Dive spot yang
satu ini selalu jadi favorit semua orang. Satu kali dive lebih dari 50 menit
rasanya tidak cukup untuk menikmati titik penyelaman di Taman Nasional Komodo,
Flores ini. WHY? Oh well, here are some of the reasons:
This one dive spot is always
a favorite of everyone. One dive more than 50 minutes is never enough to enjoy
this dive spot which is located in the Komodo National Park, Flores. WHY? Oh
well, here are some of the reasons:
Sejak pertama
turun di Batu Bolong, kita sudah dapat menikmati wall dengan batu karang yang
memukau. Bebatuan, hard coral, soft coral, sponge menghiasi kontur dive spot
yang satu ini. Menyelami Batu Bolong, mata kita selalu dimanjakan warna-warni
karang yang indah.
When first getting down at
Batu Bolong, we can enjoy a wall with dazzling coral reefs. Rocks, hard coral,
soft coral, sponges decorate the contour of this dive spot. Dipping into Batu
Bolong, our eyes are always pampered with colorful beautiful coral.
Ikan kecil jenis
anthias berwarna merah adalah penghuni mayoritas di Batu Bolong. Warna merah
menyala membuat Batu Bolong semakin "menyala." Namun bukan hanya
anthias, kita juga dapat dengan mudah bertemu dengan sekumpulan moorish idol
yang sedang mencari makan, vlaming's unicornfish wandering around between the
anthias, parrotfish dan boxfish yang menggemaskan!
Small red anthias fish are
the major occupants in Batu Bolong. Its bright red color makes Batu Bolong more
"flaming." But not only anthias, we can easily meet with a bunch of
moorish idol who was looking for food, Vlaming's unicornfish wandering around
between the anthias, parrotfish and boxfish are also adorable!
It's a neighborhood and mama sharks got babies on board! Sebelum safety stop (berhenti sejenak di kedalaman tertentu untuk menetralisir nitrogen dalam darah), kita akan menemukan karang di mana dua baby sharks tidur dengan nyaman (walaupun bertumpuk) dan tampak tidak perduli saat kami mendekat. Remember to only take photos, jangan iseng menarik buntut mereka, menyodok dan mengganggu untuk membuat mereka keluar dari sarang ya! :)
It's a neighborhood and mama
sharks got babies on board! Before the safety stop (pause at a certain depth to
neutralize the nitrogen in the blood), we will find the reef where two baby
sharks sleep soundly (although overlapping with each other) and seemed
undistracted as we approached. Remember to only take photos, do not idly pull
their tails, poking and annoy them to get them out of the nest, please! :)
We got golden
moment saat menuju pergantian arus dan sejenak area yang biasanya diliputi down
current yang berbahaya menjadi sangat tenang. Spot ini biasanya tidak dapat
diakses karena berbahaya, namun saat tenang kita dapat memperhatikan
"gang" di antara dua "tebing" bebatuan yang diliputi
gugusan karang yang indah, plus ikan-ikan yang tinggal di area ini, totally
We got the golden moment
when the current changes and for a while this area that is usually filled with
dangerous down current is very quiet. This spot is usually inaccessible because
it is dangerous, yet quiet when we can pay attention to the "alley"
between the two "cliffs" rocks covered with clusters of beautiful
corals, plus the fish that live in this area, totally stunning!!
Waktu satu jam serasa berlalu sangat cepat di spot ini, kami memperlama waktu safety spot karena masih ingin menikmati Batu Bolong. I know next time I dive in Komodo, this spot is a must dive spot
An hour seemed to pass very
quickly in this spot, we increase the time to safety spot because we still want
to enjoy Batu Bolong. I know next time I dive in Komodo, this spot is a must
dive spot
@marischkaprue - happy
go lucky diver
Dive spot in
Komodo National Park, Flores
Penyelaman di
Komodo sebagian besar berarus kencang sehingga diperlukan kemampuan tertentu,
jika log anda masih sedikit, sebaiknya menunda menyelam di Komodo, sambil
menambah log. Sertifikasi yang dibutuhkan: Advance Scuba Diver. Sediakan hook (gunakan hanya jika diperlukan) dan
peluit (untuk emergency jika kita terpisah dan mesti naik ke atas sendiri). Selalu
perhatikan instruksi dive master/ guide/ instructor, safety is number one, guys!
Diving in Komodo is mostly with strong currents so it requires a certain ability, if you still have only a few logs,
you should postpone diving in Komodo, while adding logs. Certification
required: Advance Scuba Diver. Provide hook (use only if necessary) and whistle
(for emergency if we are separate and must ascending alone). Always
pay attention to instructions dive master / guide / instructor, safety is number
one, guys!
Spot-spot terbaik Komodo dapat diakses dengan menginap di kapal, LOB (Living On Board), ikuti jadwal penyelaman grup yang disediakan masing-masing operator dive dan liveaboard.
Spot-spot terbaik Komodo dapat diakses dengan menginap di kapal, LOB (Living On Board), ikuti jadwal penyelaman grup yang disediakan masing-masing operator dive dan liveaboard.
Komodo best spots can be
accessed by staying on board, LOB (Living On Board), follow the schedule
provided by the dive groups that are available on each dive and liveaboard
![]() |
Favorite sun deck during our trip with ID Dive Safaris |
Budget bervariasi
tergantung tipe kapal, cek ID Dive Safaris yang menyediakan berbagai trip LOB
ke Komodo (ada beberapa jadwal untuk Komodo LOB), cek di Instagram ID Dive
Safari di sini. Budget sekitar Rp. 7,7 juta untuk 4D/3N (exclude tiket
pesawat). Tiket pesawat Denpasar - Labuan Bajo sekitar Rp. 3 juta PP (Garuda)
atau Rp. 1,6 juta PP (WingsAir, note: bagasi hanya disediakan 10kg saja, biaya kelebihan bagasi WingsAir Denpasar - Labuan Bajo Rp. 13.200,- per kg)
Budget varies depending on the type of boat, check ID Dive Safaris which provide various LOB trip to Komodo (there are several schedules for Komodo LOB), checks on Instagram ID Dive Safari here. Budget around Rp. 7.7 million for 4D / 3N (exclude air tickets). Flight tickets Denpasar - Labuan Bajo approximately Rp. 3 million PP (Garuda) or Rp. 1.6 million PP (WingsAir, note: only supplied 10kg baggage only, excess baggage charges WingsAir Denpasar - Labuan Bajo Rp. 13.200, - per kg)
Budget varies depending on the type of boat, check ID Dive Safaris which provide various LOB trip to Komodo (there are several schedules for Komodo LOB), checks on Instagram ID Dive Safari here. Budget around Rp. 7.7 million for 4D / 3N (exclude air tickets). Flight tickets Denpasar - Labuan Bajo approximately Rp. 3 million PP (Garuda) or Rp. 1.6 million PP (WingsAir, note: only supplied 10kg baggage only, excess baggage charges WingsAir Denpasar - Labuan Bajo Rp. 13.200, - per kg)
Anak hiu nya manja banget tiduran gitu hehehe
Btw kalo boleh tahu kameranya pake apa ya kak Prue? Jepretan kak Ferry ya?
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