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5 Oktober 2013

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Sea Trek Adventure, Berjalan di Dalam Aquarium Terbesar


Saya sudah terbiasa diving jadi disaat saya ditawarkan untuk mencoba Sea Trek Adventure, saya sedikit malas. Bagi saya memakai semacam helm untuk masuk ke dalam air adalah perkara rumit, saya sudah terbiasa dengan masker dan mengambil napas dari regulator sehingga memakai helm sama sekali tidak terpikirkan. Namun saat di Adventure Cove Waterpark, semua di group saya belum pernah diving dan Sea Trek adalah cara bagi yang belum bersertifikasi selam untuk menikmati keindahan "laut" buatan di Marine Life Park, Sentosa, Singapura.

Being a diver, trying Sea Trek Adventure wasn't a temptation for me, in fact, I'm a bit lazy to try it. For me, wearing a helmet to get into the water seems complicated. I'm used with the mask and regulator to breathe so I never think about wearing a helmet to get into the deep water. But during my visit to Adventure Cove Waterpark, all the people in my group haven't tried diving before and Sea Trek in Marine Life Park, Singapore is a way to enjoy the beauty of marine life without a diving certificate requirements.

Briefing first
Tidak rela hanya mengamati yang lain dari atas, saya putuskan untuk ikut "repot" memakai helm dan perkakas, yang sebenarnya lebih simple dibandingkan diving karena tidak perlu membiasakan diri bernapas dari mulut, atau mask clearing saat air masuk ke dalam masker.

Well, not willing to just observe from the surface, I decided to join the hassle to wear a helmet and tools which is actually are simpler than diving since you don't have to get yourself used breathing through the regulator or mask clearing when the water gets inside your mask.

Banyak prosedur Sea Trek yang sama dengan diving, karena masuk ke kedalaman meski hanya 3 meter, instruktur mengajarkan cara equalisasi atau menyeimbangkan tekanan di kuping dengan cara menghembuskan napas dari hidung sambil menekan hidung agar terututup, atau menggerakan rahang dan menelan ludah. Prosedur lain adalah cara komunikasi di dalam air, mulai dari tanda oke dengan menyatukan telunjuk dan jempol membentuk huruf "O" hingga tanda jempol ke atas untuk naik.

A lot of procedures of Sea Trek are similar with diving. Even you'll only get into 3 meters depth, the instructor will teach you how to equalize the pressure in your ears which are by exhale through your nose while pushing your nose using your fingers or just moving your jaws or even swallowed your saliva. Another procedure is the how to communication underwater, ranging from okay sign with the thumb and forefinger unite to form the letter "O" until thumbs ub to sign that you wanna go up to the surface.

Ready to get wet!
Last briefing before going into the aquarium
Layaknya diving, kami memakai wetsuit yaitu pakaian yang terbuat dari bahan neoprene yang mampu menahan panas tubuh di dalam pakaian. Namun saya tidak perlu memakai pemberat karena helm yang dipakai pun sudah berat, total berat satu helm ini 32 kilogram. Namun tenang saja karena saat di dalam air berat helm ini menjadi 6 kilogram, masih cukup berat bagi saya yang terbiasa diving dengan pemberat 3 kilogram.

Just like diving, we gotta wear wetsuit which is a suit made of neoprene material that can hold your body temperature underwater. But I don't have to wear any weight belt since the helmet is already around 70 pounds, but when it gets underwater it became 13 pounds which is still heave for me who used with 6,6 pounds weight belt during dive.

Bubbles one to bubbles two, do you copy?
Kami turun perlahan di tangga dan saat bahu sudah berada di dalam air, helm dipasangkan perlahan. Selang tabung oksigen disambungkan perlahan dan membuat suara "POP" di dalam helm, maka oksigen sudah mengalir dan saya dapat turun perlahan.

We enter the aquarium through the stairs and when your shoulder is in the water, the staff will help you wear the helmet. When oxygen hose are connected, you'll hear a "POP" sound and it means the oxygen are ready and flowing through your helmet. Then, you can descent slowly.

See how crowded it is!
Sea Trek Adventure di Resort World Sentosa menawarkan pengalaman turun ke kedalaman 3 meter di dalam aquarium terbesar di dunia, yaitu South East Asia Aquarium yang biasa disebut SEA Aquarium. Total air yang dapat ditampung di aquarium ini sebanyak 18,2 juta liter air yang menjadi rumah bagi sekitar 50.000 ikan dari 80 spesies yang berbeda.
Sea Trek Adventure at Resorts World Sentosa offers the experience of going to a depth of 3 meters in the largest aquarium in the world, namely South East Asia Aquarium which also called SEA Aquarium. The water tank can hold up to 4,8 million gallons of water which became a home for about 50,000 fish of 80 different species .

Damn crowded like Jakarta during rush hours
This eagle ray passing by a few times
Jadi, meskipun turun di aquarium, bertemu banyak sekali ikan adalah jaminan, mulai dari eagle ray, puluhan batfish, hingga big manta dan napoleon wrasse. Meski perlu beberapa lama untuk membiasakan pandangan di dalam helm dan berjalan dengan tambahan beban 6 kilogram, berada di dalam SEA Aquarium sangat menyenangkan. Ikan ikan ini seakan menyambut saat kami masuk ke dalam aquarium. Pari manta beberapa kali melewati kami, hingga ikan besar Goliath yang muncur dari bawah secara tiba tiba.

Although you're only inside the aquarium, meeting a lot of fish is a total guarantee here. From eagle ray, dozens of batfish and even big manta rays and napoleon wrasse. It will take you a moment to get used to walk with the extra load of 13 pounds but being in this aquarium is a great feeling. Those fishes seems like welcoming us from the moment we walked into the water. Manta rays passing by a few times, a lot of fishes swimming through you and also the big Goliath which suddenly came from below.

See how big is the Goliath
Whoopsy, friendly ray is coming right at you!
Sea Trek sangat saya anjurkan untuk yang belum pernah diving karena tanpa sertifikasi anda dapat menikmati berada di tengah hiruk pikuknya makhluk laut. Cara yang sangat mudah dan aman tentunya membuat aktivitas ini tidak sulit dicoba. 

I really suggest trying Sea Trek for those haven't try diving before. Without any dive certificate you can enjoy being in the middle of crowded marine life. An easy and safe way without any difficulties to try.

Will be a greater feeling when you dive, you can get even down below
Namun bagi yang sudah menyelam, tentu saja anda tahu, diving is way better,  perhaps you wanna dive in this aquarium too :)

But for those who've been diving , of course you know, diving is way better,
perhaps you wanna dive in this aquarium too :)

@marischkaprue - simply a lucky diver

  • Cerita tentang Sea Trek Adventure juga ada di blog Ariev Rahman, disini
  • Story about Sea Trek Adventure is also on my friend's blog, Ariev Rahman, see here
  • Harga tiket untuk satu sesi Sea Trek Adventure 238 SGD (Dolar Singapura) dengan durasi total 60 menit (termasuk briefing, sight seeing SEA Aquarium dari area pengunjung biasa. 
  • Admission price to experience Sea Trek Adventure is 238 SGD (Singapore Dollar) for 60 minutes (include briefing and sight seeing SEA Aquarium.
  • Hanya ada satu sesi Sea Trek Adventure setiap harinya pada pukul 14.00 waktu setempat dan maksimal hanya 5 peserta di setiap sesi.
  • There is only one Sea Trek Adventure session per day, at 14.00 local time and 5 person maximum on each session.
  • Harga tiket masuk Adventure Cove Waterpark saat non peak (Senin hingga Jumat): 29 SGD (dewasa), 20 SGD (anak anak dan di atas 60 tahun); during peak: 33 SGD (dewasa), 23 SGD (anak anak dan di atas 60 tahun)
  • Admission price to enter Adventure Cove Waterpark during non peak (Monday to Friday):
    29 SGD (adult), 20 SGD (child 4-12 years old and above 60 years old); during peak: 33 SGD (adult), 23 SGD (child 4-12 years old and above 60 years old)
  • Kontak Resort World Sentosa: +65778888
  • Resort World Sentosa, Contact: +65778888


Unknown mengatakan...

jadi di sini bisa diving juga ga kaaa?? atau cuma bisa sea trek adventure aja?

Unknown mengatakan...

So cool !

Ninno Emanuel mengatakan...

Baru tau tentang sea trek adventure..
Di Indonesia ada juga gak yah?