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28 Agustus 2013

Sunset di Bohe Silian

Terkadang beberapa tempat ditemukan tidak sengaja. Kadang kita berjalan menuju satu lokasi, tujuan kita, namun di tengah jalan kita berhenti karena menemukan sesuatu dan akhirnya lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di lokasi yang bukan tujuan utama kita sebelumnya.

Sometimes we found some places accidentally. Sometimes when we walk to one location, on the way we stop because we found something interesting and eventually spend more time in a location that is not our primary goal earlier.

Jembatan ini adalah penghubung di Pulau Maratua, dari perjalanan saya dari Desa Payung Payung menuju Bohe Silian, Kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur. Tidak jauh dari Desa Bohe Silian, lokasi ini ternyata adalah tempat yang indah untuk menyaksikan momen kesukaan saya, sunset.

This bridge connects some areas in Maratua, in my journey from the Payung Payung village to Bohe Silian. Not far from the Bohe Silian village, the location turned out to be a wonderful place to watch my favorite moment, sunset.

So enjoy the photos from this place I found unintentionally :)

@marischkaprue - found a lot of things, people and stories in the middle of her trips

  • This bridge located in Maratua Island, you'll have to cross the bridge if you want to go to Bohe Silian from Payung Payung Village.
  • Come here during sunset and the view is quite astonishing :)

Met this bunch of local kids in the bridge, and also Lawing (on the left), the one from Dayak Village, Tumbit.

4 komentar:

  1. Amazing stories and nice photography.

  2. assalamualaikum ka, saya adalah bocah yang di gambar pakai baju hitam celana pramuka, apakah ada videonya kak?
