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12 Januari 2015

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Rapperswill, City of Flowers


Saya tiba di Swiss saat periode menjelang musim panas, namun masa transisi ini masih terkadang diliputi hujan dan langit yang mendung. Hari-hari awal di Switzerland merupakan hari yang cukup gelap dengan tetesan hujan menemani hari-hari saya dan teman-teman, saya berusaha keras mendapatkan foto yang menyenangkan namun mendung seringkali menyapa. 

I arrived in Switzerland in a time before summer. Even so, the transition period from spring to summer can sometimes be covered in rain and cloudy skies. The first few days in Switzerland was quite dark, the drops of rain accompanied my friends and I. I tried my best to get a great picture even though the cloudy weather still lingers. 

Namun di kota ini saya disambut dengan matahari yang bersinar cerah, langit yang biru dan suasana yang sangat menyenangkan. Angin terkadang masih dingin namun cuaca saat itu sangat menyenangkan untuk berjalan kaki menyusuri kota. Rapperswil seakan tidak rela jika saya tidak dapat melihat kecantikan sesungguhnya akibat langit yang muram. Langit cerah dan kota yang indah, kota ini merupakan salah satu kota favorit saya di Switzerland! 

Despite everything, in this city I was welcomed with the shining sun, blue skies, and a wonderful atmosphere. The wind sometimes still felt chilly, but it was still the perfect weather to walk around town. Its as if Rapperswil didnt want me to see its beauty, because of the fuzzy skies. Clear skies and a beautiful town this is one of my favorite cities in Switzerland! 

Rapperswil, atau Rapperswil-Jona adalah kota yang terletak di sisi sungai Zürich. Dahulu Rapperswil terpisah dengan Kota Jona yang kini telah disatukan menjadi Rapperswil-Jona, namun sebagian orang tetap menyebut dengan nama Rapperswil. 

Rapperswil, or Rapperswil-Jona is a city located on the side of Zurich River. In the past, Rapperswil was set apart from Jona City, of which are now combined and named Rapperswil-Jona. But some people still just call it Rapperswil.

Hanya perlu waktu kurang dari dua jam perjalanan kereta untuk menuju kota ini dari Stasiun Zürich. Setibanya di Rapperswill saya langsung berjalan kaki ke area sisi danau yang sangat dekat dengan stasiun. Angsa putih dan bebek terlihat berkumpul di sisi danau terutama dekat area Bootsvernietung, di sisi-sisi jalanan yang berbatasan dengan danau terdapat banyak café-café cantik yang semakin membuat Rapperswil memberi perasaan menyenangkan.

It only takes a two-hour train ride to get to this town from Zurich station. When I arrived in Rapperswil, I walked towards the lakeside near to the station. White swans and ducks gather at the lakeside, particularly near Bootsvernietung area. The roadside that is right next to the lake has numerous pretty-looking cafes that adds even more of the wonderful feeling being in Rapperswil

Ada satu hal yang menjadi ciri khas Rapperswil: bunga! Ya, sangking banyaknya tanaman bunga di kota ini, Rapperswil disebut sebagai City of Flowers. Hal ini terasa saat berkeliling kota, saya dengan mudah menemukan balkon-balkon dengan tanaman bunga, mawar-mawar bermekaran di sisi jalan dan tentunya taman bunga mawar! 

Theres one thing that makes Rapperswil unique: flowers! Yes, there are so many flowers in this town, Rapperswil is called the City of Flowers. This phenomenon is seen as we go around town. I can easily spot balconies with flowers, roses blooming at the side of the road, and of course, a rose garden! 

Rose garden!

Sebelum menuju Lindenhof yang berada di sisi bukit Rapperswil, kami berhenti dahulu di taman mawar atau Rose Garden di area kota tua Rapperswil. Saya datang di bulan Agustus, saat yang tepat karena di bulan Juli hingga September adalah musim dimana mawar-mawar bermekaran dan memberi wangi semerbak di taman ini.

Before heading for Lindenhof, located on the side of Rapperswil hill, we stopped by a rose garden in an old area of Rapperswil town. I came in the month of August - the perfect time to be here because from July to September is the season when roses bloom and gives out a wonderful scent in the garden.

Castle of The Counts of Rapperswil
Kami kemudian menaiki tangga ke Lindenhof, di mana cityscape Kota Rapperswil terlihat sangat cantik. Di area viewing point ini kami dapat menikmati beberapa pemandangan di arah yang berbeda, mulai dari Danau Zürich, kota tua Rapperswil hingga ke Castle of The Counts of Rapperswil yang hanya berjarak 5 menit berjalan kaki dari Lindenhoft viewing point.

We then climbed some stairs towards Lindenhof, where the Rapperswils cityscape looks gorgeous. In this viewing point area we enjoyed a different number of views observable from different angles, from Zurich Lake, Rapperswils old town, to the Castle of the Counts of Rapperswil that is a five-minute walk from Lindenhoft viewing point.

Michael, guide kami mengajak untuk naik ke atas menara. Saya terengah-engah saat melewati entah anak tangga ke berapa yang seakan tidak ada habisnya. Namun saat tiba di titik tertinggi dengan pemandangan atap-atap bangunan Kota Rapperswil dan kota tua yang terlihat jelas dari jendela, "trekking" ini terbayar dengan view mempesona!

Our guide, Michael invited us to go up the tower. I was trying catching my breath as best as I can, as I pass by an infinite number of staircases. But when I arrived at the highest point with its view of the city rooftops and old town seen clearly from the window, I thought to myself, this climb was well worth it!’ 

Cantik adalah kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan Rapperswil. Kota yang akan membuat kita senang hati berkeliling, berjalan santai ataupun nongkrong di café dekat Danau Zürich. Rapperswil is beautiful like flowers! 

Prettyis the perfect word to describe Rapperswil. This is a city that we will gladly stroll around, to walk around casually or to hang out in cafes near Zurich Lake. Rapperswil is beautiful like its flowers!

@marischkaprue - she loves flowers as much as she loves chocolates


I Join this Switzerland trip with Qatar Airways, from Jakarta to Zurich then simply traveling by train to other cities, including Zermatt. Anyway, they have a very nice business class with the best lounge in Hamad International Airport, Doha :)

Also the GOOD NEWS is Qatar Airways is having a new year sale, ONLY until 16th January!

Travel period valid from 20th January to 10th December 2015.

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