Terletak di ujung tenggara Hawke's Bay, area teluk di timur pulau utara di
Selandia Baru, Cape Kidnappers menawarkan pemandangan yang tampak seperti imaji
di kartu pos kemanapun anda melihat.
Located on the southeastern tip of Hawke's Bay, the bay area in the east of the northern island of New Zealand, Cape Kidnappers offers a view that looks like the image on a postcard everywhere you look.
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Sheep everywhere |
Anda perlu berkendara sekitar 20 kilometer dari kota Napier, Selandia Baru
hingga mencapai Clifton Road, titik masuk ke area Cape Kidnappers. Selain
penginapan bintang lima, area ini merupakan wilayah perbukitan rumput dengan
ribuan domba yang menghiasi topografi, khas Selandia Baru.
need to drive about 20 kilometers from the city of Napier, New Zealand
to reach Clifton Road, the entry point into the Cape Kidnappers
area. Beside five-star accommodation, this area filled with hills covered by grass and thousands of sheep, a typical New Zealand topography.
Tidak hanya itu, di ujung tebing anda akan menemukan pemandangan memukau
tebing yang seakan "dipotong" sehingga menghasilkan garis dan bentuk
yang sangat menakjubkan.
Not only that, at the edge of the cliff you will find spectacular
views of the land that seemed like being "cut," making the spectacular shapes and lines of the cliffs.
Perjalanan ini kemudian menjadi lebih menarik lagi saat saya tiba di Black
Reef dimana terdapat koloni burung gannet di area tebing pinggir pantai. Di
Cape Kidnappers inilah terdapat koloni burung laut ini dengan populasi terbesar
yang dapat diamati dari jarak sangat dekat. Burung-burung ini bahkan terlihat
tidak perduli dengan keberadaan kami di dekat mereka. Truly an amazing experience!
trip became more interesting when I arrived at the Black Reef where you can see gannet colony where at the cliff beside the sea. At Cape Kidnappers, the largest and most accessible mainland gannet colony is easy to approach, you can see from a very close range. These birds don't even seems to care at all when we walk near them. Truly an amazing experience!
@marischkaprue - Keep on seeing
real-life postcard in this world
Photos by Ferry Rusli
all the photos are breathtaking views.. you are the lucky bastard! LOL!
bagus banget fotonya gan
makasih infonya agan
foto dimana gan?
Super breath taking, we are the lucky bastards :D
Thank you ini fotonya Ferry Rusli :)
Ini di Hawke's Bay New Zealand gan :)
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