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6 Desember 2013

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Hardware Coffee in Singapore


Apa yang membuat kita berbelok ke salah satu toko? Kadangkala plang nama atau promosi yang kuat. Hampir semua toko atau cafe dan restoran membuat plang nama yang menarik perhatian, tujuannya agar orang yang melintas tahu keberadaan toko tersebut dan masuk.

What makes us visit one store? Maybe the sign, banner or other promotions. Almost all shops or cafes and restaurants make an attractive sign and name to attract people so more customer will come and visit.
You can't see any coffee sign
Saat Papa Palheta Coffee dicetuskan, ada satu janji yang diucap kepada pemilik gedung dimana Papa Palheta akan didirikan, yaitu tidak mengubah sedikitpun bentuk dan penampilan luar gedung.

When Papa Palheta Coffee established, the owner promise one thing, that the building will still be the same, that none of the shape or appearance of the building will change.

Ini sebabnya anda tidak akan tahu sama sekali, bahwa di dalam gedung yang bertuliskan Chye Seng Huat Hardware (baca: cay-seng-hua) terdapat coffee shop yang menarik. Dahulu gedung ini adalah toko perkakas (hardware) dan karena nama di depan gedung masih dipertahankan, maka coffee shop ini juga dinamakan Chye Seng Huat Hardware Coffee.
This is why if you're passing through, you won't even realize that inside the building with "Chye Seng Huat Hardware" sign, there is an interesting coffee shop. Formerly, this building was a hardware store and since the name is still retained, the coffee shop is also called
Chye Seng Huat Hardware Coffee.

Meski tanpa promosi di bagian depan gedung, Chye Seng Huat Hardware Coffee kini ramai dikunjungi. Coffee shop di area Tyrwhitt Road, Singapura ini diketahui melalui promosi paling sederhana, yaitu pembicaraan dari mulut ke mulut.

Even though there are no signs and promotions, now this place is packed with people sipping coffee everyday. This coffee shop is located in the Tyrwhitt Road area in Singapore, and eventually known just by words spreads through conversations.

Inside the gate, it looks like a normal coffee shop

The "lab"

Anda harus masuk melalui pintu garasi dan baru kemudian merasakan suasana coffee shop. Yang unik, di area belakang garasi terdapat mesin mesin pengolah kopi, dari biji kopi mentah hingga matang. Di area yang berdekatan pun anda dapat melihat satu ruangan yang tampak seperti laboratorium dengan tabung kaca pengolah kopi. Bahkan di Chye Seng Huat Hardware kita dapat belajar cara mengolah kopi serta pengetahuan kopi sederhana, ada ruang kelas untuk kelas yang dibuka untuk umum ini.
You must enter through the garage door and you'll feel the atmosphere of the coffee shop. The unique part, behind the garage there is a coffee processing machine, from raw coffee beans until roasted. You can also see a room which looked like a lab with tubing glass to make coffee. We can even learn how to process coffee and also some simple knowledge about our favorite drink in a classroom open for public.

small shop
Can't agree more
Cute temporary tattoos
Di lantai atas terdapat toko kecil yang menjual berbagai buku, tas, asesoris hingga temporary tattoo yang unik.

At the upper floor, there are small shops selling books, bags, accessories until unique temporary tattoos.

We all need this, actually this is an empty book notes with a bit of singlish words
Coffee and carrot cake in the morning
Menikmati kopi di Chye Seng Huat bukan hanya sekadar menyeruput kopi sambil membaca koran dan bersantai. Disini ada cerita di balik bangunan yang dipertahankan sejak dulu, cerita di balik pembuatan kopi, hingga cerita darimana anda menemukan lokasi ini. I bet mostly from a friend. So, coffee anyone?
Enjoying coffee at Chye Seng Huat isn't just sipping coffee while reading some newspaper and relax. There are stories behind the building, stories about the coffee making and even story about how you found this place, which I bet mostly from a friend. So, coffee anyone?
@marischkaprue - she loves sipping coffee in the morning

  • Chye Seng Huat Hardware Coffee terletak di 150 Tyrwhitt Road, Singapura 207563, contact: 63960609
  • Chye Seng Huat Hardware Coffee is in 150 Tyrwhitt Road, Singapore 207563,
    contact: 63960609
  • Jam buka Selasa - Jumat: 9 pagi s.d 7 malam, Sabtu - Minggu: 9 pagi hingga 10 malam, hari senin tutup.
  • Open from Tuesday - Friday: 9 am to 7 pm, Saturday - Sunday: 9 am to 10 pm. Closed on monday.


Unknown mengatakan...

Tempat nya menarik banget, ini di daerah mana ??? kalo naik mrt turun dimana yeee ???


Jogja Sleeping Bag mengatakan...

Waaahhh mingin-mingini :D

Unknown mengatakan...

I really like coffee. ^-^ Must try this.

Marischka Prudence mengatakan...

Huaa waktu itu naik taksi sih jadi ga tau rute MRTnya uy :(

Yes, menarik banget tempatnya :D