Feels like they're trying to
reach the heaven, it's massive heights with a grand structure. Burj Khalifa
breaks all the record ever been stated by other tallest building in the world
by reaching 828 meters and having 160 floors, it's crazy but the reality is
human can built that, with great amount of money of course.
Standing 828 meters tall, you can see Burj Khalifa from everywhere in Dubai |
It also reminds me of Tower of
Babel. Well it doesn't reach heaven for sure, it's a long way to go but Burj
Khalifa is one of state of the art and state of the construction achievements.
Imagine that Eiffel Tower is "only" 300 meters-ish, Burj Khalifa is
almost 3 times the height of Eiffel Tower. Taipei 101 building is about 500
meters, still far away from Burj Khalifa. If there would be a building breaking
the record, I would imagine that coming from UAE (United Arab Emirates) itself.
Sorry girls, no Tom Cruise crawling here |
The observatory deck, At The Top at 555 meters. |
Let's leave alone Dubai and it's
obsession of breaking all the world's record. If you're in Dubai, you have to
visit this building. Stepping into Burj Khalifa is mandatory in Dubai. It
doesn't take a long time for Hollywood to get enchanted by this building,
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol showing Tom Cruise swung around the Burj Khalifa skyscraper and we can feel a bit of
it's height, not necessarily need to swing also, but we can get into the 124th
floor and see the view from the observatory deck at the height of 555 meters.
I got complimentary ticket, the perks of being a travel blogger ;) |
The super fast elevator |
would you get into 555 meters? It took less than a minute to get into 124th
floor; you'll feel a bit pressure on your ears, just like when the airplanes
take off. At The Top is the highest outdoor observatory deck but don't worry,
all covered by glass wall, there're a gap between for you to take pictures
without having a reflection from the glass wall.
Can't get a clear shot, there's always somebody beside me |
The feel of height at 555 meters, I wonder how it feels like at 828 meters? |
I went
there in the morning, I think I'm one of the first group who came but in less
than 5 minutes, it's getting crowded so my suggestion is came early and take
the photo first then enjoy the view later because there's a tight competition
of having a good background there.
You can see they kept on building things around it |
The view from one of the restaurant in Armani Hotel in Burj Khalifa |
The bathroom at one of Armani Hotel suites, love the design! |
might ask this: what would a 160 stories building for? Burj Khalifa accomodate
900 residence units (I don't know the price, but it must cost a fortune to have
a property at the tallest building in the world), 37 office floors, also Armani
Hotels and Residence is located in Burj Khalifa.
Six years to build this skyscraper? totally worth! |
Unfortunately on 2011 I haven't been into taking photos, mostly from smartphone but then I get a chance to get more photos this 2014 :) |
took 6 years to built this tallest building, from 2004 until 2010. I was lucky
enough that my very first visit to Dubai is in 2011 so I can visit this
building on 2011, and got luckier to be able to visit this building again this
You can still see that these are all built in the desert |
Dubai is the fastest growing city, new skyscrapers are built everyday |
The big building on the left side is Dubai Mall |
They keep on building new properties everywhere |
view from Burj Khalifa is grand, you can see Dubai with its skyscrapers, the
massive constructions on progress and the desert, yes it was totally almost all
of it was desert 20 years ago and now Dubai filled with massive skyscrappers
and world's record breaking structures.
The Address, swimming pool and fountain pool at early morning |
The top of The Address tower |
Looks like lego from up here |
more like a resort by the sea but in fact it's in the middle of desert |
Mandatory spot for photo :) |
because it was a desert and it was nothing there before then UAE has been so
obsessed making Dubai totally different. From the observatory deck you can see
Downtown Dubai, Dubai Mall, The Address, The Palace and other hotels and
residences around the pool in front of Burj Khalifa, you can see clearly the
turquoise colors which make it seems like a shallow sea water, beautiful indeed
and all man-made.
- she's not even 1,6 meters but she's not man-made.
- The ticket price depend on the time, check the detail price here:
- You can buy ticket online via Burj Khalifa website here
- Burj Khalifa located in Downtown Dubai, it's very easy to get there, you can see Burj Khalifa from everywhere in Dubai also.
As always, Patrick is also having fun :) |
Thanks to
Emirates and DTCM (Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing) Dubai for inviting me to Dubai. This is as a part of their "
See You in Dubai" campaign. I went to Dubai with Emirates, they have a very nice business class.
send Dubai t-shirt and Dubai pocket guide to one of you, caranya
tinggal tulis di bagian komen: do we need more taller building? menurut
kalian lebih baik manusia tetap membangun terus gedung tertinggi, entah
bisa sampai setinggi apa, atau justru harus berhenti memiliki obsesi
meraih langit lewat bangunan? *just my random thought*, hope you can
share answers with me :)
Jangan lupa tulis nama akun twitter kalian karena pemenang akan dihubungi via twitter ya
Akan mengirim oleh2 dari Dubai untuk @mynameisqaa ,cek twitter ya :)
Congrats! dan thank you yang udah ikut seru-seruin giveaway!
Alamak ... cantik kali nich tempat :-) kayak nya ntar mesti bisa transit ke dubai nich buat tenggok2 elok nya
Yuk makcum kapan ajak aku kesana? wkwkwwk
seberapa pintar dan hebatnya manusia tetap ga akan bisa bikin bangunan setinggi apapun utk mencapai langit, lagian kalo ketinggian ngeri juga kali kak prue.. @__hayu
I don't think people should build taller buildings. People should not compete on their buildings' heights, but focus more on the design instead. Gedung yang bentuknya unik-unik menurut saya lebih menyenangkan untuk dilihat dan dikunjungi. :) - @heyshezie
Menurut saya, manusia boleh saja berobsesi untuk membangun bangunan yg tinggi. Tapi jika diteruskan tidak akan pernah habis. Pasti akan selalu ada yang tertinggi lainnya. Sampai kapan pun, manusia ga akan bisa menggapai langit karena pada dasarnya manusia memang di ciptakan untuk di atas bumi, bukan langit. Jadi, lebih baik manusia berhenti membangun gedung-gedung tertinggi lainnya dan lebih memikirkan bagaimana untuk membuat bumi ini lebih baik serta melakukan tindakan yang tidak memperburuk keadaan bumi (mengingat efek global warming).
- @cipoett -
imho, selama para investor/manusia mampu mendanai dan eksplorasi pembangunan gedung yang lebih tinggi (lagi, dikemudian hari) dari burj khalifa sekalipun itu tidak masalah dan sah-sah saja.
akan tetapi yang jadi perhatian saya adalah proses dan pasca pembangunan gedung itu sendiri. seharusnya tidak mengganggu masyarakat, bermanfaat bagi semua pengguna gedung dengan segala fasilitas canggihnya dan jangan sampai banyak space kosong di dalam tiap gedung tersebut. contoh kecil dulu deh, di gedung Jakarta banyak jadi buat apa toh berlomba-lomba membuat banyak gedung bertingkat tapi tidak memperhatikan manfaat secara luas justru merugikan masyarakat (baca: banjir, global warming dsb) :) tentu pemerintah setempat ikut andil dan harus memperhatikan pembatasan pembangunan gedung.
id twitter: @mynameisqaa
do we need more taller building? menurut kalian lebih baik manusia tetap membangun terus gedung tertinggi, entah bisa sampai setinggi apa, atau justru harus berhenti memiliki obsesi meraih langit lewat bangunan?
yes we (still) need.
tapi gedung tinggi yang dibangun tersebut musti didesain dengan konsep green building yang salah satunya kriterianya hemat energy.
Gedung tinggi bisa jadi icon suatu daerah, manfaatnya masyarakat/turis bisa ngelihat penampakan kota dari gedung itu.
btw,di salah satu konsep green building ada "site selection" , dimana dianjurkan membangun gedung di suatu area yang bernilai negatif dan tak terpakai karena bekas pembangunan atau dampak negatif pembangunan,sehingga bisa menghidupkan kembali daerah tersebut, bukan membuka lahan baru . Kalaupun membuka lahan baru, dianjurkan gedungnya vertikal keatas bukan horizontal .
Kabarnya di jakarta bakal dibangun gedung tertinggi, tapi sepertinya akan lebih tinggi dikit dari petronas.
btw do you know mbak prue..
cita citaku adalah berfoto di setiap gedung pencakar langit yang jadi icon di tiap negara , dengan pose pura-pura buka peta;p. Sejauh ini baru sempat foto depan burj khalifa, marina baysands ama petronas :D
twitter: @doekarisfa
"Membangun gedung tertinggi itu gak apa-apa, asal jangan sampai terobsesi untuk meraih langit juga. Do you remember Tower of Babel from the book of Genesis? People built a high tower because they were so obsessed to reach the sky and God, but then they were punished by God." -@robilliam :)
pendapatku manusia boleh saja membangun gedung sampai setinggi apapun. karena itu salah satu karya manusia dengan kreatifitas luar biasa yang dimiliki olehnya. tentunya manusia tersebut memanfaatkan kepandaian yang telah diberikan Tuhan kepada manusia itu sendiri. selagi bangunan itu unik dan memiliki nilai keindahan yang membuat orang lain takjub melihatnya. wajar-wajar saja. malahan dengan adanya bangunan unik tersebut negara itu sendiri akan menjadi makmur dan daya tarik wisatawan akan baik. @magdel_Evi
it depends on bagaimana karakter orang tersebut, menurut saya mimpi itu tetap harus berada di langit sekali pun kamu telah menggapainya
melihat dubai dengan burj khalifa itu diibaratkan dubai adalah individu yang memiliki mimpi dan burj khalifa adalah penggeraknya atau istilahnya tangga untuk mencapai mimpi iti, mimpinya? dunia tahu dubai
mereka bermimpi dan meletakkan mimpinya diatas langit dan menggunakan skyscraper buildings sebagai penggapai mimpinya
mimpi tetap harus dilangit, karena kamu akan menemukan mimpi" lain diatas mimpimu yg telah tergapai, buatlah mimpimu menembus langit hingga kamu kehilangan oksigen
caranya tergantung, realistis atau imajinatif, pesawat atau sayap.
dan jika melihat dubai
Itu artinya dubai adalah individu yg tidak pernah berhenti bermimpi
dubai believe in itself, and no one can reconstruct the mind sets, bcs mindset is set the goals, the goal creating dreams
twitter : @shabrinabbe
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