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9 Februari 2017

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Too much selfie will kill you (on social media), some people said, but it actually not. Selfie is fun, boost your confidence and actually good for you. Saya mungkin bukan termasuk yang selalu selfie di manapun, namun mengambil foto selfie saat berada di berbagai destinasi akan menambah memori menyenangkan di deretan koleksi foto kita. 

Too much selfie will kill you (on social media), some people said, but it actually is not. Selfie is fun, boost your confidence and actually good for you. I maybe not a person who does selfie everywhere, but take selfie photos while in many destinations will add a pleasant memory in our photo collections.

How to get a great selfie shot? What if I only use my smartphone camera? Well, it's perfectly okay, and here's the tips for taking selfie during traveling:


Selfie using Advan i5E at Khayangan Peak, Sombori, Central Sulawesi, udah keringetan tapi tetap cling di foto selfie :P
Kalian sedang trip dan menemukan lokasi cantik, jangan lewatkan untuk mengambil foto selfie. Selfie with a background is always nice, jangan terlalu dekat dengan kamera sehingga kita tidak dapat melihat background, no need tripod, just use your hands.

You're on trip and find a gorgeous location, do not miss to take selfie photos. Selfie with a background is always nice, do not get too close to the camera so that we can see the background, no need tripod, just use your hands.


Finding the perfect natural light

Selfie from different angle, taken using Advan i5E

Cari sumber cahaya. Ada dua cara mempergunakan sumber cahaya ini untuk mendapatkan foto selfie yang menarik, pertama wajah mengarah ke sumber cahaya, atau justru membelakangi (ini trik saat cahaya keras matahari persis di belakang, kepala kita justru menutupi direct light sehingga tidak gelap di bagian wajah). Jika cahaya natural sulit diakali, gunakan flashlight di kamera depan seperti yang ada di Advan i5E sehingga kita tetap mendapatkan selfie yang bagus bahkan saat cahaya kurang mendukung. Active camera di Advan i5E juga otomatis mendeteksi dan menyesuaikan dengan tone kulit sehingga foto yang dihasilkan tetap fokus dan cerah di berbagai kondisi karena terkadang cahaya di setiap tempat dan waktu beda, foto pas matahari terik di atas jam 12 siang tentunya beda dengan matahari saat menjelang sunset.

Searching for the light source. There are two ways to use light sources to get a photo selfie attractive, first by leading our face to the light source, or backing it (use this trick when the harsh sunlight is right behind us, our head cover the direct sunlight precisely so it is not dark in the face). If natural light is difficult to be tricked, use a flashlight in front of the camera like the one in Advan i5E so we still get a good selfie even when the light is less supportive. Active camera in Advan i5E also automatically detects and adjusts the skin tone so that the resulting image remain focused and clear in a variety of conditions because sometimes light in every place and time difference, taking photo when the sun is blazing above 12 pm is certainly different with when the sun is just before sunset.

Since you're taking a selfie, tidak ada salahnya menggunakan makeup untuk enhancing our face. Malas makeup? Gunakan built in photo editing di Advan i5E untuk menambah make up ringan sehingga wajah terlihat tetap segar di foto, edit foto ngga dosa kok :)

Since you're taking a selfie, there is no harm in using makeup to enhancing our face. Lazy doing makeup? Use the built-in photo editing in Advan i5E to add light makeup so that your face will stay fresh in the photos, editing photos is not a sin anyway :)

Step by Step editing on Advan i5E

Selain itu, kita juga dapat berkreasi dengan foto kita, tambah decor text dan ilustrasi, filter, beauty face dan collage untuk mendapatkan memori foto yang seru!

In addition, we also can be creative with our pictures, add text and illustrations decor, filters, beauty face and collage to get an exciting photo memory!


Snap dan masih merasa kurang bagus? ambil beberapa opsi foto selfie, kita dapat memilih mana angle yang kita suka belakangan. Ambil foto yang banyak dari berbagai angle dan ekspresi. No worries memory habis karena 16 GB storage di Advan i5E dapat menyimpan banyak sekali foto selfie kita (yes, A LOT!).

Snap and still feel the photo is not good? grab some selfie photo options, we can choose which angle we liked lately. Take lots of pictures from various angles and expressions. No worries that our memory storage will run out because the 16 GB memory storage in Advan i5E can store lots of our selfie photos (yes, A LOT!).


The pristine beach of Labengki, taken using Advan i5E
View from Khayangan Peak, taken using Advan i5E

Gua Alo area in Sombori, taken using Advan i5E

And combine with your selfie on your album, it's gonna be a nice memory :)


PiP: Picture in Picture, dua aplikasi dalam satu layar, misalnya lagi nonton youtube dan ada message masuk, kita tetap dapat membalas message sambil menonton video, tinggal perkecil tampilan video dan jalankan 2 aplikasi bersamaan

PiP: Picture in Picture, two applications in one screen, for example, while watching youtube and a message comes in, we can still reply message while watching video, just zoom out the video display and  run two applications simultaneously

Ear Friendly Quality Audio Amplifier: Dengan suara jernih 60-70 dB, mendengarkan sound video atau musik jadi menyenangkan, terutama saat di perjalanan atau saat bersantai. Bayangkan menikmati pemandangan indah laut yang biru sambil mendengarkan musik dari atas kapal, great vibes!

Ear Friendly Quality Audio Amplifier: 60-70 dB With a clear voice, listening to sound video or music can be so fun, especially when we are on the go or when relaxing. Imagine enjoying a beautiful view of the blue sea while listening to music from the ship, great vibes!

Wireless Display: Apa yang ditampilkan di screen Advan i5E dapat dikoneksikan ke smart Tv, we can see clearly our travel photos and bring back those memories! Jangan lupa organize foto-foto dari setiap trip di folder yang berbeda, jadi saat ingin melihat lagi kenangan dari trip tertentu, kita tinggal membuka foldernya saja dan koneksikan ke smart Tv dengan wireless display Advan i5E.
Tips: Gunakan aplikasi Android File Transfer untuk mempermudah membuat folder di smartphone

Wireless Display: What's shown on screen of Advan i5E can be connected to a smart TV, we can see clearly our travel photos and bring back those memories! Do not forget to organize the photos from each trip in a different folder, so when you want to see again the memories of a particular trip, we can just open the folder and connect to wireless smart display Tv with Advan i5E.
Tip: Use Android File Transfer app to easily create a folder on your smartphone
Jadi, siap jalan-jalan dengan hanya berbekal smartphone?

@marischkaprue - trek to the peak of an island to take a selfie, because why not? :)


More about Advan i5E
see here (link to for more



Melanie mengatakan...

Hi mba marischka, aku mau invite ke event blogger niy sekaligus liburan di akhir pekan for free where can i get in touch with you? My mobile is 08111555073

Melanie mengatakan...

Hi mba marischka, aku mau invite ke event blogger niy sekaligus liburan di akhir pekan for free where can i get in touch with you? My mobile is 08111555073

TRAVENGLER mengatakan...

bening banget hasil kameranya kak

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Keren foto.x mbak....

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