So, if you've been seeing my Instagram, last month I
went to Hokkaido in Japan, and of course, it's during cold winter. The weather
reach -14'C, the coldest I've ever been (before that, the coldest I've
experience is -7'C and it feels like icy hell). But on my Hokkaido trip, -14'C
feels just okay, cold but I'm doing fine.
So, if you've been seeing my Instagram, last month I
went to Hokkaido in Japan, and of course, it's cold during winter. The weather
reach -14'C, the coldest I've ever been (before that, the coldest I've
experience is -7'C and it feels like icy hell). But on my Hokkaido trip, -14'C
feels just okay, cold but I'm doing fine.
Bagi saya dan
teman-teman yang terbiasa dengan suhu negara tropis, perjalanan saat musim
dingin bisa jadi siksaan karena tidak terbiasa dengan suhu dingin yang ekstrim.
Namun winter trip tetap bisa nyaman, dengan satu syarat: persiapan yang matang,
terutama dalam hal outfit.
For me and my friends who are used to the temperature
of the tropical country, traveling in winter could be torture because it is not
accustomed to extreme cold temperatures. But winter trip can still be
comfortable, with one condition: good preparation, especially in terms of
Jadi apa saja
yang harus diperhatikan saat memilih outfit untuk suhu musim dingin yang
ekstrim? ini dia:
So what should be considered when choosing the outfit for extreme winter temperatures? This is it:
So what should be considered when choosing the outfit for extreme winter temperatures? This is it:
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I'm wearing warm inner and this red warm sweater, took of the jacket for a while because I was sweating even though it was -5'C :)) |
Jangan berharap
satu lapis baju akan langsung membuat kita hangat dan nyaman sepanjang hari.
Saat musim dingin, meskiput cukup merepotkan, kita perlu mengaplikasikan layer
dalam memilih outfit. Gunakan baju dalaman (inner) yang hangat, seperti
heattech Uniqlo, atau long john merk-merk lain (ada banyak di berbagai brand outfit).
Setelah inner hangat (semacam long john), baru kita bisa menggunakan luaran lagi
yang cukup hangat, dan kemudian jaket/ coat musim dingin. Gunakan sistem layer
juga pada kaki, long john celana dan inner heat celana juga banyak dijual di
berbagai gerai pakaian.
Do not expect a single layer of clothing will
immediately make us warm and comfortable throughout the day. In winter,
although it is quite troublesome, we need to apply layering in choosing the
outfit. Use innerwear that are warm, such as Uniqlo heattech, or other brands'
long john (there are many in various outfit brands). After the warm inner (sort
of long john), then we can use the outer that is quite warm, and then the
jacket/winter coat. Use the layer system also for the legs, long john pants and
inner heat pants are also sold in various clothing outlets.
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Proper down jacket will make you feel comfortable all day :) |
Yes, it is very important. Bedakan coat/ jacket untuk autumn dan untuk
winter, karena saat autumn biasanya suhu tidak begitu dingin (mostly di atas
2'C), dengan winter yang dapat mencapai -10'C dan bahkan lebih dingin lagi.
Namun pastikan coat yang kita gunakan juga dari bahan yang tidak tembus angin
(winter wind is realllllly cold, trust me). Winter coat yang paling cocok
adalah down jacket dengan bahan bulu angsa, ini paling efektif menahan dingin
dan menjaga tubuh tetap hangat.
Yes, it is very important. Distinguish coat/jacket
for autumn and for winter, because when autumn the temperatures is usually not
so cold (mostly above 2'C), with the winter can reach -10'C and even colder.
But make sure the coat that we use are also of material that does not penetrate
the wind (winter wind is realllllly cold, trust me). Winter coat is the most
suitable material down jacket with goose down, this is the most effective
against the cold and keep your body warm.
FUR (Faux Only)
Tidak hanya down
jacket dari bahan bulu angsa, bahan bulu (fur) juga efektif menahan dingin,
plus stylish untuk berfoto. Namun pastikan fur jacket/ coat yang kita beli
bukan terbuat dari bulu binatang asli, faux fur is also nice, dan ga kalah
stylish :)
Not only down jacket made from goose feathers, fur
materials (fur) are also effective against the cold, plus stylish to take
pictures. But make sure the fur jacket / coat we buy is not made of real animal
fur, faux fur is also nice, and still stylish :)
Percuma badan
hangat kalau rambut terkena salju dan akhirnya salju mencair membasahi rambut
dan kemudian dingin di kepala membuat anda sakit, pastikan sudah membawa topi
yang sesuai, banyak kok topi yang stylish tapi dengan bahan yang tidak menyerap
It is useless to warm the body when your hair is
exposed to snow and finally the melted snow wets your hair and then cold in the
head makes you sick, make sure it is appropriate to bring a hat, there are a
lot of really stylish hats but with a material that does not absorb water.
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Protect your ears! |
Salah satu bagian
tubuh yang sangat rentan dingin adalah tangan dan telinga, saat tangan mulai
memerah kedinginan, dan telinga terasa membeku, it's surely a disaster dan anda
hanya ingin segera masuk ke dalam ruangan. Beat the cold by wearing proper
gloves (gunakan gloves yang tahan salju jika ingin memegang dan bermain dengan
salju), dan pastikan kita membawa penutup kuping yang hangat. All is well when
your hand and ears are warm enough :)
One part of the body that is most vulnerable to cold
are hands and ears, when the hand began to flush the cold, and froze ears, it's
surely a disaster and you just wanted to get into the room. Beat the cold by
wearing proper gloves (use gloves that are resistant to snow if you want to
hold and play with the snow), and make sure we take warm ear muff. All is well
when your hand and ears are warm enough :)
Tutupi leher
dengan scarf dari bahan yang menghangatkan, atau kain dengan tekstur bulu
khusus untuk melindungi leher dari udara dingin. Namun jika coat kalian
menutupi leher dengan baik, it's okay not wearing scarf/ neck warmer.
Cover the neck with a scarf of warming materials, or
fabric with a special feather texture to protect the neck from the cold. But if
your coat cover the neck well, it's okay not wearing scarf / neck warmer.
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When snow is all over your feet but it's okay as long as you're wearing the right boots :) |
This is also important. Saat salju menempel di boots, suhu hangat dari
dalam boots akan membuat salju mencair dan masuk ke dalam boots sehingga kaki
basah (and it's surely iritatting). Gunakan boots yang tahan air, atau
semprotkan spray anti air (water repellent spray) ke boots yang kita akan
gunakan, spray ini banyak dijual di toko outdoor.
This is also important. When the snow stuck to the
boots, the warm temperatures of the boots will make the snow melt and get into
the boots so that your feet wet (and it is surely iritatting). Use waterproof
boots, spray waterproof spray (water repellent spray) into boots that we will
use, this spray is sold at outdoor stores.
This is my HOLY
GRAIL of warm, the godness of KEEPING WARM DURING WINTER, dan entah mengapa
warmer semacam ini baru saya temukan di Jepang. Warmer sekali pakai dengan cara
hanya membuka kemasan, dan kemudian semacam pouch berisi pasir ini akan
menghangat selama 8 hingga 24 jam (tergantung jenis dan merk), warmer ini juga
ada yang dapat ditempel di jaket, baju dll, dan ada yang khusus untuk
dimasukkan ke dalam sepatu. Namun warmer ini harus diletakkan di tempat yang
tidak terkena udara luar secara langsung, jadi masukkan di kantong baju,
tempelkan di bagian dalam jaket dan masukkan ke dalam sepatu, tanpa langsung
menempel dengan kulit.
This is my HOLY GRAIL of warm, the godness of KEEPING
WARM DURING WINTER, and somehow I just found this new kind of warmer in Japan.
Disposable warmer is used by simply opening the packaging, and then a kind of
pouch filled with sand will be warmed up for 8 to 24 hours (depending on the
type and brand), warmer is also a thing that can be attached to the jacket,
shirt, etc., and there is the special one that can be put in te shoes. But this
warmer should be put in place that is not exposed to outside air directly, so
put it in the pocket, stick it on the inside of the jacket and insert into the
shoe, without being directly attached to the skin.
As my friend once said (he's living in England),
"there's no bad weather, only bad clothing," so whatever the weather
is, proper clothing will help us staying comfortable, and enjoy our trip
So, winter, snow, wind, let's say we've prepared for
you all!
@marischkaprue - prefer sun and sea, but she's having great
white winter days also
kalo suhu sampe minus 20, aku pernah ngerasain dan udh taulah bakal seperti apa.. tapiii, february nanti aku mw ajak anakku pertama kali ngerasain winter di shirakawa, dan aku sbnrnya agak kuatir dia bkl tahan ato ga :).. tp semua baju2 yg memang diperluin dan perlengkapan yg lain sih udh komplit.. moga2 yaaaa dia bisa tahan :D.. Banyak yg bilang kalo anak2 sebenernya jauh lbh kuat daya tahannya daripada org dewasa :)
Huuu dingin, tapi tetep terlihat keren foto-fotonya. Di udara dingin pun masih tetep kece untuk foto OOTD. Kalau saya, sudah menggigil kali ya
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