So I went back again to Pulo Cinta, a breath taking
above seawater villas, with stunning view everyday (you can see my blogpost
about Pulo Cinta here).
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Ready to dip in the water! |
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Pulo Cinta from above, photo by M. Ikhsan |
Pulo Cinta tidak
hanya cantik dari atas (the aerial photos are just super stunning), ataupun di
atas permukaan laut saat matahari bersinar cerah. The coral reefs around this island is super healthy.
Pulo Cinta is not
only beautiful from above (the aerial photos are just super stunning), or above
the water's surface when the sun is shining brightly. The coral reefs around
this island are super healthy.
Area snorkeling
favorit kami hanya berjarak sekitar 5 menit saja naik boat, dari unit villa pun
kita dapat berenang ke banyak lokasi untuk snorkeling namun mesti mengitari
sisi yang lebih dalam karena banyak koral di area dangkal agar tidak mengenai
koral saat berenang.
Our favorite
snorkeling area is only about 5 minutes away by boat, from villas we were able
to swim to a lot of locations for snorkeling but we should swim around the
outer deep side which since many corals are in shallow areas, so that won't
touch the corals while swimming.
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The wall |
Gugusan karang
yang cantik ini berada di area dangkal sekitar 2 hingga 5 meter saja sehingga
sangat menyenangkan untuk mengitari dan menikmati warna-warni karang yang padat
ini. Dari area dangkal langsung terdapat wall (kontur yang langsung menurun,
dalam, sehingga tampak seperti dinding) yang dari atas terlihat berwarna biru
These beautiful
coral clusters are located in the shallow area of about 2 to 5 meters so it is
fun to go around and enjoy the colorful corals of this dense. From the shallow
area there is already a wall (contour straight downhill, in, so it looked like
a wall) that from the top looks dark blue.
Kami bermain-main
di area dangkal dan perbatasan wall, kadang menyelam turun di area wall yang
dihiasi karang-karang indah. Ini juga trip pertama saya menggunakan monofin (I've learn a few times in the pool before
and been wanting to learn using monofin since long time ago), so we took several photos here, hope you
like it :)
We play in the
shallow area and the border wall, sometimes diving down in the area of wall
decorated with beautiful coral reefs. This is also my first trip using a
monofin (I've learn a few times in the pool before and been wanting to learn
using monofin since long time ago), so we took several photos here, hope you
like it :)
@marischkaprue - wishes she can breathe underwater
Photos by Ferry Rusli
Boalemo, Gorontalo
Sulawesi, Indonesia
From Jakarta to Gorontalo (Terdapat banyak penerbangan menuju Gorontalo dengan short transit time di Makassar, harga tiket Jakarta - Gorontalo saat normal season sekitar Rp. 1,6 juta - Rp. 2,5 juta PP), untuk harga tiket dari kota lain dapat dicek di website berbagai maskapai yang ada.
From Gorontalo: 2 jam naik mobil dari Bandara Jalaluddin di Gorontalo, dilanjutkan dengan naik boat (15 menit) dari Pantai Bolihutuo menuju Pulo Cinta.
From Jakarta to
Gorontalo (There are many flights to Gorontalo with short transit time in
Makassar, ticket prices Jakarta - Gorontalo during normal season around Rp. 1.6
million - Rp. 2.5 million PP), for a ticket from another city can be checked on
the website there are a variety of airlines.
From Gorontalo: 2
hours by car from Gorontalo Jalaluddin Airport, followed by a boat ride (15
minutes) from the Bolihutuo Beach towards Pulo Cinta.
Check out this blogpost toknow full information about the rates & facilities in Pulo Cinta
Jangan menginjak karang, upayakan posisi badan lurus (horizontal) saat di area dangkal yang memungkinkan kita tidak sengaja mengenai koral
Do not step on
corals, try having straight body position (horizontal) while in the shallow
areas since it possibly makes us accidentally touch on corals
Jika tidak bisa berenang, gunakan life vest, for safety reasons of course
If you cannot swim, use a life vest, for safety reasons of course
Untuk mendapatkan foto underwater, again, jangan memegang karang untuk menahan posisi badan di air, cukup berenang turun (hanya bisa sebentar pun tidak masalah), gunakan mode timelapse (dengan setting kamera mengambil foto setiap detik, sehingga kita tinggal memilih foto yang bagus), kebiasaan memegang karang untuk menahan posisi di bawah air juga akan membuat kita tidak belajar untuk turun dengan baik, dan akhirnya berenangnya juga ga semakin baik, rugi kan :)
To get the
underwater photos, again, do not hold the coral reefs to hold the position of
the body in the water, simply swim down (if you can only do it in several
minutes, it is not a problem), use timelapse mode (by setting the camera takes
photos every second, so we could just choose a nice photo) the habit of holding
on to the coral to hold an underwater position will also make us learn not to
go down well, and lastly your swimming skill is also not getting better, such a
loss :)
Jangan iseng memegang binatang laut atau koral, banyak bintang laut dan koral yang beracun (atau membuat gatal seminggu lebih, gak mau kan garuk-garuk sepanjang trip atau bahkan masuk rumah sakit?)
Do not idly holding marine animals or coral, lots of starfish and coral are toxic (or makes you itchy or allergic for about a week, you do not want the scratching during trip or even go to the hospital, right?)
Just calm, and enjoy!