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13 Oktober 2012

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Pasir Putih, Snow White on The Baliem Valley


Baliem Valley
Baliem Valley area
Papua is a land of exotic beauty. It took me long time to get to this land. I've wanted much to visit Papua since years ago and it seems God still separate Papua and me until this year.

Don't expect underwater beauty because the famous Raja Ampat wasn't the place I visited. I went to the center of Papua on the map, where true exotic culture and the untouch nature still exist and became a diamond for European tourist.

Baliem Valley Papua
Local woman holding the pig, actually Wamena came from the word pig there. "Wam" means pig, "Ena" means tame.

Baliem Valley lies on the mountainous area of Wamena. Here, the weather is cold all the time, so even though the sun is so bright, I mostly use my jacket during my Baliem valley visit.

Before it became an inhabitable land, Balliem was a large lake called Wio. Earthquake more than two hundred years ago turned Wio into a flat dry area. Then tribes are starting to rule the area, farmers, warriors and hunters living the green beauty of Baliem.

My first breath taking spot in Baliem is the white sandy rocky hills. Only about 20 minutes from the center of Wamena, you can find this amazing view just beside the long road. 

Pasir Putih Wamena
"Pasir Putih" or "White Sands"

"Pasir Putih" or "White Sands" is what the local called this place. We will instantly understand since it is a place full of white sands and what makes it special is that Baliem is in the mountain area, so its not the typical white sands you'll find on the beach.

According to the local legend, this is a place where Noah's ark* stopped for a while, and that is why white sands lies on those hills of Baliem. 
Pasir Putih Wamena
Pasir Putih located at the Aikima Village, not far from the center of Wamena.
I, myself enjoying the amazing view. Sands combined with hills and big rocks, the view is just amazing and unique. But actually the sands here are different from the usual sands on the beach. The texture of the sands are more soft, and when I touched or stepped on it, it turned grey for a while, then became white again after the sun dried it up again.

Well nothing much to think on this place, what you gotta do is just see and enjoy the scenery since thats what I do here. 

Pasir Putih Wamena
Amazing view of this white sands.
Pasir Putih Wamena
A must pose place :)
*Noah's ark is a story on the bible when the major flood covered the earth and Noah saved creatures on earth by putting it on the ark.

Thanks to:

Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy Republic of Indonesia for this amazing trip. 

  • Akan jauh lebih menarik jika mengunjungi Wamena dan sekitarnya di saat Festival Lembah Baliem. Tahun ini Festival Lembah Baliem dilakukan di tanggal 12 Agustus - 15 Agustus 2013.
  • It would be way more interesting to visit Wamena and Baliem during the Baliem Valley Festival. This year the festival will be held on 12 August until 15 August 2013.



Unknown mengatakan...

keren bngt tante,sumpah
baliem valley nya memukau, pngen suatu hari bisa ke papua trs menjelajah i nya dr raja ampat sampai the baliem valley

furi vansky mengatakan...


Kalo ada yang ngajakin...mau banget ....(Smg terkabul) amin. mengatakan...

keren banget dah...#ngiler

sutiknyo mengatakan...

Amazing prue