunia. Saat melihat instalasi besar berbentuk empat bunga dengan warna cerah dan bintik-bintik berwarna-warni di depan gedung Matsumoto City Museum of Art, saya merasa tidak asing dengan pattern yang ada.

Yayoi Kusama maybe sounds unfamiliar to those who are not working in arts; nevertheless her works have been worldwide. When I saw a big installation work in a shape of four bright flowers and colorful spots in front of Matsumoto City Museum of Art, I feel so familiar with the pattern.
Yayoi Kusama, pic source:
Bintik-bintik atau spots memang menjadi ciri khas Yayoi Kusama, seniman asal Nagano, Jepang yang dianggap "gila" sejak kecil. Di masa mudanya Yayoi selalu melihat pattern spots dalam pikirannya dan menuangkan dalam berbagai coretan gambar yang tampak aneh.

Spots is the characteristic of Yayoi Kusama, an artist from Nagano, Japan, who considered being “crazy” since childhood. During her youth, Yayoi always saw pattern spots in her mind and turned it into various random sketches.
Her spotted mind, pic source:
The famous Yayoi pumpkin, pic source:
Ia kemudian melanjutkan pendidikan di Amerika dan menemukan pattern yang menjadi ciri khasnya. Beberapa karya Yayoi yang terkenal antara lain lukisan dan karya instalasi berbentuk labu kuning dengan bintik-bintik hitam. Yayoi juga terkenal dengan karya pattern bintik-bintik yang mengkombinasikan warna merah dan putih.

She continued studying to America and finding a specific pattern to be her characteristic. Some of Yayoi’s famous works are paintings and installation in a yellow pumpkin pattern with black spots. Yayoi is also well-known with the spotted pattern combination of red and white color.
Memasuki Matsumoto City of Museum of Art bagaikan memasuki dunia Yayoi. Display pameran permanen semuanya adalah karya Yayoi, saat masuk ke area dalam museum kami seakan masuk dalam sela-sela pikirannya yang dipenuhi bintik dan ragam bentuk sederhana namun menarik.
Entering Matsumoto City Museum of Art felt like getting into Yayoi’s world. All display in the permanent exhibition was purely Yayoi’s work. When we walked around the areas of the museum as if we explored every corner of her mind, full with spots and simple pattern yet so catchy.
Area permanent exhibition ini adalah area dimana kita tidak boleh mengambil gambar. Namun ini justru membuat kami lebih menikmati suasana dan sensasi visual yang ada tanpa pikiran untuk mengambil foto dan mencari angle.

This permanent exhibition area is restricted for taking a picture. But it made us more enjoy the circumstance and got impressed visually without busy about looking for angle.
And you're inside her mind, pic source:
Feels like in a different world, pic source:
Ada kalanya kami dibawa ke ruangan merah dengan bintik-bintik putih, ataupun satu lorong dengan kaca di dua sisi yang memantulkan bentuk-bentuk memanjang dengan bintik khas Yayoi. Satu lagi karya instalasinya yang mempesona mata kita adalah ruangan dengan kaca di semua sisi dan permainan cahaya titik-titik lampu yang membawa kita ke dunia yang berbeda. Imajinasi liar dan kreatif seorang Yayoi Kusama dapat dinikmati dengan apik di museum ini.

There was a time where we were taken to the red room with white spot and another time we were in a corridor with glasses on the both sides reflected long patterns with Yayoi’s typical spots. Another her installation work that kept us amazed is a glass room with a light spots trick as if we were thrown in the different world. The wild and creative imagination of Yayoi Kusama is fully pleasing the visitor of the museum.
Yayoi Kusama's collaboration with Louis Vuitton, pic source:
Saat keluar dan melewati deretan vending machine dengan pattern khas Yayoi ini saya teringat koleksi Louis Vuitton dengan pattern serupa yang ternyata merupakan kolaborasi Yayoi dengan creative director Louis Vuitton Marc Jacobs di tahun 2006.
When I went out and passed through the vending machine, again, with the touch of Yayoi, I remembered the Louis Vuitton collection with the similar pattern which apparently collaboration between Yayoi and the creative director of Louis Vuitton, Marc Jacobs, in 2006.
Yayoi membuktikan bahwa kreativitas tidak terbatas, bahwa tidak ada batasan akan karya seni. Ia membuat sketsa, lukisan, patung, karya instalasi hingga kolaborasi dengan brand kelas dunia. Di umur 86 tahun achievement seniman asal Nagano ini sudah tidak terhitung, tidak heran satu gedung didedikasikan untuk karya-karyanya.

Yayoi proved that creativity has no limit and so does art. She made sketches, painting, statues, installation artwork, even collaboration with the world-class brand. At the ages of 86, this artist from Nagano already received countless achievement, no wonder there is a building dedicated to her works.
@marischkaprue - sometimes she got some spots on her mind also


Matsumoto City Museum of Art
4-2-22 Chuo, Matsumoto
Nagano, Jepang
T: +81 263 397400

Admission Fee
Permanent Collection (karya Yayoi Kusama) ¥410 (Dewasa), ¥200 (Pelajar)
**Untuk non permanent exhibition tiket dijual terpisah

Permanent Collection (by Yayoi Kusama) ¥410 (Adult), ¥200 (Student)
**Tickets for Non Permanent Exhibition are sold separately
To Know
Kita tidak boleh mengambil foto di dalam area permanent exhibition, area luar bebas untuk berfoto. 

We are not allowed to take pictures in the area of permanent exhibition but it is free in outside area.

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