I went to Bali once in a while, but mostly for scuba diving. Teman-teman biasanya bertanya, "ngapain
lagi ya di Bali?"
I went to Bali once in a
while, but mostly for scuba diving. Friends usually ask, "what else can we
do in Bali?"
Well, here's my Bali itinerary when I don't do scuba dive, just a
nice leyeh-leyeh,
makan-makan, nongkrong-nongkrong day
Well, here's my Bali
itinerary when I do not do scuba dive, just a nice chill and relax time,
eating, hanging out during the day :)
Breakfast at Livingstone Bakery
This is a complimentary breakfast if you stay at Kokonut Suites,
otherwise, you can still also enjoy breakfast at this cozy wooden-atmosphere
Watermelon bread
jadi makanan favorit dari Livingstone, dan tentunya mempercantik breakfast kita
Watermelon bread is one
favorite food in Livingstone, and certainly beautifies our breakfast :)
After breakfast, if you still want more coffee, ada coffee shop di lantai atas Livingstone
sekaligus concept store BURO.
After breakfast, if you still want more coffee, there's a coffee shop on the top floor at Livingstone and also BURO concept store.
After breakfast, if you still want more coffee, there's a coffee shop on the top floor at Livingstone and also BURO concept store.
Livingstone Bakery
Jl. Petitenget No. 88X
Kerobokan, Bali
Opening Hours: 7AM - 10 PM
Sightseeing around Seminyak
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Went to beanbag paradise ha! |
Strolling around Seminyak - Legian is always fun, entah extra nongkrong di cafe, atau sekadar
melihat-lihat dreamcatcher, jewelleries, pillow, beanbags atau hammock.
Strolling around Seminyak -
Legian is always fun, whether an extra hanging out in cafes, or just look for
dreamcatcher, jewelleries, pillow, beanbags or hammock.
(40 menit drive dari
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See? Nobody there! |
Longing for not-so-crowded beach? Pantai Tegal Wangi bisa jadi opsi, meski tidak se-sepi
pantai-pantai di Timur, namun kita dapat memiliki banyak area yang terasa
private di pantai yang berpasir putih ini sambil menikmati laut biru yang
Longing for not-so-crowded
beach? Tegal Wangi Beach could be an option, although not as deserted as the
beaches in the East, but we can have a lot of area that feel very private with
white sandy beach while enjoying a pleasant blue sea.
Pantai Tegal Wangi
Jl. Tegal Wangi, Jimbaran,
Kuta Selatan
Badung, Bali
LUNCH at Bale Udang Mang Engking
(30 minutes drive dari Tegal
"Gubug" atau
saung-saung di atas kolam ikan membuat suasana di Bale Udang Mang Engking
menjadi sangat menenangkan. Makan siang di bale-bale yang teduh, plus memberi
makan ikan (kita bisa membeli makanan ikan yang disediakan) jadi relaksasi yang
"Gubug" or huts
above the fish pond create an atmosphere in Bale Udang Mang Engking which is
very soothing. Lunch on a shady bench, plus feeding fish (we can buy fish food
supplied) is a pleasant relaxation.
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YUM! |
One thing to try, of course, the prawn dishes, mulai dari udang bakar madu, udang bakar
lecker, tumis udang, all gooood!
One thing to try, of course, the prawn dishes, ranging from honey grilled shrimp, grilled shrimp lecker, sauteed shrimp, all gooood!
One thing to try, of course, the prawn dishes, ranging from honey grilled shrimp, grilled shrimp lecker, sauteed shrimp, all gooood!
Bale Udang Mang Engking Kuta
Jl. Nakula No. 88
Sunset Road
Kuta, Bali
Opening Hours: 11AM - 11PM
(10 minutes drive dari Bale
Datang bersama teman,
keluarga, atau pasangan ke Upside Down World selalu seru. Set ruangan-ruangan
yang dibuat seakan-akan "terbalik," membuat kita berusaha kreatif
mengambil angle dan berpose unik agar saat foto dibalik, voila! it's funny :)
Come with friends, family,
or partner to Upside Down World is always exciting. The chambers set are made
as if they are "upside down," makes us try to take a creative angle
and unique pose that when the photos were reversed, voila! it's funny :)
Upside Down World Bali
Jl. By Pass Ngurah Rai No 762
Pemogan, Denpasar, Bali
Opening Hours 9AM - 9PM
Afternoon Breeze at La Laguna
(30 minutes drive dari Upside
Down World)
Sore hari saat yang
menyenangkan untuk datang ke La Laguna di Jalan Pantai Kayu Putih, Canggu. Saat
hari mulai gelap, lampu-lampu menyala dan memberikan atmosfir yang berbeda.
Afternoon is a right time to
come to La Laguna in Jalan Kayu Putih Beach, Canggu. When it grew dark, the
lights were on and give a different atmosphere.
La Laguna Bali
Jl. Pantai Kayu Putih
Banjar Tegal Gundul, Canggu,
Opening Hours: 11AM - 11PM
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Spacious! |
One thing about Kokonut Suites, it feels like your own place, your
own apartment karena konsep
suites di sini adalah satu unit tidak hanya kamar, namun lengkap dengan livingroom,
dining area, dan dapur, cocok untuk longstay bersama teman-teman atau keluarga
dengan area kamar yang cukup luas.
One thing about Kokonut
Suites, it feels like your own place, your own apartment because the concept of
suites here is one unit not only rooms, but complete with livingroom, dining
area and kitchen, perfect for longstay with friends or family with the rooms'
area which are quite spacious.
Selain lokasi strategis di
Jalan Petitenget, Seminyak, saat kita ingin bersantai saja di hotel, kita dapat
menikmati ketenangan dan rimbunnya pohon kehijauan di pool area Kokonut Suites, so this is a perfect place to stay in
Seminyak :)
In addition to a strategic
location in Jalan Petitenget, Seminyak, when we want to relax alone in the
hotel, we can enjoy the tranquility and lush greenery of trees in the pool area
of Kokonut Suites, so this is a perfect place to stay in Seminyak :)
Kokonut Suites
Jl. Petitenget No. 88
Kerobokan, Bali
So, when you'll visit Bali?
@marischkaprue - Bali never
disappoint her :)
Bali selalu merindu, banyak yg bisa di lakuin dan ngak bakal bosen
Waaah, jadi nggak sabaar nih pengin cepet-cepet bulan oktober. Karena nanti ke sana, tapi nggak di Kokonut Suites.
wah thank you mba rekomendai pantai sepinya!
Bali emang nggak ngebosenin, selalu pengen balik travelling kesana :')
hai ka marischka prudence blognya bagus. Mau tanya cara buatnya gimana ? hehe
Ka Marischka, mau tau kalo di Bali itu ada kegiatan di pantai ga? Kaya parasailing atau banana boat?
Aku belum pernah ke Bali dan pengen cobain soalnya... Beli voucher tiket atau coupon aktifitas di bali nya dimana yaa?
ada rekomendasi ga ya?
Bingung mencari kendaraan?
Bingung menyewa kendaraan dimana?
Bingung mencari harga yang pas?
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