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30 Januari 2017

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As a continous traveler, I dealt with flights a lot. Saat menjadi penumpang, apa yang kita lihat dan rasakan mostly adalah fasilitas, service dan look dari interior maupun body pesawat. Namun proses di balik rutinitas terbang yang kita lakukan sangat panjang, we'll see a bit, a behind the scene of Garuda Indonesia's flight, here in GITC, Garuda Indonesia Training Center, and a close look to the Maintenance Facility..

As a continuous traveler, I dealt with flights of a lot. When I became a passenger, what we see and feel mostly is the facilities, service and look of the interior and body planes. However, the process behind the fly routines that we do is very long, we'll see a bit, a behind the scene of Garuda Indonesia's flight, here in GITC, Garuda Indonesia Training Center, and a close look to the Maintenance Facility ..


When you want a fully reclining spot but you're on economy class ;)
Not a real plane, no worries, we're not that nasty :))
Other than the makeup and catwalk training (yes, they have the walk platform), the interesting part is this plane model inside of the training center building. Dibuat menyerupai kondisi pesawat sesungguhnya, di sinilah kru pesawat melakukan service training.

Other than the makeup and catwalk training (yes, they have the walk platform), the interesting part is this plane models inside of the training center building. Made to resemble the actual condition of the aircraft, this is where the crew perform service training.


Area indoor dengan mock up pesawat dan juga kolam ini dibuat untuk training emergency situation, dengan kondisi pendaratan darurat di air. Di sini kru pesawat berlatih tentang step-step yang perlu dilakukan saat kondisi darurat, let's hope they (and we) don't have to experience the real thing

Indoor area with a mock up plane and also the pool are created for training emergency situation, the emergency landing on water conditions. Here the air crews practice of step by step to do when in an emergency situation, let's hope they (and we) do not have to experience the real thing


Of all behind the scene, this is my FAVOURITE, who doesn't love to be inside of the cockpit (even it's a simulator, a real simulator for pilots!). Ada 6 simulator yang ada di Garuda Indonesia Training Center, mulai dari A320, A330, Boeing 737-800, hingga Bombardier. Satu sesi latihan untuk pilot dengan menggunakan simulator ini biasanya berlangsung sekitar 4 jam, namun kami "pilot ala ala" cukup sekitar 10 menit saja merasakan take off dan landing. Simulator ini dapat mereplika visual di berbagai area di penjuru dunia, kami dapat memilih kondisi cuaca juga yang diinginkan (such as snow in Kuala Lumpur? LOL).

Of all behind the scenes, this is my FAVOURITE, who doesn't love to be inside of the cockpit (even it's a simulator, a real simulator for pilots!). There are 6 simulator in Garuda Indonesia Training Center, ranging from the A320, A330, Boeing 737-800, to Bombardier. One training session for the pilot using this simulator typically lasts about four hours, but we as "pilot ala ala" (fake pilots) it is only about 10 minutes to feel the take off and landing. This simulator can replicate the visual in various areas around the world, we can select the desirable weather conditions (such as snow in Kuala Lumpur? LOL).


With that complicated engine dan system that could carry hundreds of life, airplane maintenanca is crucial. Kami mendapatkan quick tour around the facilities untuk melihat sebagian proses maintenance, servis rutin dan perbaikan baik di area indoor maupun hangar. I'm not an engineer but who doesn't love to see these?!

With that complicated engine and a system that could carry hundreds of life, airplane maintenance is crucial. We get a quick tour around the facilities to see part of the process of maintenance, routine servicing and repairs both indoors and hangar area. I'm not an engineer, but who does not love to see these ?!

Those are some of the behind the scene of Garuda Indonesia, should be appreciating more of what usually just a flight, kudos to all the crew!

@marischkaprue - usually don't have a chance to simulate things but she's excited for the real things that happens during traveling


Jl. Raya Duri Kosambi
Jakarta Barat


innnayah mengatakan...

menakjubkan banget ya kak ternyata. aku pernah nonton di acara luar gitu soal penyiapan makanan di pesawat, penasaran kalau garuda gimana

Unknown mengatakan...

Ada batasan ngak sech, usia maximal untuk jadi pilot penerbangan komersil ???

Helena mengatakan...

I do enjoy the photos. Mau coba juga gimana paniknya nyetir pesawat