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17 Juli 2016


Remember my post about saving Pink Beach? Terakhir saya datang ke Pink Beach dua tahun lalu, saat itu kondisi koral di perairan pantai pink yang terkenal di Taman Nasional Komodo ini sudah menyedihkan, banyak pecahan koral-koral mati berwarna putih yang membaur dengan dasar laut yang berpasir putih.

Remember my post about saving Pink Beach? I last came to the Pink Beach two years ago, when the condition of corals in coastal waters of the famous pink in the Park has been a sadness, a lot of broken white corals died blending with white sandy seabed.

Tahun ini saya datang lagi ke Pink Beach. Meski cuaca cukup mendung, kami tetap memutuskan untuk snorkeling di area ini. Saya cukup senang melihat kondisi Pink Beach yang membaik, soft koral mulai banyak yang tumbuh, sementara perlahan hard coral juga mulai ada kembali (namun untuk hard coral tentunya akan memakan waktu yang sangat lama).

This year I came back to Pink Beach. Although the weather was quite cloudy, we still decided to snorkel in this area. I was glad to see Pink Beach's conditions are improving, many soft corals begin growing, while slowly hard coral also started to grow again (but for hard coral will certainly take a very long time).

We can still see the dead corals but it's healing slowly :)
Seiring munculnya koral kembali, penghuni laut di perairan Pink Beach juga semakin ramai, we can easily find Nemo (the clown fish), trigger fish, parrot fish dan berbagai anthias, it's just so relaxing to see those beautiful colors under the sea!

With the regrowth of corals, residents in the waters of Pink Beach also gets busier, we can easily find Nemo (the clown fish), trigger fish, parrot fish and a variety of anthias, it's just so relaxing to see those beautiful colors under the sea!

Meski membaik, bukan berarti perairan ini tidak rapuh, selalu ingat untuk menikmati laut dengan bijak: snorkeling dan berenang tanpa menginjak atau memegang karang, berenang dengan posisi horizontal di area dangkal untuk menghindari kaki menabrak karang, dan gunakan life vest jika tidak bisa berenang atau belum nyaman di laut. Hopefully the coral reefs here will get better and better :)

Although it is improved, does not mean that these waters are not fragile, always remember to enjoy the ocean wisely: snorkeling and swimming without touching or holding the reef, swimming in a horizontal position in the shallow area to avoid foot struck a rock, and use a life vest if you can not swim or have not been comfortable at the sea. Hopefully the coral reefs here will get better and better :)

@marischkaprue - got a great pink friend named Patrick


Komodo National Park

3 komentar:

  1. wahh cantik banget kak underwaternya <3


  2. Keren, kece fotonya apalagi kalau karangnya sudah mulai tumbuh ya pasti kece banget. Semoga alam Indonesia tetap lestari meskipun banyak wisatawan yang datang dan semoga para wisatawan tidak merusaknya cukup menikmati keindahannya saja.

  3. Aku makin nafsu mau belajar freedive, biar bisa foto2 kece macam dirimu ini kak :-)
