Beberapa hari ini kata karma terngiang ngiang di telinga, sedikit panas, emosi ataupun sakit hati saat seseorang tega menyakiti kita.
Mungkin kemudian kita akan berkata dalam hati "karma
akan datang," apa yang ditanam itu yang dipetik. Intinya itu, kehidupan
selalu memberi hasil dari apa yang kita serahkan. Apa yang terjadi hari ini
adalah hasil dari kejadian sebelumnya yang saling berkaitan.
Bagaimana dengan hidup itu sendiri? Apakah hidup kita
sekarang hasil dari hmm, let say, kehidupan sebelumnya?
Kalau bicara reinkarnasi pasti banyak perdebatan, banyak
literatur, banyak cerita menarik. Entah percaya atau tidak. Tapi ada satu garis
lurus yang bisa ditarik.. Menurut saya, intinya sama saja, percaya ada
reinkarnasi itu tujuannya baik, supaya kita "menabung" hal hal baik
terlebih dahulu karena percaya di kehidupan selanjutnya kita akan panen hal
Saya membayangkan bereinkarnasi sebagai lumba lumba, asik
sepertinya bisa menyelam, bermain main di birunya laut. Sebelum tiba tiba saya
terjebak di jaring manusia, diangkat dan dicabut nyawanya. Mungkin di kehidupan
sebelumnya saya pernah melihat laba laba lewat, menangkap dengan tissue dan
meremas tissue itu hingga laba laba itu mati.
Saya membayangkan yang membaca ini tertawa, masa tidak boleh
membunuh laba laba? semut kalau diinjak jadi nanti karma buruk dong? Hmm, saya
bukan Tuhan, tapi saya yakin saya bisa bilang tidak. Kenapa? Yang penting
intensinya, tujuan, niat, kalau saya memang niat mau bunuh itu laba laba, atau
karena kaget refleks saya lempar buku sampai si laba laba tewas? Buat saya, itu
Ah, cukuplah bicara ngawur. Satu hal saja, saat anda lewat
restoran nan elegan yang menjual menu sirip hiu, mari kita doakan beramai ramai
reinkarnasi itu ada. Bahwa semua yang makan sirip hiu itu akan terlahir kembali
sebagai salah satu bagian di rantai makanan di bawah hiu. Supaya dikunyah habis
oleh sang hiu, dan saya yakin, kali ini Itong* pasti setuju.
So, do you believe in past lives?
I do believe in future lives :)
I do believe in future lives :)
@marischkaprue - hates karma but believes that her future
lives got something to do with the sea
As published on Divemag Indonesia magazine, Volume 3, No. 026, April 2012
Support #savesharks and #SOSharks by signing petition here
* Itong adalah karakter hiu yang diciptakan oleh Divemag Indonesia. Itong mewakili hiu yang "ramah" untuk menghentikan citra buruk hiu sebagai pemangsa yang selama ini dianggap ganas dan menyerang manusia.
Lets #savesharks, starting from very simple thing, from us.
Lets #savesharks, starting from very simple thing, from us.
- Please stop eating food which contains sharks, such as sharks fin. Also stop eating in the restaurants that sells sharks fins and meats.
- Learn the fact about shark finning, it's a very cruel process to remove the fin from the sharks and eventually the sharks will be dead without fin. Nowadays sharks captured not only for the fins but the meat also, human are very good at fishing and our greatness of killing shark is ruining the ecosystem. No sharks in the sea will make your beloved seafood disappearing, remember the food chain? sharks is on top and when you make a mess on it, you jeopardized the ecosystem.
- Don't date anyone that eats sharks fins and meats. Those who ate sharks shouldn't "breed" and produce a sharks eaters family >:)
In Future We Trust
These few days the word karma ringing in my ears, a bit of emotions or pain when someone hurt us.
Maybe then we would say to ourself that karma will come. You got what you planted. The point is, life always gives the results of what we planted. What is happening today is the result of previous series of incidents.
What about life itself? Is the "now" the results of our hmm, let say, the previous life?
Maybe then we would say to ourself that karma will come. You got what you planted. The point is, life always gives the results of what we planted. What is happening today is the result of previous series of incidents.
What about life itself? Is the "now" the results of our hmm, let say, the previous life?
When it comes to reincarnation certainly a lot of debate, much literature, a lot of interesting stories. You can choose to believe it or not. But there is one straight line can be drawn .. In my opinion, its all for the same thing, believing there is a reincarnation was for good intentions, that we "keep" the good things in advance because we believe in the next life we will harvest good things.
I imagine myself reincarnated as a dolphin, seems great to be able to dive, play games in the blue sea. Before suddenly I got stuck in the fishnet, trapped, captured and slaughtered. And maybe, just maybe in a previous life I saw spider, captured the spider using a soft tissue and squeezed it until the spider dies.
Maybe when reading this you'll laugh, thinking that means we can't kill any spider? or step on a tiny ant will draw bad karma? Hmm, I'm not God, but I'm sure I could say no. Why? It depend on the intentions, goals, your purpose. If my intention was to kill the spider will be different if I just shock and as a reflex impulse, I threw the book and killed the spider? For me, it was different.
Well, enough talking nonsense. One
thing, when you walk by the elegant restaurant which sells shark fin menus,
let's pray that the reincarnation do exist. That all who ate shark's fins will reborn as one part of the food chain under the shark. So shark will hunt and chew them, and I'm sure, this time Itong* definitely agree.
So, do you believe in past lives?I do believe in future lives :)
So, do you believe in past lives?I do believe in future lives :)
@marischkaprue - hates karma but believes that her future
lives got something to do with the sea
*Itong is a shark character created by Divemag Indonesia. Itong represent a "friendly" shark to stop bad image of sharks as a predator.
in future we trust
engga pernah ngerasain sirip hiu kayak apa, tapi baca fakta2 hiunya, lebih ngeri utk ngebayangin mereka hilang dr muka bumi drpd kepikiran nyobain sebagian darinya :(
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