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30 Mei 2016

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Traveling adalah investasi, yes, itulah yang selalu saya yakini dan sudah saya tulis dalam postingan saya bertahun-tahun lalu ini (click here to read: Traveling:Investasi Memori Masa Depan).

Traveling is an investment, yes, that's what I have always believed and I wrote in my post many years ago (click here to read: Traveling: Investment of Future Memory).

Mengapa investasi? Apa saja keutungan dari bepergian?

Why invest? What are the benefits of traveling?

Here's some (because I'm sure there's so much more benefit I haven't notice):

Kebahagiaan dari hal-hal non material justru akan bertahan lebih lama, memori akan pengalaman baru, pemandangan indah yang membuat kita berdecak kagum, keriaan saat menikmati masa-masa berkualitas bersama teman, menemukan teman baru saat bepergian adalah hal-hal yang akan terus kita ingat dan membuat kita bahagia.

Happiness of non-material things that will last longer, the memory will be a new experience, the beautiful scenery that makes us amazed, merriment when enjoyed periods of quality with friends, find new friends while traveling are the things that will keep us remember and make us happy.

"Eventually we'll forgot our 400 USD shoes, but those amazing feeling during traveling will last"

Can't agree more!

Jika kebahagiaan dari hal-hal material seringkali memiliki "perhitungan" tersendiri, misalnya jika kita sanggup membeli mobil mahal, kebahagiaannya lebih dibandingkan saat membeli mobil harga "standar"

If happiness from material things often have a "calculation" of its own, for example if we could afford to buy an expensive car, more happiness than when buying a car with "standard" price

Namun saat traveling jangka waktu bepergian ternyata tidak berbanding lurus dengan kebahagiaan. Trip simple berupa weekend trip akan membawa kebahagiaan yang serupa dengan solo traveling kita selama dua minggu atau lebih, all you need is spending time (that you can) to getaway for a while, and get your happiness!

But when traveling, the traveling period was not directly proportional to happiness. Simple trip in the form of weekend trip will bring happiness similar to our solo traveling for two weeks or more, all you need is spending time (that you can) to getaway for a while, and get your happiness!

Saat bepergian, mau tidak mau kita akan bersinggungan dengan berbagai "manusia" lainnya. Entah karena kita travel in group yang membuat kita (mau tidak mau) menekan ego dan berusaha untuk lebih toleran, atau melihat orang-orang dengan karakter yang berbeda, dan karena saat bepergian kita sedang tidak ada di "wilayah kita", bukan rumah, kantor dan lain-lain yang seringkali di situlah kita merasa "my rule," maka saat bepergian kita cenderung lebih toleran, lebih membuka diri untuk memulai percakapan, lebih tidak canggung berhadapatn dengan orang lain, dan hal ini pelan-pelan terbawa ke kehidupan sehari-hari kita.

While traveling, inevitably we will be in contact with various other "human". Either because we travel in group that makes us (inevitably) suppress the ego and trying to be more tolerant, or see people with different characters, and because the move we're not in "our territory", not a house, office and others that often that's where we feel "my rule," so when traveling we tend to be more tolerant, more open to start a conversation, it is not awkward to deal with other people, and it is slowly carried over into everyday life we.

Traveling membuat social skill kita bertambah, dengan dipaksa berinteraksi dengan orang-orang yang berbeda, kita semakin pandai bersosialisasi, kita semakin toleran dan tidak keberatan dengan menekan ego. Mengurangi ego bukan lagi jadi beban berat, namun hal yang setelah kita jalani ternyata mudah dilakukan :)

Traveling makes us gain social skills, by being forced to interact with people who are different, we are getting better at socializing, we are more tolerant and do not object to suppress the ego. Reducing the ego no longer be a heavy burden, but it turns out that after we live easy :)

Traveler adalah tamu di setiap destinasi, ia mesti "tahu diri" di mana ia berada dan menemui hal-hal unik atau mungkin yang ia anggap aneh, namun ia sebagai tamu mesti menghargai tuan rumah.

Traveler is a guest at every destination, they must "know themselvs" where they areand unique things to see or maybe the things they considered as odd, but as a guest they should appreciate the host.

Saat bepergian kita melihat cara hidup yang berbeda, masyarakat yang- bukan hanya bahasa- berbeda dalam banyak hal. Dengan berada langsung di tempat mereka, kita melihat sisi lain, bukan hanya sekadar "ini berbeda" namun melihat bagaimana mereka hidup dan kenapa mereka berperilaku demikian.

While traveling we see a different way of life, not just having different language- but people who are different in many ways. By being in their place directly, we see the other side, rather than just "this is different" but see how they live and why they behave that way.

Traveling adalah hal indah untuk menemukan betapa manusia itu sama, kita tersenyum dengan cara yang sama, sama-sama menitikkan air mata di kala sedih. Sebesar apapun perbedaan kita dengan warga di destinasi yang kita kunjungi, we'll see that we are actually the same :)

Traveling is a wonderful thing to discover how human beings are equal, we smiled the same way, both shed tears at the sad time. For whatever our differences with the citizens in the destinations we visit, we'll see that we are actually the same :)

Is that all? nope, masih banyak benefit dari bepergian, keuntungan yang seringkali tidak kita hitung, tidak kita sadari namun merubah hidup kita ke arah yang lebih baik

Is that all? nope, there are many benefits of traveling, the benefits often do not count, we do not realize however change our lives for the better
More #WealthWisdom on my upcoming post!

Meanwhile, let's embrace the good things we got from traveling

@marischkaprue - too many kind people she met during traveling

These are some of things I share on Wealth Wisdom conference by Permata Bank, a Wholistic Wealth Conference in Indonesia pada 11-12 Mei 2016. 

Find more on



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couldn't agree more :)

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