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27 Januari 2014

York Street Mechanics, Boys Will Loves This Restaurant

Apa rasanya makan dikelilingi motor motor besar di dalam ruangan? Mungkin bagi sebagian besar pria, inilah tempat yang sangat menyenangkan untuk makan dan bersantai sambil melihat motor motor klasik yang menjadi dekorasi utama tempat ini.

What is it like have your meal surrounded by large motorbike indoors? Probably for most men, this is a very pleasant place to eat and relax while looking at classic motorbikes that became the main decoration of this place.

Simple building
Who park their motorbikes inside? Well, its also a decoration and don't worry, its clean :)

Boys must love this place
A workshop in the middle of the restaurant, you can see inside also
York Street Mechanics terdengar seperti bengkel, namun tempat ini adalah restoran yang menyediakan makanan sehari hari warga Auckland, New Zealand. Nama "mechanics" di cafe ini bukan hanya nama untuk mempercantik ruangan yang dihiasi dengan motor motor klasik ini, namun di tengah restoran anda akan menemukan bengkel.

York Street Mechanics sounded like a garage, but this place is a restaurant that provides residents of Auckland, New Zealand daily meals. The name "mechanics" in this cafe is not just the name to beautify the rooms which are decorated with classic motorbikes, but in the middle of the restaurant you will find the workshop itself.
A cozy place
The fish is really good

There's a lady mermaid, I can't pose like her for sure
Meski mencantumkan nama mekanik, bukan berarti makanan disini dengan rasa seadanya. Menu yang saya pilih sederhana, fish and potatoes, but it was awesome!

Although using "mechanical" as a name, it doesn't mean the food isn't good - well, you won't consider a mechanic would be a great chef to don't you? - but actually, even when I'm ordering simple meal like fish and potatoes, the taste is awesome!

@marischkaprue -not a mechanic, but loves seeing classic motorbikes

Photos by Ferry Rusli

  • York Street Mechanics terletak di 3 York Street, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand, contact: +64 95314214
  • York Street Mechanics located at 3 York Street, Newmarket, Auckland, New Zealand, contact: +64 95314214
  • Waktu operasional: 07.30 - 23.00 (Senin - Jumat), 08.00 - 23.00 (Sabtu), 08.00 - 15.00 (Minggu)
  • Operational hour: 07.30 - 23.00 (Senin - Jumat), 08.00 - 23.00 (Saturday), 08.00 - 15.00 (Sunday)
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6 komentar:

  1. Resto yang unik, keren juga makan dikelilingi moge.
    Indonesia kapan yah, ada yang seperti ini?

  2. Eh busyet, motor moge nya cakep2 :-)kalo gw pasti narsis sama moge nya kagak jadi makan

  3. huwow! aku bayanginnya ini jadi tempat geng motor semacam Bandidos, Hell Angels. tapi rupanya malah resto yang cantik.

  4. Masuk list venue yg harus didatengin kalau balik ke Auckland :) Waktu stay di NZ tempat ini belum ada,pdhl sy sering mondarmandir di York St.Thanks infonya :)

  5. @Akbar:
    Bikin dong X) hihi

    stok moge buat dijadiin temen narsis banyak kok dsana kak :D

    Iya tempatnya rapih, versi om om moge yang bersahaja kali ya X)

    Waa wajib dicoba Anna, menyenangkan tempatnya :)
