Saya bukan diver expert, license advance pun baru saya dapatkan tahun ini. Namun, saya mengerti ada beberapa lokasi penyelaman dengan karakteristik khusus yang memerlukan perencanaan yang lebih, serta upaya lebih keras untuk dapat menikmati apa yang ada di bawah laut.
I'm not an expert diver, just upgrade my diving license to advanced this year. However, I understand there are several dive sites with specific characteristics which require more planning, and a lot more effort to be able to enjoy what beneath under the sea.
Di Kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur, salah satu pesona
bagi penyelam adalah baracuda. Ikan jenis predator yang biasanya memangsa
beberapa jenis ikan lain mulai dari snapper, grouper hingga bream fish, memiliki
tempat "berkumpul" di laut Derawan. Jumlahnya jangan ditanya,
kadangkala jika beruntung bisa hingga ribuan di satu lokasi. Bagi diver,
menemukan kumpulan baracuda (kami menamakannya schooling baracuda) adalah
sensasi tersendiri, a divegasm!
In Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan, one of the eye candy for divers is the schools of baracuda. This predatory fish species usually prey on some other types of fish from snapper, grouper until bream fish, but there aren't as scary as they might be. Those baracudas have a "gathering" spot at Derawan Islands. Don't even ask for numbers, you might find hundreds into thousands of baracuda. For divers, have a chance to see these animals in real life is a great sensation, a divegasm!
In Derawan Islands, East Kalimantan, one of the eye candy for divers is the schools of baracuda. This predatory fish species usually prey on some other types of fish from snapper, grouper until bream fish, but there aren't as scary as they might be. Those baracudas have a "gathering" spot at Derawan Islands. Don't even ask for numbers, you might find hundreds into thousands of baracuda. For divers, have a chance to see these animals in real life is a great sensation, a divegasm!
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Look at these schools of baracuda! |
Namun, lokasi berkumpulnya baracuda ini bukan tipe lokasi
yang mudah dimana kita bisa bergerak sesuka hati. Kebanyakan berkumpul di
lokasi dengan arus yang cukup kencang, membuat baracuda ini tampak diam sambil
terus menggerakkan sirip mereka, melawan arus.
However, the spot where these baracudas gather is not the type of a convenient location where we can move easily. Most baracudas gathered at the site with a fairly strong current, making it appear stationary, we can see these baracudas moving their fins to fight the current.
Salah satu spot yang saya selami adalah Fusilier, sekitar 15
menit saja naik boat dari dermaga di Maratua Paradise Resort, Pulau Maratua.
Sebelum menyelam kami menyiapkan hook (besi bentuk mengait) untuk persiapan
arus, selain itu jangan pernah menggunakan cincin, anting, ataupun benda
berkilauan jika menyelam di lokasi baracuda. Mengapa? karena predator yang satu
ini akan mengira benda berkilauan itu sebagai mangsanya yang biasanya dengan
bagian sisik berkilauan. Other than that,
it is completely safe, baracuda tidak menyerang manusia tanpa alasan.
Our diving spot there was the Fusilier, about 15 minutes boat ride from the dock in Maratua Paradise Resort, Maratua. Before diving we prepared hook (hook shape metal) for the preparation of the current. Also, never use ring, earrings, or glittering objects when diving in baracuda locations. Why? because this predators might consider your glittery objects as its prey, which mostly look similar with the colors of the fishes they usually hunt. Other than that, it is completely safe, baracuda didn't attack humans for no reason.
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Even some jackfishes join this group |
Entry dari boat, kami langsung menuju ke kedalaman, bergerak
menurun hingga ke lokasi yang penuh dengan pasir putih di dasar laut di
kedalaman sekitar 30 meter. Di lokasi inilah kami melihat schooling baracuda. Jumlah
yang banyak membuat schooling ini tampak seperti awan hitam di dalam air. Kami
mendekat perlahan dan merasakan arus semakin kencang, rupanya moncong baracuda
ini mengarah melawan arus, inilah yang menyebabkan ikan famili Sphyraenidae
yang gesit ini tampak bergerak lambat.
Entry from the boat, we went straight to the depths, moving down to the location filled with white sand on the seabed at a depth of about 30 meters. In this location we saw schooling baracuda. This schooling seems like a black cloud in the water. We approached slowly and feel the curent went stronger. Apparently this leads baracuda swimming against the current which quite strong that causes this Sphyraenidae fishes seems to be moving slowly.
Entry from the boat, we went straight to the depths, moving down to the location filled with white sand on the seabed at a depth of about 30 meters. In this location we saw schooling baracuda. This schooling seems like a black cloud in the water. We approached slowly and feel the curent went stronger. Apparently this leads baracuda swimming against the current which quite strong that causes this Sphyraenidae fishes seems to be moving slowly.
Saat mendekati schooling perhatikan dulu karang yang ada di
dasar, sebagian karang mati sehingga kita dapat mengaitkan hook untuk menjaga
agar tidak terbawa arus. Saya beberapa kali memasang hook saat bergerak ke arah
schooling ini. Lakukan pendekatan dari samping sehingga baracuda ini tidak
berenang pergi, mereka cukup merasa terganggu dengan diver jika kita mendekat
secara frontal dari depan sehingga rombongan ini langsung pergi menjauh. Namun,
jika mendekat dari samping, tanpa sadar anda akan berada di tengah schooling
baracuda ini, a wow sensation!
When approaching, put some attention to the reefs at the seabed first. There are some dead corals so we can hook to keep from being swept away by the currents. I put the hook a few times as I moved toward the schooling. Do the approach from the side so you don't disturb the baracuda and make them swim away. However, if you approach from the side, you won't even realize that you're suddenly in the middle of this schooling, a wow sensation!
When approaching, put some attention to the reefs at the seabed first. There are some dead corals so we can hook to keep from being swept away by the currents. I put the hook a few times as I moved toward the schooling. Do the approach from the side so you don't disturb the baracuda and make them swim away. However, if you approach from the side, you won't even realize that you're suddenly in the middle of this schooling, a wow sensation!
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Being in the middle of schooling baracuda is amazing! |
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Chevron or mostly known as blackfin baracuda |
Satu hal yang pasti, saat masuk ke dalam schooling
perhatikan posisi, jangan sampai terbawa arus jauh, jika sudah lelah mengayuh
fin untuk menahan arus, segera mencari lokasi untuk mengaitkan hook. Sebaiknya
hook disambungkan dengan tali ke BCD sehingga setelah mengaitkan hook, cukup
membiarkan arus membawa posisi menjadi miring namun anda dapat dengan nyaman
melihat schooling baracuda ini.
One thing for sure, when entered into the schooling look at your position, do not get swept away by the currents, if you're already tired of pedaling fins to withstand the current, find a location to tied the hook. Also, the hook should be connected by a rope to your BCD so after hooking, let the current carry your position titled, then you can comfortably see the schooling baracuda.
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Some jackfish are also inside this schools |
Selain itu selalu cek sisa oksigen di tabung, penyelaman
dengan arus selalu membuat kita lebih boros oksigen, and trust me, in 30 meters
deep, langsung menuju permukaan karena oksigen habis bukanlah pilihan tepat. So, put some attention for your own safety.
Always check the remaining oxygen, dive with currents always make us consume more oxygen, and trust me, in 30 meters deep, straight to the surface because of depleted oxygen is not the right choice. So, put some attention for your own safety.
Itu hanya beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, yang pasti
jangan panik saat bertemu ratusan atau bahkan ribuan baracuda ini. Mereka sama
sekali tidak berbahaya bagi manusia, jenis blackfin baracuda atau chevron
baracuda yang kami temui di Fusilier spot bahkan tampak cuek saat saya berada
di tengah mereka.
It was just a few things to keep in mind, also do not panic when you see hundreds or even thousands of these baracuda. They are completely harmless to humans. This chevron or mostly called blackfin baracuda we encountered in Fusilier spot even seems to not care at all when I was in the middle of them.
See my bubbles, that's how strong the current is |
Do your dive safely,
and I guarantee, it's gonna be awesome. Bertemu schooling baracuda seperti
ini adalah salah satu pengalaman luar biasa di saat menyelam. A divegasm
Do your dive safely, and I guarantee, it's gonna be awesome. Met schools of baracuda like this, is one of the extraordinary experience when diving. A divegasm indeed.
Do your dive safely, and I guarantee, it's gonna be awesome. Met schools of baracuda like this, is one of the extraordinary experience when diving. A divegasm indeed.
@marischkaprue - expect for more divegasm
See how amazing this schooling are here in this video:
- Untuk diving di Fusilier spot bisa menggunakan jasa dive centre di Maratua Paradise Resort. Tarif diving Rp. 700.000,- untuk tiga kali dive. Contact +628215757169229
- For diving in Fusilier spot, you can use service from the dive centre in Maratua Paradise Resort. Rp. 700.000,- (Indonesian Rupiahs) for three dive. Contact +628215757169229
- Pilihan penginapan cek disini di bagian "NOTES"
- For options about where to stay in Maratua, see here on the "NOTES" part.
- Diving In Jailolo, Fruitfull Underwater
- Diving in Laha, Seek and Find!
- Menyelami Wreck Kapal Angkatan Laut New Zealand
- Surga Bawah Laut Wakatobi
- Papa Theo Shipwreck, only 1,5 hour from Jakarta
- Bermain Bersama Ubur Ubur di Pulau Seribu
- Belitung Timur: Hidden Underwater Colors
- Night Dive, Don't be Afraid!
- Mencari Mola Mola di Nusa Penida
- Pesawat Perang Dunia II di Dasar Laut Morotai
- Maratua Paradise Resort
- Gua Sembat, Cave With Human Face
- How To Survive Barracuda Point
- Melihat Penyu Bertelur di Pulau Sangalaki
- Payung Payung Village
- Feeling Spongebob at Kakaban Stingless Jellyfish Lake
- Diving in Maratua reef
- Barracuda point
- Turtle Traffic
- Maratua Reef
Amazing Pretty Prue,
Being apart of Barracuda shooling.
It's enough dangerous.
Thanks mas Pepeng,
it's safe actually, asal ikut prosedur menyelam yang baik :)
seru kok
Barracuda nya di kedalaman 30 m ya? Berarti open water belum boleh ya ke lokasi tersebut?
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