Nama Sombori
belum banyak dikenal, kebanyakan orang akan mengernyitkan dahi saat mendengar
Sombori, yang dijuluki "Raja Ampatnya Sulawesi." But, is it that
good? till you can compare to Raja Ampat?
Well, actually Sombori really reminds me of Misool, my favourite place on earth, dan saya rasa, memang sebagian besar area di Sombori yang terletak di Sulawesi Tengah ini mirip dengan Misool di Raja Ampat, namun dengan skala lebih kecil. Sombori bagaikan saudara-nya Misool yang terpisah tempat, namun kita dapat melihat jelas kemiripan di antaranya.
Jadi apakah Sombori layak untuk dikunjungi dan dijuluki "Raja Ampatnya
Sulawesi?" Oh well, see here, and
you decide..
So is Sombori worth to visit and called as "Sulawesi's Raja Ampat?" Oh well, see here, and you decide ..
Sombori's name is not widely known, most people would
be frowned when they heard Sombori, as it is called "Sulawesi's Raja
Ampat." But, is it that good? till you can compare it to Raja Ampat?
Well, actually Sombori really reminds me of Misool, my favourite place on earth, dan saya rasa, memang sebagian besar area di Sombori yang terletak di Sulawesi Tengah ini mirip dengan Misool di Raja Ampat, namun dengan skala lebih kecil. Sombori bagaikan saudara-nya Misool yang terpisah tempat, namun kita dapat melihat jelas kemiripan di antaranya.
Well, actually Sombori really reminds me of Misool,
my favorite place on earth, and I think, indeed most of the area in Sombori
located in Central Sulawesi is similar to Misool in Raja Ampat, but by a much
smaller scale. Sombori is like Misool's sibling living in a separated place,
but we can see a clear resemblance between them.
So is Sombori worth to visit and called as "Sulawesi's Raja Ampat?" Oh well, see here, and you decide ..
Di rumah nenek biasanya
ngapain? makan kue, nonton? Hmm, Rumah Nenek di Sombori benar-benar membuat
kami tidak ingin pulang, bahkan sejak kapal mendekat ke area rumah-rumah di
atas laut turquoise ini, dengan bukit karang di bagian belakang, such a breath-taking view!
What do we usually do at grandma's house? Eat cake,
watch TV? Hmm, Granny's House in Sombori really made us not want to go home,
even when from the ship was getting closer to the area of the houses above the
turquoise sea, with the rock at the back, such a breath-taking view!
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Gua Allo |
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Into Gua Berlian (diamond cave) |
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Gua Berlian |
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Inside Gua Berlian, btw can you see me in this pic? :) |
Pulau-pulau di
Sombori adalah pulau-pulau karang yang sangat serupa dengan pulau-pulau karang
di Misool, Raja Ampat. Ada dua gua yang kami kunjungi: Gua Allo di mana kami
dapat masuk dari celah yang langsung menyambung dengan laut, dan Gua Berlian di
mana kami mesti memanjat karang terlebih dahulu untuk masuk ke area gua.
The islands of the Sombori are coral islands which
are very similar to coral islands in Misool, Raja Ampat. There are two cave we
visited: Allo Cave where we can get in on the gap that directly connects to the
ocean and Diamond Cave where we had to climb the rock prior to entry into the
cave area.
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Beautiful view in front of Gua Allo |
Persis di sisi
Gua Allo terdapat batu karang besar yang menghiasi landscape di area ini, dan
saat matahari bersinar area ini sangat indah!
Exactly in the Allo cave there are large rocks that
decorate the landscape in this area, and when the sun is shining, this area is
very beautiful!
Pulau ini cocok
untuk leyeh-leyeh beristirahat setelah seharian berkeliling. Dengan pasir putih
dan laut yang jernih dan lokasi yang berada di antara dua bukit karang membuat
perairan Pulau Koko sangat tenang.
The island is suitable for leyeh-leyeh rest after a
day of touring. With white sand and crystal clear sea and the location was in
between two cliff makes Koko Island waters very calm.
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Arrived at Khayangan Island |
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Gotta trek to the top |
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Khayangan Peak in Sombori |
This is one of
the main viewing point in Sombori. Puncak Khayangan tidak setinggi Puncak
Harfat (di Misool), namun pemandangan dari Puncak Khayangan sangat spektakuler.
Warna laut turqoise dan biru pekat berpadu dengan pulau-pulau karang di
sekeliling Pulau Khayangan.
This is one of the main viewing point in Sombori.
Khayangan Peak is not as high as the peak Harfat (Misool), but the view from
Khayangan Peak is very spectacular. Turqoise sea colors and dark blue is
combined with coral islands around Pulau Khayangan.
Selain itu, ujung
area pandang di Puncak Khayangan ini juga merupakan batu karang besar, makes a similar vibes with Misool.
In addition, the end of the viewing area in Puncak
Khayangan is also a large rock, makes a similar vibes with Misool.
OF COURSE! Sombori sangat cantik, lautnya jernih, pulau-pulau
karangnya uh-mazing! pernah ataupun belum pernah ke Misool, Sombori menurut
saya salah satu lokasi yang wajib dikunjungi, apalagi area di Sombori masih
sangat sepi, membuat berkeliling ke banyak area akan membuat kita merasa
memiliki private beach/ island/ sea.
OF COURSE! Sombori is very beautiful with crystal
clear sea, the coral islands are uh-mazing! ever or never been to Misool,
Sombori in my opinion is one of the locations that must be visited, especially
in the area Sombori is still very quiet, making traveling around to many areas
would make us feel like we have a private beach/ island/ sea.
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Patrick also love Sombori ;) |
Well, Indonesia never ceases to amaze me, selalu ada spot-spot baru,
destinasi-destinasi baru yang membuat saya terhenyak, dan membuat saya rindu
untuk selalu kembali mengunjungi keindahan tanpa batas di negeri ini.
Well, Indonesia never ceases to amaze me, there are always new spots, new destinations which makes me surprised, and made me yearn to always come back to visit the beauty in this country indefinitely.
Well, Indonesia never ceases to amaze me, there are always new spots, new destinations which makes me surprised, and made me yearn to always come back to visit the beauty in this country indefinitely.
@marischkaprue - have to schedule another visit to granny's
Nearest flight to
Kendari (KDI), kemudian dilanjut dengan perjalanan darat sekitar 2,5 jam menuju
dermaga Laimeo. Dari dermaga perjalanan dengan boat sekitar 1,5 jam ke Labengki
Kecil, atau langsung ke Sombori sekitar 2,5 jam (namun tergantung jenis dan
kecepatan kapal).
Nearest flight to Kendari (KDI), then continued with
a road trip of about 2.5 hours to Laimeo dock. From the dock with a boat trip
of about 1.5 hours to Labengki Kecil, or directly to Sombori about 2.5 hours
(but depending on the type and speed of the ship).
Disarankan group
trip agar dapat sharing biaya sewa kapal, guide, dll
I went there with
Tukang Jalan yang menyediakan open trip ke Labengki (dan termasuk Sombori),
dengan budget Rp. 4 juta/ person, exclude tiket pesawat (tiket pesawat Jakarta
- Kendari sekitar Rp. 2 juta).
Having a group trip is suggested in order to share
the cost of renting boats, guides, etc.
I went there with an open Tukang Jalan providing
Labengki trip to (and including Sombori), with a budget of Rp. 4 million/
person, exclude air tickets (tickets Jakarta - Kendari around Rp. 2 million).
Contact: Tukang Jalan
CP : Mentari 085810697553,
Simpati 081315890191, XL 087808116852WA / LINE : 081806898303 ; 087808116852 / 085810697553
PIN BB : 2BA4E9C1 / 52BDD3B1
Email :
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Fun time in Sombori with these lovely people, this photo taken at Rumah Nenek (Granny's house) |
Keren yaaa ... eh blm ada penginapan resort ala2 gitu kak ???/
iya...nginepnya dimana nih kak?
Merindiiing liat fotonyaaa.. Baguuus.. :D
Infonya menarik.
it's amazing !! Tetep explore tempat-tempat keren ya kak :)
Waaawww bagus banget kak.. Itu tumah nenek yang disinggahi sama Hamish kan ya??
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