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26 September 2016


I like the terms #skinconfidence, not beautiful skin, not glowing white skin, because beautiful determined by.. Whoever said about it, right?


Actually, ini kali pertama saya ikut dalam kegiatan bersama beauty bloggers dan vloggers. Saya sendiri (well, you know), bukan beauty blogger. I always introduce myself as a travel blogger, someone who travel and share stories about it on social media and blog. Namun, bukan berarti saya tidak peduli tentang kesehatan kulit. As people say, happy and healthy are two important aspects that’ll shape your “perfect” life. Seperti yang sudah saya ceritakan di postingan sebelumnya, I’m so excited about joining this year’s #CetaphilExperience in Bali. 


What makes you happy? Traveling around the world, or even simple yummy food? Cetaphil bring us to the beautiful scenic cliff and beach of Bali in Karma Kandara, resort dengan elemen bumi yang terasa sangat kental saat kami berjalan kaki melewati jalanan dan unit-unit villa, dengan pagar berbatu. 

Workshop with this atmosphere <3
Going to the beach, Karma-style

Menghirup udara segar, menikmati semilir angin laut setiap harinya tentu menambah rasa tenang dan relaksasi ala Cetaphil. Some of our Phillipines blogger/ vlogger friends also have a really nice yoga session beside the Karma pool. 


Cukup berbeda dengan #CetaphilExperience tahun lalu, di 2016 ini Cetaphil mengajak jauh lebih banyak bloggers dan vloggers dari Asia Tenggara untuk menikmati a trully skin experience in Bali, dan Indonesia sebagai tuan rumah, tentunya memiliki representatives paling banyak (dan semakin seru untuk kami!). What I really like about this is that each bloggers/ vloggers represent different skin confidence in different look, some having natural tan skin, some with pearly white skin, some having coloured hair, some look fabulous in black hair, that we’re all different, yet we have the same right to feel confidence on our skin 

Photography workshop, how to take interesting product photos :)
Sharing session
Meski setiap negara memiliki agenda kegiatan sendiri, ada berbagai experience yang dilakukan bersama, mulai dari skin information sharing, hingga workshop fotografi. We also share stories during breakfast, lunch and dinner, it’s nice to know the digital atmosphere of each country (karena kebanyakan adalah social media enthusiast, topik sosial media selalu menarik jadi perbincangan)


I know, sounds boring eh? Well, actually not this time, kami mencoba cara aplikasi produk Cetaphil yang sebagian dari kita mungkin belum tahu. Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser, one of its famous product, jika selama ini kita menggunakan cleanser dengan air, Gentle Cleanser ini bisa digunakan tanpa air. cukup diaplikasikan, dan dilap dengan handuk atau tissue, tanpa meninggalkan rasa lengket sesudahnya. I also love the fresh feeling after the application, and to be honest, I’m already addicted to this way of using the cleanser - kita dapat menggunakan di sela-sela waktu saat traveling, saat kamar mandi tidak tersedia, fresh feeling instantly!


Always treat your skin, just like your bestfriend: you want your bestfriend to be happy, you enjoy your time together with your bestfriend, and when your bestfriend is happy, you tend to be happy also! 

Having a lot of "sun experience," my skin need special treatment as well
Layaknya teman, setiap orang memiliki jenis kulit yang berbeda, knowing your bestfriend will help you manage the perfect way to treat it. Extremely dry? Use the Ultra Hydrating Lotion, Sensitive? Use the Gentle Cleanser. All is simple, you just have to know and understand your skin. 


Imagine spending more than 2 hours everyday just to apply beauty products, it’s just too much time spent, terutama saat traveling. Kita perlu produk yang "tidak demanding," simple 3 steps: Cleanser – Moisturize – Sunscreen is enough for daily needs during travel, jangan malas melakukan 3 step ini, do it like an investment that you’ll see the result in the future. 


You don't have to be rose to be confident
Mau seluruh dunia bilang Anda cantik, tapi kalau saat melihat bayangan diri sendiri di kaca Anda merasa jelek, well you don’t achieve the comfy confidence. Skin is our first sign of what happening in our body, saat hormon bergejolak di masa menuju menstruasi, jerawat biasanya muncul. Don’t let it makes you feel bad, it’s only a sign, just do the normal treatment and it’ll gone within days. If you understand what your skin is trying to tell you, then you’ll have the confidence and feel good about yourself

So, are you willing to have your own #CetaphilExperience?

@marischkaprue - having proud tan as a gift from Indonesia’s various paradise 

Know more about Cetaphil:
Dapatkan juga harga menarik produk Cetaphil dengan berbelanja online di Lazada!

21 September 2016


Jika saya biasanya mencari destinasi di mana saya bisa menikmati berbagai koral yang indah, freedive menikmati suasana bawah laut, destinasi yang satu ini worth to visit - even without snorkeling itinerary.

I usually look for destinations where I can enjoy a variety of beautiful coral, the underwater where I can freedive to enjoy the atmosphere, this one destination is worth to visit - even without snorkeling itinerary.

Tarimbang Beach

Sumba, selalu punya berbagai hal yang mempesona, yang membuat siapapun yang datang terbuai oleh keragaman keindahan, dari pantai dengan karakter beragam, danau indah yang berbatasan dengan laut, savanna dan kuda-kuda liar Sumba yang membuat kita tercengang, dan tentunya bukit khas Sumba, bukit dengan kontur bagaikan digurat dengan penuh kreativitas oleh Sang-Pencipta. Oh well, Sumba have so many things to explore and those many things will last in your mind..

Sumba, always had a variety of charming things, which makes anyone who comes lulled by the diversity of beauty, from beaches with diverse characters, beautiful lake bordered with the sea, savanna and wild Sumba horses that makes us stunned, and of course the typical hills of Sumba, the contours of the hill which look like they have been carved with full creativity by The Creator. Oh well, Sumba have so many things to explore and those many things will last in your mind..

Don't trust me on that? Well, just see these..


Mawanna Beach

Mawanna, aerial photo by M. Ikhsan
Tarimbang Beach
Dari Pantai Pero dengan ombak yang menunjukkan kekuatannya, dan karang-karang tajam yang membentuk garis pantai, hingga putihnya pasir Pantai Tarimbang dengan iconic tree bagaikan karya seni yang sempurna diletakkan di tengah pantai dengan latar laut biru menggoda, Sumba trully have some best beaches in Indonesia

From Pero beach Pero with waves that show its strength, and sharp corals coral that form the coastline, to the white sand beach Tarimbang with the iconic tree is just like a perfect work of art placed in the middle of the beach with a background of blue seductive sea, Sumba trully have some best beaches in Indonesia


Weekuri Lake
Aerial view of Weekuri Lake, photo by M. Ikhsan

Been saying this few times but I'm gonna say it again: Weekuri Lake is one of the best. Actually, "danau" yang berbatasan dengan laut ini adalah lagoon, dengan kombinasi air tawar dan air laut yang menghasilkan sensasi thermocline - kadang dingin, dan kadang hangat, serta air yang terlihat seperti air gula (foggy). Weekuri adalah salah satu spot wajib saat mengunjungi Sumba, meski kini danau ini sudah populer, it's still so beautiful as ever!

Been saying this few times but I'm gonna say it again: Weekuri Lake is one of the best. Actually, the "lake" that is bordered with the sea is a lagoon, with a combination of fresh water and sea water which produces a sensation thermocline - sometimes cold and sometimes warm, and the water that looks like sugar water (foggy). Weekuri is one of the must-visit spots while visiting Sumba, although now the lake is already popular, it's still so beautiful as ever!

Enjoying Lapopu Hydro-massage :)
It's stunning from up there, photo by M. Ikhsan

Fun with friends during our Tukang Jalan Trip
Freshwater will boost your mood instantly. Dipping in Lapopu Waterfall is a must, kami bahkan masuk melewati "tirai air" dan menikmati water massage alami dari tekanan air terjun :)

Freshwater will boost your mood instantly. Dipping in Lapopu Waterfall is a must, we even get past the "water curtains" and enjoy the natural massage of waterfall's water pressure :)


Kampung Tarung
Ratenggaro aerial view, photo by M. Ikhsan

Kampung Tarung
Ratenggaro beach, aerial photo by M. Ikhsan
Kampung Tarung
Sumba people blessed with amazing view everyday. Desa Ratenggaro berhadapan langsung dengan pantai dengan hamparan pasir putih yang indah. Rumah-rumah tradisional dengan atap khas yang menjulang tinggi, dan anak-anak Sumba yang menikmati indahnya alam mereka, it's so exotic.

Sumba people are blessed with amazing view everyday. Ratenggaro village is directly opposite with the beach that has beautiful white sand. Traditional homes with distinctive towering roof, and Sumba children who enjoy the beauty of their nature, it's so exotic.


Wairinding Hills
What's so beautiful about land full of grass? Well, you gotta see and feel yourself. Sumba memiliki kontur padang savana yang berlekuk-lekuk, perbukitan yang indah dengan warna rumput yang menguning di saat musim kering sangat picture perfect, and it's even 1000% better during the golden moment, saat sunset!

What's so beautiful about a land full of grass? Well, you gotta see and feel yourself. Sumba has an undulating savanna contour, beautiful hills with grass yellowed color in the dry season which are so picture perfect, and it's even better 1000% during the golden moment, when it's sunset!


Peter's Magic


There are still more from Sumba, I know when I visit this land again, there will be more wow and more places to explore. Sumba, I'm coming again next year!

@marischkaprue - Stunned in the savanna


Nusa Tenggara Timur

Enter from Tambolaka (Sumba Barat), Exit from Waingapu (Sumba Timur)

Jakarta - Tambolaka is around Rp. 1,4 juta (Lion Air - Wings Air), Rp. 2 juta (Garuda)
Waingapu - Jakarta is around Rp. 1,4 juta (Lion Air - Wings Air)
Open trip (5D/4N) is around Rp. 3,2 juta (check out the schedule from Tukang Jalan)
Total budget: around Rp. 6,5 juta
