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2 Juni 2016


Sebagai salah satu air terjun yang paling masif, dengan ketinggian 108 meter di area tengah dan rentang lebar sekitar 1.708 meter, Victoria Falls memberikan pemandangan yang luar biasa, dan salah satu cara terbaik melihat kemegahan air terjun ini adalah dari ketinggian.

As one of the most massive waterfall, with a height of 108 meters in the middle area and a wide range of about 1,708 meters, Victoria Falls provides incredible views, and one of the best ways see the grandeur of this waterfall is from a height.

"bird's eye view" ini bisa kita dapatkan dengan heli ride dari Baobab Ridge Helipad yang berjarak hanya 30 menit naik mobil dari area Victoria Falls. Usai mendapatkan briefing mengenai prosedur keselamatan, kami langsung menuju helipad dan bersiap untuk 15 menit heli ride mengelilingi Sungai Zambezi yang berada di wilayah Zambia yang berbatasan dengan Zimbabwe.

We can get this "Bird's eye view" by helicopter ride from Baobab Ridge Helipad which is just 30 minutes by car from Victoria Falls area. After getting a briefing on safety procedures, we went straight to the helipad and get ready for a 15-minute helicopter ride around the Zambezi River in the area of Zambia bordering Zimbabwe.

Saya memasang sabuk pengaman, tidak lama helikopter mulai naik dan kami langsung mengarah ke area sungai. Dari kejauhan sudah terlihat "asap putih" dari Victoria Falls. Intensitas air terjun yang sangat tinggi dan masif membuat partikel air mengudara dan membuat "asap-asap putih" yang membumbung tinggi dan terlihat di area batas ketinggian air.

I buckled, not long after that the helicopter began to rise and lead us directly to the river area. From a distance I had seen "white smoke" from Victoria Falls. The intensity of the waterfall is very high and make a massive airborne water particles and create a "white fumes" soaring and look at the area of water height limit.

Saya datang di bulan Februari saat debit air di Victoria Falls sedang tinggi, jika datang di musim kering, pemandangan akan sangat berbeda. Dari ketinggian kita juga dapat melihat betapa masifnya Victoria Falls dengan ukuran jalan sebagai pembanding. Kita pun dapat melihat bagaimana air dari Sungai Zambezi ini "terpecah" usai mengalir dari Victoria Falls.

I came in February when the water discharge at Victoria Falls is high, if it comes in the dry season, the scene will be very different. From the heights we can also see how the massive Victoria Falls with the size of the road as a comparison. We can see how the water from the Zambezi River is "split" after the flow of the Victoria Falls.

Pilot beberapa kali mengitari Victoria Falls agar kami mendapatkan berbagai angle yang berbeda, kemudian ia menyusuri area Sungai Zambezi sebelum akhirnya kami berbalik arah dan melihat Kota Livingstone yang dikelilingi kehijauan di musim ini.

The helicopter went multiple times around the Victoria Falls so that we get a variety of different angles, and then he hit the Zambezi River area before we turned around and saw Livingstone town surrounded by greenery in the season.

Heli ride di Zambia ini disebut juga "Angel's flight," karena dari ketinggian ini kita dapat melihat kebesaran Sang Pencipta, betapa masif ciptaan-Nya dan betapa kita mesti bersyukur :)

Heli ride in Zambia is also called "Angel's flight," because from this height we can see the greatness of the Creator, how massive his creation and how we have to be thankful :)

@marischkaprue - Always love to see things from different angle


Baobab Ridge Helipad
Phone: +260 213 323095

For 12-15 minutes flight: 165 USD per person

Zambia dapat ditempuh dalam waktu 3 jam perjalanan naik pesawat dari Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan
Maskapai South African Airways melayani rute Johannesburg (South Africa) - Livingstone (Zambia)

Zambia can be reached within 3 hours of travel on a plane from Johannesburg, South Africa
South African Airways serves route Johannesburg (South Africa) - Livingstone (Zambia)

Jakarta - Hong Kong by Cathay Airlines, Hong Kong - Johannesburg by South African Airways, Johannesburg - Livingstone by South African Airways
(Bagasi dapat langsung menuju destinasi terakhir, jangan lupa untuk request check in through baggage sehingga Anda tidak perlu mengambil bagasi di Hong Kong dan drop baggage lagi), Cathay dan South African Airlines terkoneksi dalam Star Alliance 

Jakarta - Hong Kong by Cathay Airlines, Hong Kong - Johannesburg by South African Airways, Johannesburg - Livingstone by South African Airways
(Luggage can go directly to the final destination, do not forget to request through baggage check-in so you do not need to take luggage in Hong Kong and baggage drop again), Cathay and South African Airways are connected to the Star Alliance

Warga Negara Indonesia wajib mendaftar visa secara online sebelum masuk ke wilayah Zambia, pendaftaran online dapat dilakukan melalui website resmi Republik Zambia ini. Jika sudah diproses untuk approval, kita hanya perlu print e-visa dan menunjukkan di imigrasi Zambia, serta membayar 50 USD untuk single entry visa.

Indonesian citizen must register online visa prior to entry into the Zambia, registration can be done online through the official website of the Republic of Zambia this. If it has been processed for approval, we only need to print the e-visa and immigration shows in Zambia, as well as pay 50 USD for a single entry visa.
Untuk bantuan visa dapat melalui karena terkadang respon dari website cukup lama.

To help visa can be through because sometimes the response from the website takes a long time.
Booking dapat dilakukan melalui Royal African Discoveries di email

Booking can be made through the Royal African Discoveries, email

Cruising Zambezi
Cheetah Walk


2 komentar:

  1. Ya ampuuun mbak, merinding liat air terjun dr atas gitu... kebesaran Tuhan banget ya ciptaanNya bisa secantik itu :).. jd pgn liburan ke zambia.. harus bisa ini pokoknya :D

  2. pemandangan dari atas memang terlihat sangat indah..
