Saat menonton film Pendekar
Tongkat Emas, ada satu scene dengan latar tebing batu putih yang sangat tinggi
di pantai. Watuparunu memang mempesona, wajar pantai di Sumba Timur ini jadi
salah satu set film garapan Mira Lesmana.
When I was watching the film Pendekar Tongkat Emas, there was one scene with the background of a very tall white cliff on a beach. Watuparunu is indeed astonishing, it’s no wonder that this beach in East Sumba is chosen as a location for one of Mira Lesmana’s film.
When I was watching the film Pendekar Tongkat Emas, there was one scene with the background of a very tall white cliff on a beach. Watuparunu is indeed astonishing, it’s no wonder that this beach in East Sumba is chosen as a location for one of Mira Lesmana’s film.
Tebing khas Watuparunu ada di balik bukit di sisi kanan ini |
Perlu berkendara sekitar 2,5
hingga 3 jam untuk sampai ke Watuparunu. Sekilas saat datang pantai ini seperti
pantai pada umumnya. Namun di balik bukit di sebelah kanan pantai terdapat
rangkaian tebing tinggi berwarna putih yang mempesona.
Journeying for 2.5-3 hours by vehicle is needed to get to Watuparunu. At a glance, this beach looks just like any other normal beach. But, on the right side behind the hill, there is an array of amazing tall white cliffs.
Journeying for 2.5-3 hours by vehicle is needed to get to Watuparunu. At a glance, this beach looks just like any other normal beach. But, on the right side behind the hill, there is an array of amazing tall white cliffs.
Ada dua pilihan menikmati tebing
Watuparunu, dari atas bukit dengan trekking setengah jam untuk sampai di titik
di mana anda dapat melihat tebing dan ombak yang menerpa sisi tebing terutama
di saat air pasang, atau turun dan berjalan kaki di bawah tebing ini saat surut.
There are two ways of enjoying the cliffs of Watuparunu. One can trek for half an hour from the top to reach the spot where you can see the cliffs, and ocean waves crashing unto the cliffsides - especially during high tide. Or one can come down the cliffs and walk at the bottom of the cliff during low tide.
There are two ways of enjoying the cliffs of Watuparunu. One can trek for half an hour from the top to reach the spot where you can see the cliffs, and ocean waves crashing unto the cliffsides - especially during high tide. Or one can come down the cliffs and walk at the bottom of the cliff during low tide.
Saat surut kita dapat berjalan ke sisi tebing |
Karena datang di saat pasang saya
langsung trekking ke atas bukit, menikmati suasana tebing yang sedikit
mengingatkan saya akan Cape Kidnappers di New Zealand, hanya saja Watuparunu
merupakan versi lebih kecil dari Cape Kidnappers.
Because I arrived exactly during high tide, I directly went trekking to the top of the hill to enjoy the scenery at the top, which reminds me of Cape Kidnappers in New Zealand. But Watuparunu is just a smaller version of Cape Kidnappers.
Because I arrived exactly during high tide, I directly went trekking to the top of the hill to enjoy the scenery at the top, which reminds me of Cape Kidnappers in New Zealand. But Watuparunu is just a smaller version of Cape Kidnappers.
Saat sore hari pantai akan
sedikit ramai, jadi untuk menikmati Watuparunu lebih baik trekking ke atas atau
berjalan ke sisi tebing. Entah dari atas atau sisi bawah, Watuparunu terlihat
megah dan indah.
In the evening, the beach will become a little crowded. So to enjoy Watuparunu, you better go trekking to the top or to walk to the side of the cliffs. Looking at it from the top or from the bottom, Watupanuru looks majestic and beautiful either way.
In the evening, the beach will become a little crowded. So to enjoy Watuparunu, you better go trekking to the top or to walk to the side of the cliffs. Looking at it from the top or from the bottom, Watupanuru looks majestic and beautiful either way.
@marischkaprue - her life is either to trek upwards, or to go down into the deep sea
- Watuparunu terletak sekitar 2,5 hingga 3 jam berkendara dari Waingapu, Sumba Timur
- Watuparunu is about 2,5 to 3 hours drive from Waingapu, East Sumba
- Harga normal tiket Jakarta - Waingapu berkisar di harga Rp. 3.200.000 - Rp. 3.500.000,- PP.
- Normal return airlines ticket from Jakarta to Waingapu is around 280 USD to 305 USD.
- Contact sewa mobil di Waingapu: TX Waingapu, dengan harga sewa antara Rp. 400.000,- hingga Rp. 600.000,- per hari, sudah termasuk driver dan bensin. Telp: +62387 61534
- Rent a car in Waingapu via TX Waingapu, it's about 35 USD to 53 USD per day including driver and gas, but the price might be more for foreigner. Contact via +62387 61534
Dwidaya Tour juga sedang membuka paket trip ke Sumba, khusus ke destinasi-destinasi lokasi shooting film Pendekar Tongkat Emas. Harga paket trip mulai dari Rp. 2.720.000,- (exclude tiket pesawat). Info lengkap dan booking klik di sini
Ah patrick dah poto2 sampai sana, kece kece :-)
BalasHapusKalo tebing2 gini jadi inget tanjung ringgit
wah kerennnnn. iya pas nonton film gw juga langsung kagum dengan set ini
BalasHapusLawa tempat ni.
BalasHapusjust blogwalking.. Nice post and have a nice day :)
BalasHapusaku baru tahu kalau ada tentang Tebing Putih Watuparunu..jdi pngn kesana..
BalasHapusspot buat foto2 keren abis tuh :D
Sungguh pemandangan yang sangat indah.