"OMG, is it real?" komentar sebagian
orang saat pertama kali melihat foto dari udara yang memperlihatkan bentuk
resort ini.
"OMG, is it
real?" comments some people when they first saw photos of the aerial image
shows the shape of this resort.
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Aerial view of Pulo Cinta, long before, taken from Pulo Cinta website |
Terletak di Teluk
Tomini, Provinsi Gorontalo (Sulawesi), satu pulau kecil berbentuk hati menurut
legenda menjadi lokasi pertemuan rahasia pangeran dari Gorontalo dengan putri
saudagar dari Belanda. Saat itu adalah masa peperangan, dan kedua insan dari
pihak yang bertikai menyatu dan melupakan sejenak posisi mereka yang
berseberangan. Saat malam hari bertabur bintang, mereka menikmati secret escape, to embrace the love.
Located in the
Gulf of Tomini, Gorontalo (Sulawesi), a small heart-shaped island legend has
become the location of a secret meeting with the prince of Gorontalo with the
daughter of a Dutch merchant. It was during the war, and these couple of the
warring parties together and forget for a moment their opposing positions.
During a star-studded evening, they enjoyed a secret escape, to embrace the
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Pulo Cinta water villa |
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Morning mood in Pulo Cinta, photo by M. Ikhsan |
Bentuk dan legenda menunjukkan dengan jelas mengapa pulau ini disebut Pulo
(pulau) Cinta, dan kini berdiri resort dengan bentuk yang serupa: hati.
Forms and legend
shows clearly why the island is called Pulo (island) Cinta (Love), and now
stands a resort with a similar form: heart.
Pemandangan di Pulo Cinta benar-benar mempesona, baik saat
kita berjalan kaki di deck jembatan
yang memanjang, saat berbaring menikmati ketenangan, atau dari atas melalui drone. The view is just spectacular! Dikelilingi lautan dangkal berpasir
putih, warna hijau-toska turquoise
dan biru berpadu indah membuat pemandangan yang mengundang siapapun untuk
datang dan menikmati keindahan Pulo Cinta.
The scenery in Pulo Cinta really is fascinating, both when we walk on the bridge deck aft, while lying down enjoying the tranquility, or from above through drone. The view is just spectacular! Surrounded by a sea of white sandy shallows, green-turquoise and blue toska blends beautifully made scenery that invites anyone to come and enjoy the beauty of Pulo Cinta.
The scenery in Pulo Cinta really is fascinating, both when we walk on the bridge deck aft, while lying down enjoying the tranquility, or from above through drone. The view is just spectacular! Surrounded by a sea of white sandy shallows, green-turquoise and blue toska blends beautifully made scenery that invites anyone to come and enjoy the beauty of Pulo Cinta.
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Stairs to the ocean on each room terrace |
Resort yang baru mulai beroperasi di penghujung tahun 2015
ini memiliki 12 unit cottage, sebagian besar one bedroom villa, plus dua unit two bedrooms villa dan 1 unit 3
bedrooms villa sehingga semua tamu memiliki privacynya masing-masing.
Resort which
begins operations in late 2015, has 12 cottage units, mostly one-bedroom villa,
plus two units of two bedrooms villa and 1 unit of 3 bedrooms villa so all
guests have their privacy respectively.
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View from the room |
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Patrick having a good time in Pulo Cinta :) |
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View from the terrace |
Bathroom |
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Living room situation, on 3 bedrooms villa |
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Swingin' in the sea :) ,photo by M. Ikhsan |
My favorite
spot, selain di teras kamar dengan ocean view, yaitu ayunan yang
mengarah ke laut, saat air surut kita dapat menikmati ayunan ini. Dari setiap
kamar juga kami dapat turun langsung menikmati beningnya laut Teluk Tomini.
My favorite spot,
in addition to the room terrace with ocean view, which swings that lead to the
sea, at low tide we can enjoy this swing. From each room also we can go
straight to enjoy the clear sea of Tomini Bay.
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Pulo Cinta at night, it was a bright full moon night, but you can see the stars up there :) |
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Breakfast made with love, ha! |
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Three bedrooms villa, photo by M. Ikhsan |
Ada begitu banyak spot yang indah di Pulo Cinta, ada pula
begitu banyak cara menikmati area ini, mulai dari menikmati suara laut dari
teras, sunbathing di deck (oh yes, why not?), snorkeling or float around the resort, and of course, spending time
here with those you love. Pulo Cinta
will make you fall in love, instantly!
There are so many
spots that are beautiful in Pulo Cinta, there are so many ways to enjoy this
area, ranging from enjoying the sounds of the sea from the terrace, sunbathing
on the deck (oh yes, why not?), Snorkeling or float around the resort, and of
course, spending time here with those you love. Pulo Cinta will make you fall
in love, instantly!
@marischkaprue - just
like ripples of water in the ocean, her love to the blue ocean will never ends.
Boalemo, Gorontalo
Sulawesi, Indonesia
Sulawesi, Indonesia
From Jakarta to Gorontalo (Terdapat banyak penerbangan
menuju Gorontalo dengan short transit time di Makassar, harga tiket Jakarta -
Gorontalo saat normal season sekitar Rp. 1,6 juta - Rp. 2,5 juta PP), untuk
harga tiket dari kota lain dapat dicek di website berbagai maskapai yang ada.
From Gorontalo: 2 jam naik mobil dari Bandara Jalaluddin di
Gorontalo, dilanjutkan dengan naik boat (15 menit) dari Pantai Bolihutuo menuju
Pulo Cinta.
From Jakarta to
Gorontalo (There are many flights to Gorontalo with the short transit time in
Makassar, ticket prices Jakarta - Gorontalo when normal season around Rp. 1.6
million - Rp. 2.5 million round trip), for a ticket from another city can be
checked on the website there are a variety of airlines.
From Gorontalo: 2
hours by car from Gorontalo Jalaluddin Airport, followed by a boat ride (15
minutes) from the beach of Bolihutuo towards Pulo Cinta.
One Bedroom Villa (for 2 person)
Rp. 3,5 juta / night (weekdays)
Rp. 4,5 juta / night (weekend)
Rp. 5 juta (holiday season)
Two Bedroom Villa (for 4 person)
Rp. 7 juta/ night (weekdays)
Rp. 9 juta / night (weekend)
Rp. 10 juta / night (holiday season)
Three Bedroom Villa (for 6 person)
Rp. 10,5 juta / night (weekdays)
Rp. 13,5 juta / night (weekend)
Rp. 15 juta / night (holiday season)
PS: Rate sudah termasuk jemputan dari dan menuju Bandara
Jalaluddin di Gorontalo, boat transfer menuju Pulo Cinta dan 3 meals per day
plus snack and coffee/ tea, snorkeling gears dan island hopping trip.
For 3D/2N (From Jakarta): around Rp. 5,5 juta per person (weekdays), you can also swim with whale shark before going to the airport (add another Rp. 150.000,- per person)
PS: Rate already
includes transfers from and to the airport Jalaluddin Gorontalo, boat transfer
to the Pulo Love and 3 meals per day plus snacks and coffee / tea, snorkeling
gears and island hopping trip.
For 3D/2N (From Jakarta): around Rp. 5,5 juta per person (weekdays), you can also swim with whale shark before going to the airport (add another Rp. 150.000,- per person)
Wifi (koneksi wifi cepat, namun jika cuaca kurang baik
sinyal akan down sementara)
Wifi (fast wifi
connection, but if the weather is unfavorable signal will be down temporarily)
Tidak ada AC di cottage, namun ventilasi sudah sangat baik
sehingga suhu tetap nyaman meskipun saat panas di siang hari
Tidak ada water heater
di kamar mandi, namun suhu air rata-rata normal - hangat
Bring your
own sunblock, but don't use too much, you can "hurt" the ocean
For other
meals di luar breakfast,
lunch and dinner, kita dapat memesan ke restoran.
Stok air di resort terbatas, be wise when using the water, jangan membiarkan keran/ shower
menyala saat tidak digunakan :)
No AC in the
cottages, but have very good ventilation so that the temperature stays
comfortable even when the heat during the day
No water heater in
the bathroom, but the average water temperature is normal - warm
Bring your own
sunscreen, but do not use too much, you can "hurt" the ocean :)
For other meals
outside of breakfast, lunch and dinner, we can order in the restaurant.
Water supply in
the resort is limited, be wise when using the water, do not let the faucet /
shower flows when not in use :)
Telp: +62 85888211121 (Pascal)
email: heaven@pulocinta.com
Contact: Tukang Jalan
CP : Mentari 085810697553
Simpati 081315890191
XL 087808116852
WA / LINE : 081806898303 ; 087808116852 / 085810697553
PIN BB : 2BA4E9C1 / 52BDD3B1
Email : tuk4ng.jalan@gmail.com
WA / LINE : 081806898303 ; 087808116852 / 085810697553
PIN BB : 2BA4E9C1 / 52BDD3B1
Email : tuk4ng.jalan@gmail.com
Also went here with CumiLebay, you can see his fun blog here: www.cumilebay.com
Cepet aja tayang nya.
Berasa heaven on earth banget ya. Plus wifi lancaaar
Selalu ada cinta di pulo cinta ... Jatuh cinta sama tempat ini.
Akan selalu kangen menggila bareng lagi love love love
Fair bgt reviewnya. Saya & teman2 juga pernah kesana. Asyik & worth it bgt. Cuman 10%nya harga resort di Maldives.
Kita ke sini apa mba aqied selanjutnya *brb cari gratisan* ...
Mbak prue, rate buat ripiu resort kyk gini boleh tau ga? PM aja ya...
Semuanya serba bentuk love. I love it. :D
@Aqied : haha iyaa langsung gatel pengen nulis :D
@Cumi: tiada kesan tanpa kehadiran #PriaMandiriManja haha
Harga rate ada di bagian notes ya :)
omagat omagat. keren sekeren kerennya umat.
btw ada penyewaan kano ga? aku suka gatel pengen kanoing kalo liat laut spt itu.
OMG, keren bangett! Liat fotonya kirain di Maldives, ternyata ada di Indonesiaaaa...keren mba & thanks for sharing. Jadi tau ada pulau ini dari postingan ini..
anjir keren banget!
disana ada dive activities juga ga Pru? walopun bnernya sih snorkeling aja kyknya ud bisa puas banget
Astagaa, cantik sekalii Mbaa. Aku aja baru tau kalo di sekitar Sulawesi ada pulau secantik itu, aku tinggal di Sulawesi Selatan..
Tadinya saya kira Bora bora, ehh ehh ternyataa... cantiknyaa
Beyon-belief-pretty, but I am scared to imagine what would this heaven be in 10 years, knowing how little we care about our environment. Sorry for my somber comment, great blog though.
udah ga bisa diungkapin dngn kata2 lgi.
that heaven in earth
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Keren banget. Thanks review nya yaaa.. Bisa nyobain ke sini kapan2, udah tau estimasi harga nya juga.. Hehe
keren banget suasana malemnya...
kabarnya ada hutan mangrove ya sekitar situ ??
Keren banget..
tapi resort pulo cinta kok tidak pakai kelambu ya? kan di tengah laut..
apa tidak banyak nyamuk nya?
ya ampun indah banget....benar2 tempat yg romantis tuk bercinta eh..bulan madu nih...kapan bisa kesampean ke sini
Wow Awesome...
itu rate villa nya utk 3d2n kah?
ya ampun ternyata kereeen banget yahhhh..ga kalah sama Wisata Lombok
oooh Pulo Cinta... indahnya!
Terima kasih atas postingan yang luar biasa ini.
bagus banget top sewa villa murah di puncak cipanas cianjur ini
Menarik banget informasinya ngebantu banget. aku jadi pingin banget deh kesana, menarik banget sih tau kalo ada Maldivesnya Indonesia .
informatif banget kak tulisannya, jadi pingin liburan bareng pasangan ke pulo cinta. kira kira kegiatan apa ya kak yang cocok untuk honeymoon ke pulo cinta?
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