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14 Oktober 2013

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Romantic Dinner at Ocean Restaurant


Apa yang lebih baik dari melihat sekumpulan makhluk laut melintas di depan mata saat makan malam? Tempat ini membuat saya ingin memperlambat kecepatan makan saya hanya untuk menambah waktu menikmati pemandangan rombongan jackfish, batfish serta Goliath melintas.

What's better than seeing sea creatures passing in front of you during dinner? This place just make me want to slow down eating and add more time to enjoy the view of schooling jackfish, batfish or even a great feeling when Goliath passing by.

Ocean Restaurant berlokasi di Oceanarium terbesar di dunia, SEA Aquarium, Sentosa, Singapura, tepatnya di samping bagian panel terbesar yaitu Open Ocean yang menampung hingga 18 juta liter air. Restoran ini memberi pemandangan apa yang biasanya ada di dalam laut, hiu dan berbagai manta, serta birunya air.
Ocean Restaurant is located in the world's largest Oceanarium, SEA Aquarium at Sentosa, Singapore. The restaurant is located next to the largest panel on the Oceanarium, which named Open Ocean that holds up to 18 million liters of water. This restaurant gives a view of what usually you see in the ocean like sharks, manta rays and the blue water.

I'm sure you won't mind a napoleon wrasse passing by :)
Marine Life Park juga menggaet pemenang Iron Chef tahun 2005 di Food Network, yaitu chef Cat Cora untuk membuat menu di Ocean Restaurant. Salah satu favorit saya yaitu baked cod fillet dan mushroom soup, so yummy!
Also working for the restaurant is the winner of Iron Chef Food Network on 2005, Chef Cat Cora. My favorites are baked cod fillet and the mushroom soup, so yummy!

now a couple of barracuda passing by
and don't forget the food!
So enjoy the food combined with this stunning view! Also, come here with your partner, it would be romantic for sure!

@marischkaprue - eat seafood but saying big no no to sharkfin soup

  • Harga tiket masuk SEA Aquarium: Dewasa 33 SGD (Singapore Dollar), Anak anak 4-12 tahun 23 SGD dan orang tua di atas 60 tahun 23 SGD.
  • Admission price to enter SEA Aquarium: 33 SGD (adult), 23 SGD (child 4-12 years old and above 60 years old)
  • SEA Aquarium beroperasi dari pukul 10 am - 7 pm
  • SEA Aqurium opens from 10 am to 7 pm 
  • Budget: Lunch set 3 course start from 88 SGD (Singapore Dollar), Dinner Set 3 course 148 SGD, Dinner Set 6 course 168 SGD.
  • Budget: Lunch set 3 course 88 SGD (Singapore Dollar), Dinner Set 3 course 148 SGD, Dinner Set 6 course 168 SGD.
  • Kontak Resort World Sentosa: +65778888
  • Resort World Sentosa, Contact: +65778888


Unknown mengatakan...

Kayak nya Romantis banget dinner disini, harga makanan nya mahal yaaa ???
So sweet banget baca tweet nya ttg co ngelamar ce nya disini ;-)

Marischka Prudence mengatakan...

Iya harga full dinner gitu, emang cocoknya buat romantic dinner ^^

Sayangnya ngga punya foto pas ngelamar krn lg sea trek, padahal seru banget ya :D

Mahris Supono mengatakan...

Poto mbak lg romantic dinnernya ga di posting? :)

Desy Yusnita mengatakan...

Kalo aq kayanya bukan konsen sm makanan dan pasangan, tp konsen sm ikan2 deh....

Berkhayal dan liatin foto2 disini dulu, sapa tau ada yg ngajak 😬😬