Kami tiba di saat hujan
rintik-rintik. Saya berjalan sambil memegang payung memasuki area dengan
kehijauan di kiri-kanan jalan setapak. Kami sontak berhenti di sisi sungai
dimana terdapat rumah kayu dengan kincir air di sisi bangunan, sungai yang
sebagian tertutup tanaman dan kehijauan kemanapun kami memandang.
It was
drizzling when we arrived. While holding the umbrella, I walked down the path
which was green on the both sides. We suddenly stopped when there was a
wooden-house close to the river side that mostly covered with plants.
Meski matahari sedang
bersembunyi, area di sisi Daio Wasabi Farm di Kota Azumino, Nagano, Jepang ini
tetap terlihat indah.
The area
of Daio Wasabi Farm in Azumino Nagano City Japan stay beautiful, though the sun
still hiding.
"Persis area ini dahulu
merupakan lokasi shooting film Dreams di tahun 1989," ujar Teddy Yamaishi
yang menemani kami.
“This area
is used to be location of Dreams the movie in 1989.” Teddy Yamaishi, who accompany us said
Jujur saja saya tidak tahu
film yang dimaksud, namun area indah ini memang cocok untuk set film. Bangunan
dan kincir air ternyata memang dibangun sebagai properti film dan kemudian
dibiarkan di bentuk aslinya hingga kini. Kami kemudian naik ke area lain dengan
jalur seperti sungai yang tertutup kain hitam memanjang. Itulah area kebun
wasabi, semacam pasta khas Jepang yang memiliki rasa pedas.
I was not familiar with the movie, but having this beautiful spot for shooting
was such a right choice. The building and water-wheel were originally built as
the movie property but it remained in the same condition till now. Then we went
up to another area with route like a river covered with a long black cloth.
That was the wasabi farm, kind of Japanese pasta with a spicy flavor.
Daio Wasabi Farm merupakan
perkebunan wasabi terbesar di Jepang dengan luas 15 hektar. Kebun wasabi ini
berada di area aliran sungai dengan suhu yang selalu sama yaitu 13°C
baik di musim panas maupun musim dingin. Suhu air selalu sama karena aliran air
di perkebunan ini berasal dari pegunungan salju di sisi utara. Wasabi memang
memerlukan suhu konstan 13°C untuk dapat tumbuh dengan baik.
Wasabi Farm is the biggest wasabi farm in Japan with an area of 15 hectares.
This wasabi farm is in the stream area with same temperature either in summer
or winter, which is 13°C. That temperature is caused by the water source from
the snow-mountains in the north side. A constant temperature at 13°C is
important for wasabi to grow well.
Pada saat kami datang seluruh
tanaman wasabi ditutup dengan kain jaring hitam untuk melindungi dari matahari,
hal ini dilakukan pada bulan Mei hingga Oktober setiap tahunnya. Kita baru
dapat melihat langsung tanaman tanpa tertutup kain di bulan November hingga
When we
came, all the wasabi plant was covered with black webs cloth to protect it from
the sunlight. They did it every year from May to October so we can only see the
plants exposed on November to April.
Area luas yang dibangun sejak
tahun 1915 ini cocok untuk berkeliling. Ada beberapa area dimana kita dapat
menemukan berbagai patung di sisi kebun wasabi. Rupanya pemilik perkebunan
menyukai karya seni patung sehingga terdapat banyak patung tersebar di berbagai
sisi Daio Wasabi Farm.
The wide
area that has been built since 1915 is suitable for making a tour. There are also
some areas where we could see various statues on many sides of Daio Wasabi Farm.
Apparently, it is because the owner likes an artwork especially statues.
Di dekat tempat pekerja
memotong tanaman wasabi yang sudah dipanen, terdapat kuil yang dibangun untuk
menghormati Hachimen Daio yang dipercaya sebagai pelindung perkebunan.
Close to
the cutting area of wasabi that has been harvested, there was a temple to honor
Hachimen Daio, which is believed to protect the farm.
Namun bagi saya tempat paling
menarik adalah area makan dimana kita dapat menemukan berbagai makanan hingga
es krim dengan tema dan rasa wasabi, serta toko yang menjual segala hal juga
dengan tema wasabi yang kadang terlihat aneh seperti wasabi beer, wasabi curry,
coklat wasabi, kacang wasabi hingga boneka wasabi berukuran besar.
But the
most interesting part for me is the eating area where we could find various
kinds of food even ice cream with wasabi theme and flavor, also a shop selling
anything about wasabi which some looked weird like wasabi beer, wasabi curry,
wasabi choco, wasabi nut, even a giant wasabi doll.
Saya hanya mencoba ice cream
wasabi yang tetap manis namun melewatkan wasabi beer. Bagi saya bir dan wasabi
bukan kombinasi yang tepat but hey anyway
it's a wasabi land and the law of order is managed by wasabi Gods (may I say
that?). Pecinta wasabi ataupun bukan, you'll
enjoy a day of wasabi in the wasabi land :)
I only
tried wasabi ice cream that still sweet and skipped wasabi beer. For me, beer
and wasabi is not a perfect match but hey, anyway it’s a wasabi land and the
law of order is managed by wasabi Gods (may I say that?). Either you’re a
wasabi lover or not, you’ll enjoy a day of wasabi in the wasabi land :)
@marischkaprue - her hair is
green, just like wasabi
Daio Wasabi Farm
1692 Hotaka, Azumino, Nagano
T: +81 263 822118
W: www.daiowasabi.co.jp
Opening Hours:
9:00 - 17:20 (April -
9:00 - 16:30 (November -
How To Get There
Dari JR Matsumoto Station: naik
kereta (JR Oito Line) ke Hotaka Station (arah Shinano-Omachi), waktu tempuh 30
menit, ¥320 one way.
From JR
Matsumoto Station: take a train (JR Oito Line) to Hotaka Station (route Shinano
– Omachi) for about 30 mins, ¥320/one way
Dari Hotaka Station naik
taksi (¥1.300), atau naik Loop Bus (rute hanya
beroperasi di bulan April-Oktober) waktu tempuh 10 menit (¥500/one
way atau ¥800 one day pass)
From Hotaka Station: take a cab (¥1.300) or Loop Bus (only on April – October) for about 10 mins (¥500/one way or ¥800/one day pass)
From Hotaka Station: take a cab (¥1.300) or Loop Bus (only on April – October) for about 10 mins (¥500/one way or ¥800/one day pass)
Pada bulan (akhir) April
hingga Oktober kita dapat menyusuri sungai dengan perahu selama 15-30 menit
dengan harga ¥900 - ¥1800.
At the
end of April until October we can track the river by the boat for 15-30 mins
with only ¥900 - ¥1.800
More info/ group handling contact:
(Matsumoto Tourism Association)
(Azumino Tourist Association)
Desa Wasabi terlihat damai dan sejuk banget dengan pepephonan yang hijau.
Japan memang menjadi acuan dalam hal pengembangan desa khususnya bercocok tanam.
Semoga suatu waktu bisa Berkunjung ke Wasabi
udah sering makan wasabi, baru kali ini tau bentuknya yang masih asli kayak apa :D Kalau ngomongin jepang, paling suka daerah pedesaannya gini, tenang banget suasananya~
gapernah doyan wasabi paste tapi kayaknya menarik buat nyobain kreasi wasabi2 yang lain x3
can't wait to visit japan ~
ps : rural area is always the best !
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