Pertama kali saya datang ke Ora Beach adalah
di tahun 2013. Saya dan teman-teman Baronda Maluku sangat terpesona oleh resort
yang terletak di Pulau Seram ini dengan cottage-cottage di atas laut yang bening
dan koral berwarna-warni, Ora Beach bagaikan Maldives di negara kita sendiri.
My first visit to Ora Beach was in
2013. Friends from Baronda Maluku and I were so amazed by resort located in
Seram Island with a group of cottages above the clear sea and colorful corals.
Ora Beach is surely a Maldives look-alike for our country.
Tahun 2015 saya kembali mengunjungi destinasi
indah ini. Ora Beach tetap jernih dengan laut turquoise yang saat matahari
bersinar cerah sangat-sangat menawan. Namun ada beberapa perubahan selain
tambahan dek untuk duduk-duduk dan makan. Koral di area dermaga sudah tidak
seindah dulu. Saya ingat memperhatikan koral-koral yang saat malam hari di kala
air laut surut koral yang ada “muncul sebagian” karena koral yang begitu sehat
dan banyak. Saya ingat koral yang ada saat itu begitu padat dan indah.
I revisited this beautiful
destination in 2015. Ora Beach was still clear as crystal and reflection of the
sunlight through the turquoise sea was so amazing. But I could see something
different besides more deck for lounging and dining. Corals around the dock
were not as beautiful as my first visit. I remember the night I spent to look
at some corals appeared when it was low tide. That time, they were so healthy,
solid, yet lovely.
healthy corals are healthy but some already damaged |
Better jump and snorkel from the dock, also safe for your legs and feet! |
Koral di Ora Beach masih indah, namun banyak
karang-karang rusak entah terinjak sengaja ataupun tidak. Area koral di pantai
Ora ini memang kebanyakan di area sangat dangkal, jika snorkeling di area
dangkal maka akan sangat mudah tidak sengaja menabrak karang. Sebaiknya
snorkeling jangan dimulai dari area pantai, namun turun dari tangga di ujung
dermaga di area yang sudah cukup dalam sehingga kita tidak perlu menabrak
Some corals were still beautiful,
but we could find lots of them were damaged by trampled intentionally (or not).
Most area in Ora Beach was so shallow that made it easier for them who do
snorkeling around to hit the corals accidentally. In order to keep the corals
safe, better do snorkeling started from the dock.
Even Patrick really wants to visit this heaven since long time ago |
Satu hal lain adalah popularitas Ora Beach
rupanya menarik semua orang, bahkan hingga pejabat yang dadakan ingin datang ke
resort indah ini. Saya dan teman-teman sudah booking beberapa kamar jauh-jauh
hari karena kami group besar dengan total 20 orang. Namun di tengah kunjungan
teman-teman yang berada di kamar laut “diusir” ke kamar lain sehingga harus
berjejalan 6 orang dalam satu kamar karena ada “pejabat daerah” (dan
istri-istri mereka) mendadak datang.
Here comes another story about the
beauty of Ora Beach that made a group of official had sudden visit to the
resort. Since we came in a large group consists of 20 people, my friends and I
already booked some rooms long before our visit. Unfortunately, some friends who
stayed in the room next to sea were “expelled” to another room in the meanwhile.
That made 6 people had to cram into one room for the sake of sudden visit from
“local officials” (and their wives).
Saya mengerti management mungkin tidak kuasa
menolak para pejabat daerah ini, mungkin jika mereka menolak izin akan
dipersulit. Bukannya kami ego besar tidak mau mengalah (toh akhirnya
teman-teman mengalah juga karena kasihan dengan pihak management Ora Beach
Resort), namun rasanya sangat tidak adil kalau pejabat bisa seenaknya masuk dan
menggusur teman-teman yang sudah menyiapkan cuti dan booking jauh-jauh hari.
It was still acceptable if the
management couldn’t refuse the local officials since it would complicate the
permit. This was not about our big egos who didn’t want to give up the room
(while the fact we did it as compassion to the management of Ora Beach Resort),
but it’s just so unfair for those who suddenly made their own rule about room
arrangement and displaced those who already had days off and booked earlier.
Mungkin ini cuma liburan, bukan hak dasar
yang jika direnggut berpengaruh besar tapi tidak rela rasanya mengalah demi
raja-raja kecil ini. Ah sudahlah, memang masih seperti itu di sebagian besar
wilayah kita.
Maybe this was merely a holiday,
not about getting big loss caused by a simple thing has taken from you. But
still, it’s not that easy to give up for these “little kings”. Ah forget it,
maybe this just another “culture” in our country.
Those wooden bridge ain't a good place to selfie and jump for more than 10 people ;) |
Ada satu hal yang menarik. Usai teman-teman
“tergusur”, para istri pejabat ini rupanya beramai-ramai selfie di jembatan
menuju cottage di atas laut sehingga jembatan tidak kuat menahan beban belasan
orang berdiri dan loncat di kayu-kayu ini sehingga jembatan rubuh dan mereka
Anyway, good thing always happened
at the right time. After having our friends displaced, these official’s wives planned
to take some selfie and jump on a wooden bridge towards the cottage above the sea.
Poor them, it was such a wrong spot for a group photo session. The bridge
collapsed and they fell.
Memang ini bukan alasan baik untuk kami
tersenyum, namun rupanya karma bekerja cepat di “paradise.”
help to smile but now we know karma truly exist even come faster in “paradise”
PS: Kepada semua pejabat yang ingin
liburan, silahkan minta staf kalian untuk booking jauh-jauh hari, kami doakan
liburannya lancar dan menyenangkan karena liburan adalah hak semua orang kok ;)
PS: Dear all officials who plan
for holiday, please have your staff to arrange before the visit. Wishing you a
pleasant and relaxing holiday since everyone deserves it, anyway. ;)
Ah sudahlah, daripada terlalu banyak cerita
pengalaman ini lebih baik saya share lagi foto-foto indah Ora Beach :)
Oh well, enough for the stories and let me share others beautiful photos of Ora Beach.
Oh well, enough for the stories and let me share others beautiful photos of Ora Beach.
Someone is on a photo session :) |
#Followmeto Ora Beach, Patrick version and inspired by Murad Osmann |
Gotta float like a boss |
@marischkaprue – learn that those who visit paradise isn’t always angels
- Informasi lengkap lokasi dan cara booking ke Ora Beach ada di postingan saya di tahun 2013 ini, klik di sini untuk informasi lengkap
- Detail information about location and booking to Ora Beach is in my older post (2013), click here for more info.
Ora memang cantik sekali ya Mba. Saya ketawa ngakak pas baca bagian jembatan ambruk. Saya malu sih kalau melanggar hak orang lain demi kesenangan pribadi gitu, ehhem. Karma cepat berjalan di paradise XD
Saya baru tahu panorama Pantai Ora seindah ini, mbak. Keren banget. Setuju sama komentar mbak Nia, saya juga tersenyum ketika sampai di paragraf jembatan ambruk. Haha.
Next time pengen ke sini, mbak :D
wkwkkwkwwkkw... mba pru, aku jg sbnrnya ga niat mw ketawa..tapiii nth kenapa lgs ngakak pas baca ibu2 pejabat itu jatuh ;p
Duh, kpn aku sempet kesana yaa... -_-..cantiknya kelewatan ini Ora...
Duh pejabat-pejabat daerah itu ya!
Mantap wahhhh.......................
Hi mbak prudence! Saya baru terdampar disini, such a cool blog and those trips envy me! :)
Pasti ngakak bgd tuh aq klu ada dsana... Ga kebayang hebohnya pas ambruk tuh jembatan, hehehe..
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