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12 Agustus 2013

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Payung Payung Village, Between Turtle and Tourist


Saya menaiki dermaga yang dikelilingi air laut yang biru, sebagian berwarna turquoise. Kepiting kecil berjalan di salah satu sisi kayu dermaga. Tiba tiba saya dipanggil untuk melihat ke sisi kanan, seekor penyu muncul sesaat sebelum kembali menyelam di area perairan Maratua ini.

I stepped into the dock surrounded by blue sea water, some in turquoise color. A small crab walking on one side of the wooden pier. Suddenly I hear someone calling, telling me to look to the right side, then a turtle appears a while before going back into the blue water in Maratua.

Mr. Crab
Look at the colors!
Melihat penyu di dermaga Payung Payung bukan hal eksklusif. Sangking banyaknya penyu yang berseliweran di area ini, saya sudah berhenti menghitung saat angka penyu yang timbul di area dermaga sudah lebih dari dua puluh. "Payung payung ini surganya penyu, snorkeling di dekat dermaga saja sudah bisa lihat banyak penyu," ujar Bang Mamat yang menemani kami di Derawan.
Seeing turtles in the dock of Payung Payung Village is not a luxury. There are lots and lots of sea turtles milling in this area. I myself stopped counting when it already more than 20 sea turtles appeared. "Payung Payung is a paradise for turtles, you just have to snorkel a bit and you'll see a lot of sea turtles everywhere around here," said Mamat who accompanied us in Derawan.

Too blue to be true

Dermaga surga para penyu ini adalah pintu masuk ke area Desa Payung Payung di Pulau Maratua, Kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur. Ada empat desa yang dihuni di Pulau Maratua, termasuk desa Payung Payung yang berdekatan dengan Maratua Paradise Resort dan sering dihampiri turis untuk sekedar snorkeling atau diving di area ini.

This turtle's paradise dock is the entrance to the Payung Payung Village in Maratua Island, Derawan Islands, East Borneo. There are four inhabited villages in Maratua, including Payung Payung Village which located not far from Maratua Paradise Resort and often visited by tourists for snorkeling or diving in this area.

Namun meski berdekatan dengan resort besar yang jadi langganan turis asing, Desa Payung Payung tidak berkembang layaknya area wisata. Saya tidak melihat warung warung makanan untuk turis, ataupun toko yang berjualan souvenir. Sepertinya hampir tidak ada kemajuan ekonomi dari pariwisata yang dirasakan Desa Payung Payung.

However, although Payung Payung located near the famous resort, the village seems not developing as well as the tourist area should develop. I didn't see any food stalls or small shops selling souvenirs. Seems like almost no economic progress came from tourism which can contribute to the villagers.

Saya mungkin hanya melihat sekilas saja, saat ini memang sudah ada homestay di rumah warga desa yang dapat digunakan dengan harga sekitar 200 ribu rupiah per harinya, namun informasi ini terbatas sekali, tidak ada di internet dan sulit jika tidak punya kenalan di area Maratua atau Derawan.

I might just see in a glimpse of it. There is a homestay in the village which can be used by paying about 200 thousand rupiahs per day, but the information about it is very limited, it's hard to look for it on the internet and the best way to book for those homestay is when you have a direct contact with people here in Maratua or Derawan.

Ducks strolling around the beach
Happy faces
Padahal Payung Payung adalah desa yang menyenangkan. Rumah rumah warga di pesisir, bebek bebek yang berjalan rapi di area pantai ataupun jalanan pasir, hingga tawa renyah anak anak kecil Desa Payung Payung. Warga disini sangat ramah, ideal untuk jadi tempat berkembangnya pariwisata.

Despite the lack of facilities, Payung Payung Village is a very nice place. Traditional houses in the coastal areas, ducks walking in sand beach or the sandy streets, the laugh and smile from the children in Payung Payung are a few things that will make you smile. Also, people in Payung Payung are very friendly, ideal for tourist destination.

Slept here and I got a nice nap
Got a friend here
Saya numpang tidur siang di rumah salah satu warga, menatap dinding rumah kayu mereka dan membayangkan homestay kecil yang menyenangkan, yang bisa jadi pilihan backpacker saat bertandang ke surga di Derawan ini. 

I took  a nap in one local house near the coastline. Staring at the wooden walls, I imagine a nice homestay, will be a great options for backpacker who wish to visit this heaven in Derawan.

@marischkaprue - one of her dream is to have an eco resort in paradise

  • Pulau Maratua terletak di Kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur. Ada dua cara akses ke Derawan, pertama ke Balikpapan terlebih dahulu, kemudian mengambil penerbangan lanjutan ke Berau atau ke Tarakan. Kemudian dari Tarakan atau Berau ke Kepulauan Derawan dengan menggunakan speed boat. Tarif speed boat dari pelabuhan Tanjung Batu, Berau ke Pulau Maratua Rp. 1.500.000,- (one way, kapasitas 10 hingga 13 orang). Lebih baik sewa untuk PP (diantar dan dijemput kembali, dengan harga Rp. 3.000.000,-)
  • Maratua located in Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan. There are two ways to access Derawan, first to Balikpapan first, then take connecting flight to Berau or Tarakan. Then from Tarakan or Berau to Derawan Islands by speed boat. Speed boat price from the port of Tanjung Batu, Berau to Maratua is Rp. 1.500.000, - (one way, the capacity of 10 to 13 people). Better rent two way trip (delivered and picked up again, with the price of Rp. 3.000.000, -)
  • Dari bandara Tanjung Redep Berau ke Pelabuhan Tanjung Batu, jika beramai ramai bisa sewa mobil, PP (diantar dan dijemput saat kembali) tarif sekitar Rp. 800.000,- untuk mobil kapasitas 6 orang.
  •  For transportation from Tanjung Redep Airport in Berau to Tanjung Batu Port, you can rent a car. Rate about Rp. 800.000,- for two way trip (car capacity about 6 person)
  •  Waktu terbaik mengunjungi Maratua antara lain di bulan Maret hingga Mei, setelah bulan Agustus, awal bulan Oktober. Sementara di Akhir Oktober biasanya sudah memasuki masa sering turun hujan.
  • The best time to visit Maratua: March to May, after August, the beginning of October. While in Late October is usually already in the period of frequent rain.
  • Alternatif penginapan murah di Pulau Maratua: Ananda Hotel dengan rate: Rp. 200.000,- per kamar (tanpa AC) dan Rp. 300.000,- per kamar AC. Ananda Hotel terletak sekitar 15 menit perjalanan naik motor dari Maratua Paradise Resort. Tapi view di Ananda sangat berbeda dengan di Maratua Paradise. Saya sarankan setidaknya menginap satu hari saja di Maratua Paradise Resort.
  • For alternative, there is a cheaper hotel in Maratua: Ananda Hotel with rate: Rp. 200.000, - per room per day (no air conditioning) and Rp. 300.000, - per room AC. Ananda Hotel is located approximately 15 minutes away by motor bike from Maratua Paradise Resort. But the view is very different with Maratua Paradise Resort. I recommend you stay at Maratua Paradise at least one day.

3 comments: mengatakan...

Betul banget...Payung-payung punya banyak potensi sebenarnya..salah satunya danau Haji Buang, yang juga mempunyai ubur-ubur yang tidak menyengat..

Marischka Prudence mengatakan...

Iya sayangnya ga sempet kesana pas di maratua :(

Unknown mengatakan...

haii? punya no yang dapat dihubungi untuk penginapan murah d pulau maratua? thanks,