Saat bepergian sendiri biasanya
pilihan lebih luas, kita dapat menentukan tempat sesuai keinginan dan menekan
budget jika anda tidak keberatan dengan traveling
ala backpackers.
When you go travel on your own usually you have much more options to choose from. You get to decide the destination and choose our own budget. That is, if you don’t mind travelling the backpackers way.
When you go travel on your own usually you have much more options to choose from. You get to decide the destination and choose our own budget. That is, if you don’t mind travelling the backpackers way.
Namun traveling adalah hal menyenangkan yang tentunya akan lebih
membahagiakan jika dibagi bersama keluarga, dengan catatan anda harus
menentukan destinasi yang tepat untuk semua.
Travelling is a delightful thing. It can be more delightful if you bring your family along, and choose the perfect destination for everyone.
Travelling is a delightful thing. It can be more delightful if you bring your family along, and choose the perfect destination for everyone.
Berikut beberapa pilihan
destinasi untuk keluarga:
The following is a few destinations for families:
The following is a few destinations for families:
Pulau Dewata ini memang pilihan aman
untuk jadi destinasi keluarga, selain akomodasi yang sudah established, di Bali
ada banyak keseruan untuk seluruh keluarga. Dari snorkeling, diving,
mengunjungi Pura, berbelanja dan Bali Safari yang tentu disenangi oleh
Dewata Island is a safe choice for a family vacation destination. Aside from great accommodations, Bali has many fun things for the whole family. From snorkeling, diving, visiting the Balinese temples, shopping, and the Bali Safari that the children will certainly love.
Dewata Island is a safe choice for a family vacation destination. Aside from great accommodations, Bali has many fun things for the whole family. From snorkeling, diving, visiting the Balinese temples, shopping, and the Bali Safari that the children will certainly love.
Don't worry, it's just an excellent acting performance by the elephant |
Transportasi ke Bali juga lebih
mudah dan cepat jika dibandingkan destinasi di timur Indonesia, kadang membawa
balita dalam penerbangan di atas empat jam cukup jadi challenge bagi orang tua.
Transportation to Bali is also much easier and faster, if you compare that to the destinations east of Indonesia. Sometimes bringing a baby on a flight more than four hours can be a challenge for parents
Transportation to Bali is also much easier and faster, if you compare that to the destinations east of Indonesia. Sometimes bringing a baby on a flight more than four hours can be a challenge for parents
Jika Bali terlalu ramai untuk
anda, Lombok bisa jadi pilihan, dengan akomodasi yang tidak kalah dengan Bali.
Harga tiket pesawat ke Lombok juga tidak jauh berbeda dengan harga tiket ke
If Bali is too crowded for you, Lombok can be an alternative, with great accommodations similar to those in Bali. The price of plane tickets to Lombok also doesn’t range too far from flight tickets to Bali.
If Bali is too crowded for you, Lombok can be an alternative, with great accommodations similar to those in Bali. The price of plane tickets to Lombok also doesn’t range too far from flight tickets to Bali.
Untuk petualangan yang
menyenangkan namun dapat diakses oleh anak-anak, Bromo bisa jadi pilihan. Akses
masuk ke area kaldera Bromo sudah dengan kendaraan dan jika berniat menanjak ke
area kawah di atas bisa menyewa kuda untuk anak-anak.
Bromo can be the place for the kids to have a fun adventure. Access into the area of Bromo’s caldera is made by a vehicle. But if you want to go to the crater, there are rentable horses for the children to ride.
Bromo can be the place for the kids to have a fun adventure. Access into the area of Bromo’s caldera is made by a vehicle. But if you want to go to the crater, there are rentable horses for the children to ride.
Mengajak anak-anak melihat
keindahan Indonesia sejak kecil juga akan membuat mereka mencintai alam, so why don't you try? :)
Bringing the kids to see the beauty of Indonesia from a very young age will make them love nature. So why don’t you give it a try?
Bringing the kids to see the beauty of Indonesia from a very young age will make them love nature. So why don’t you give it a try?
You can spend a few days on the ship with your family |
Taman Nasional Komodo dengan
landscape dan pulau-pulau indah juga sangat menyenangkan untuk liburan bersama
keluarga. Transportasi menuju Labuan Bajo memang lebih mahal dibandingkan
ketiga opsi di atas, namun Komodo menawarkan pemandangan luar biasa dan
pengalaman menyenangkan menyusuri perairan Komodo dengan kapal.
Komodo National Park with its landscape and beautiful islands is also delightful for a family vacation. Transportation to Labuan Bajo can be more expensive compared to the three options above. But Komodo offers spectacular views and wonderful experiences cruising along the Komodo waters by boat.
Komodo National Park with its landscape and beautiful islands is also delightful for a family vacation. Transportation to Labuan Bajo can be more expensive compared to the three options above. But Komodo offers spectacular views and wonderful experiences cruising along the Komodo waters by boat.
Namun ingat bahwa beberapa titik
yang sulit untuk anak kecil seperti bukit-bukit di Gili Laba, Pulau Rinca,
Pulau Komodo dan berbagai pulau lainnya. Saya sering melihat turis luar
(terutama Eropa) yang membawa anak kecil ke Komodo, namun untuk turis lokal
dengan anak kecil (terutama untuk trekking) masih sangat jarang. Pilihan yang
lebih santai jika bepergian dengan anak kecil ke area Taman Nasional Komodo
adalah snorkeling dan bersenang-senang di pantai.
But remember, some places are difficult for children such as hills at Gili Laba, Rinca Island, Komodo Island and a few other islands. I often see foreign tourists (especially Europeans) bringing children to Komodo. But local tourists with children (especially trekking) is still a rare sight. A more relaxed option when going with children in Komodo National Park is to go snorkeling and having a blast at the beach.
But remember, some places are difficult for children such as hills at Gili Laba, Rinca Island, Komodo Island and a few other islands. I often see foreign tourists (especially Europeans) bringing children to Komodo. But local tourists with children (especially trekking) is still a rare sight. A more relaxed option when going with children in Komodo National Park is to go snorkeling and having a blast at the beach.
Di luar empat opsi di atas, masih
banyak lagi destinasi di Indonesia yang cocok untuk liburan keluarga. Start sharing travel experience with your
family and it will become a nice memories for them :)
Other than the above four options, there are still any destinations in Indonesia that suit your family vacations. Start sharing your travel experiences with your family and it will become nice memories for them :)
Also, the good news is:
Other than the above four options, there are still any destinations in Indonesia that suit your family vacations. Start sharing your travel experiences with your family and it will become nice memories for them :)
Also, the good news is:
Anda bisa mendapatkan free trip dengan keluarga ke tiga
destinasi di atas! cukup dengan ikut #KeluargaChevrolet Dream Trip Contest!
You can get a free trip with your family to the three destinations mentioned above! You can get it by joining #KeluargaChevrolet Dream Trip Contest!
You can get a free trip with your family to the three destinations mentioned above! You can get it by joining #KeluargaChevrolet Dream Trip Contest!
Caranya tulis cerita seru liburan
impian dengan tema "Segalanya Lebih Baik Bersama-sama" pada box
comment posting ini -->;114404942;i
dengan hashtag
#KeluargaChevrolet di cerita kalian.
This is how: Write a fun story of your dream vacation trip with the theme “Everything Is Better Together” in the comment box in this link – 5096;114404942;i
with hashtag #KeluargaChevrolet in your stories.
Cerita harus di submit sebelum tanggal 23 Januari 2015 dan nanti akan ada 3 pemenang #KeluargaChevrolet Dream Trip Contest yang akan mendapat hadiah liburan ke Bromo, Bali atau Lombok. Tiap pemenang bisa mengajak 3 orang teman atau anggota keluarga liburan gratis 3D/2N di destinasi tersebut.
Your story must be submitted before January 23rd, 2015 and the three winners of #KeluargaChevrolet Dream Trip Contest will win a vacation to Bromo, Bali or Lombok. Every winner can invite three friends or family to go on a free vacation in the mentioned destinations.
This is how: Write a fun story of your dream vacation trip with the theme “Everything Is Better Together” in the comment box in this link – 5096;114404942;i
with hashtag #KeluargaChevrolet in your stories.
Cerita harus di submit sebelum tanggal 23 Januari 2015 dan nanti akan ada 3 pemenang #KeluargaChevrolet Dream Trip Contest yang akan mendapat hadiah liburan ke Bromo, Bali atau Lombok. Tiap pemenang bisa mengajak 3 orang teman atau anggota keluarga liburan gratis 3D/2N di destinasi tersebut.
Your story must be submitted before January 23rd, 2015 and the three winners of #KeluargaChevrolet Dream Trip Contest will win a vacation to Bromo, Bali or Lombok. Every winner can invite three friends or family to go on a free vacation in the mentioned destinations.
Free trip with family, what could be better? :D
@marischkaprue - doesn't really have a lot of childhood
travel memories but she is happy :)
Aku dah ikut, semoga bisa kembali ke lombok :-)
eh kemanapun ok ding yg penting liburan rame2 bareng keluarga atau sahabat
seru banget bisa jalan-jalan kayak mbak.. haha
semoga mimpi ane jalan-jalan kebali dan lombok terwujud tahun depan aamiin
mampir juga ke blog travelling saya ya
Ikutan ahh~ ;D Pengen main ke lombok lagi :D
Good ideas, i love to see this place, like this in Dubai, desert safari and dhow cruise dinner you will feel same, because desert safari by land cruiser just like jeep safari.
For Family Vacation With Luxurious touch I'll prefer Dhow Cruise Marina Dinner in Dubai.
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