Saya berjalan
perlahan sambil menggerakkan tangan ke kiri dan kanan, mencari dinding atau
patokan apapun untuk berjalan. Suasana sangat gelap dan sulit mencari arah.
Kami melewati lapisan kain yang digantung, di ujung lorong terlihat cahaya di
tengah asap, membentuk kabut merah. Samar-samar terdengar suara, sesuatu di
ujung lorong ini menunggu kami..
As I kept walking slowly, I moved my hands left and
right, tried to reach the wall or anything as a grip to help me walk. The
surroundings was so dark that it’s hard for us to get direction. We passed the
hanging cloth and found out there was a light in the end of the alley amidst
the smoke, shaped in the red mist. We heard a voice vaguely, and knew for sure
there was “something” ahead waiting.
Tahun 2015 ini
merupakan kali ke-5 Halloween Horror Night muncul sebagai bagian dari masa
Halloween di Universal Studios Singapore, namun bagi saya ini adalah pertama
kali saya menikmati "hiburan" ini.
2015 is the fifth time of Halloween Horror Night took
part in the Halloween season in Universal Studios Singapore but this was my
first time to enjoy “an experience” like this.
Universal Studios Singapore di saat Halloween Horror Night sungguh sangat
berbeda. Selain dibuka saat gelap, set sebagian sisi USS berubah dengan adanya
area-area baru dengan rasa suram dan horror tentunya.
Going to Universal Studios Singapore became so
different during Halloween Horror Night. Besides the opening hour at night,
almost the whole side of USS was turned into darker atmosphere by making
several new horror spots.
Kami memulai
dengan masuk ke area The MRT yang dibuat berdasarkan kisah "True Singapore
Ghost Stories" karya Russell Lee. Layaknya rumah hantu, kita akan memasuki
lorong gelap dan menebak-nebak apa yang akan muncul. Meski tentu saja kita
sudah mengetahui bahwa semuanya adalah settingan, namun Halloween Horror Night
5 (HHN5) memberikan berbagai kejutan melalui set yang spektakuler, cast scarer (hantu, zombie or anything)
dengan wardrobe dan make up yang memukau dan tentunya berbagai efek lain yang
memunculkan suasana horror dan tegang.
We started entering The MRT area which was made by the
story of “True Singapore Ghost Stores” by Russell Lee. As a haunted house in
common, it led us to the dark alley, being clueless about the next point.
Though we knew all of those stuff were not the real ones, but Halloween Horror
Night 5 (HHN5) kept surprising us by their spectacular show, cast scarer
(ghost, zombie, or anything) with an excellent wardrobe and make-up, also
another effects to let us feel the horror sensation.
Tidak hanya tiga
rumah hantu dengan tema yang berbeda yaitu The MRT, Hell House dan Siloso
Gatewat Block 50, HHN5 juga memberikan sensasi yang berbeda di scare zone
outdoor: The Invaders, conTERMINATED dan Hungry Ghost.
HHN5 not only have the three haunted house with
different themes like The MRT, Hell House, and Siloso Gatewat Block 50, but
they also gave a new taste in the scare zone outdoor: The Invaders,
Conterminated, and Hungry Ghost.
"Bagian ini
yang biasanya paling menyeramkan untuk orang Singapura," ujar Anggie yang
menemani kami sambil menunjuk area The MRT. Rupanya keterkaitan cerita yang
dikenal luas oleh warga Singapura dan set yang familiar membuat area ini
menakutkan bagi mereka. Jawaban akan pertanyaan "What's your biggest fear" akan selalu berbeda, rasa takut
memang bukan pada objek yang ada namun pada pikiran kita yang dipengaruhi
elemen-elemen apa yang familiar pada diri kita.
“Usually, this one was the scariest for Singaporean,”
said Anggi, our partner, while pointed out to The MRT. The fact that it related
to the folk-tale and the familiar set was enough to get them frightened. The
answer of “what’s your biggest fear?” question would always be different since
the fear itself was not about the physical things yet what’s on our mind.
Di HHN5 anda
dapat memilih area mana yang mungkin paling menakutkan, but we'll never know before we try, so are you ready for all the horror?
In HHN5, you can choose which area that scary you the
most but since we’ll never know before we try, are you ready for all the
@marischkaprue - sometimes she walk in darkness, sometimes
she dive during dark hours.
Photos & Videos by Ferry Rusli
Halloween Horror
Night 5 berlangsung dari tanggal 2 hingga 31 Oktober 2015 di Universal Studios
Singapore, Resort World Sentosa, Singapura.
You can enjoy Halloween Horror Night 5 from 2 – 31
October 2015 in Universal Studios Singapore, Resort World Sentosa, Singapore.
Admission Fee:
Tiket masuk -
night): SGD 68
Frequent Fear
Pass (14 nights): SGD 118
Not recommended
for: anak-anak usia di bawah 13 tahun
Not recommended for: children under 13 years old
Not recommended for: children under 13 years old
Enjoy the horror!
Sudah 2x ke Universal Studios, yg di Singapura dan Jepang. Tapi setelah mengunjungi keduanya rasanya suasananya sama saja. Mungkin kl ke sini lg bisa disiasati ya perginya saat ada musim spesial seperti Halloween. Looks really exciting!
BalasHapusHmmm, kayaknya saya ga berani berkunjung pas halloween, soalnya saya penakut, hehehe